..of course I don"t want MS to monopolize the market.. not for fanboy reasons, but because I want progress in technology. The PC operating system market is dead since MS monopolized it. The open source initiatives kind of revive this market, but no-one dares to invest against MS. there are more "degrees" (Wikipedia): -------------------- In mathematics, angles in degrees are rarely used, as the convenient divisibility of the number 360 is not so important. For various reasons, mathematicians typically prefer to use the radian. In this system the angles 180° and π radians are equal, or equivalently, the degree is a mathematical constant ° = π⁄180. This means, that in a complete circle (360°) there are 2π radians. The circumference of a circle is 2πr, where r is the radius. With the invention of the metric system, based on powers of ten, there was an attempt to define a "decimal degree" (grad or gon), so that the number of decimal degrees in a right angle would be 100 gon, and there would be 400 gon in a circle. Although this idea did not gain much momentum, some scientific calculators still support it. An angular mil (milliradian) is 1⁄1000 of a radian, which is convenient for survey and distance estimations due to simple trigonometry. In computer games which depict a 3 dimensional virtual world, the need for very fast computations resulted in the adoption of a binary, 256 degree system. In this system, a right angle is 64 degrees, angles can be represented in a single byte, and all trigonometric functions are implemented as small lookup tables. There is currently no known name for this unit. ----------------- Smoking pot, I guess all of them did, it's legal here so what?