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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Do Nintendo fans enjoy seeing the downfall of the HD consoles?

I love to see High Def Gaming console failing. Listening to the lamentation of the HD console fans is part of how I start my day.
The cacophony of whines and defensive retorts is, to me, like the haunting lilt of the much beloved bagpipes hearkening unto the wail of the bansidhe and she foretells the demise of the head of the household.

I eagerly await the day when Wii owners unite for the holy crusades against those few remaining non-belivers so we can usher in a new golden era of gaming. Wii is the holy grail, Miyamoto was gifted it by Joseph of Aramathea directly, and in studying it, he found a way to combine it with the Arc of the Covenant. He then channeled its holy essence into each Wii and DS console before distributing them across the world.

Seppukuties is like LBP Lite, on crack. Play it already!

Currently wrapped up in: Half Life, Portal, and User Created Source Mods
Games I want: (Wii)Mario Kart, Okami, Bully, Conduit,  No More Heroes 2 (GC) Eternal Darkness, Killer7, (PS2) Ico, God of War1&2, Legacy of Kain: SR2&Defiance

My Prediction: Wii will be achieve 48% market share by the end of 2008, and will achieve 50% by the end of june of 09. Prediction Failed.

<- Click to see more of her


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Grey Acumen said:
I love to see High Def Gaming console failing. Listening to the lamentation of the HD console fans is part of how I start my day.
The cacophony of whines and defensive retorts is, to me, like the haunting lilt of the much beloved bagpipes hearkening unto the wail of the bansidhe and she foretells the demise of the head of the household.

I eagerly await the day when Wii owners unite for the holy crusades against those few remaining non-belivers so we can usher in a new golden era of gaming. Wii is the holy grail, Miyamoto was gifted it by Joseph of Aramathea directly, and in studying it, he found a way to combine it with the Arc of the Covenant. He then channeled its holy essence into each Wii and DS console before distributing them across the world.

So which Wii peripheral is the Holy Hand Grenade? 

A flashy-first game is awesome when it comes out. A great-first game is awesome forever.

Plus, just for the hell of it: Kelly Brook at the 2008 BAFTAs

I think the real question this thread has made me think about now:

Which fanboys are the biggest elitists?



MontanaHatchet said:
I think the real question this thread has made me think about now:

Which fanboys are the biggest elitists?

Ooh ooh I got this!  The naked guy!  It's him!

Shameless said:

Let's get one thing straight before I begin - everyone on this forum should be a hardcore gamer. There are no two ways about it.

Erm... Okay... 

Because of this, it often suprises me that Nintendo fans enjoy seeing the PS360 consoles fall;

I do? Moving on...

consoles which are entirely tailored and aimed at the hardcore gaming audience.

But you said I was hardcore... and I only have a Wii... and right now my gaming needs are met. So...

The success of the Wii will mean that all console developers will spend a lot more time and money on the casual gaming audience and where does that leave us?

It leaves us at a place where a developer doesn't have to spend $100 million for a sequel.

From what I can see of this generation, gaming will cease to be a hardcore form of entertainment.

Good, we can stop being a niche group... oh wait... we've been going down this path ever since the PSX.

We'll still have hardcore games in the future but they're likely to be lower budget and less innovative.

Good, I was tired of the innovative titles such as Halo 3, GTAIV, and Grand Turismo 5. Too many numbers. And of course, lower budget = bad. As they say, Developers who cannot afford to make a game shouldn't make a game.

As far as I can see, our preferred form of entertainment will go down the shitter as it becomes less and less profitable to make hardcore games.

Dang, and here I was hoping for MegaMan GXLSilver7: Dual Shadows version. Tis a shame.

The success of the HD consoles is extremely likely to be the deciding factor on what the state of gaming will be in the next gen.

And here I was liking how gaming was becoming more expensive and less innovative. Curse you Wii!

 I blame Wii Fit.

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That classifies as a Wii-hater, not Okami-fanboy.

Kimi wa ne tashika ni ano toki watashi no soba ni ita

Itsudatte itsudatte itsudatte

Sugu yoko de waratteita

Nakushitemo torimodosu kimi wo

I will never leave you

RolStoppable said:
MontanaHatchet said:
I think the real question this thread has made me think about now:

Which fanboys are the biggest elitists?

Okami fanboys. They even refuse to buy the game for the Wii, because it's the Wii.

Hey, Wii owners like playing ports. Even I'm guilty of it. We Okami fanboys were born on the PS2.

Dtewi: So I'm a Wii hater for not sitting around and laughing at those whose gaming tastes don't agree with mine despite most Nintendo fans earlier criticising the "hardcore" for trying to put down casual gamers? Look, this whole thing has turned a lot of Nintendo fans here into elitists, sarcastic or not. It's not a criticism, it's just what happens when your console is the most successful. 




RolStoppable said:
Yes, I enjoy the downfall of the HD consoles.

The rising development costs have caused the majority of the industry to place their bets on the proven horses: FPS, sports and racing games or generally violent games. Innovation is nearly non-existent, most of the time it's just refining graphics, physics etc. in these games.

Basically you get served a handful of genres which are more of the same. What makes it worse for me is that FPS and sports games are among my least favorite genres. Due to this, there's only a handful of games released on the HD consoles each year which I am interested in.

I believe that the Wii's success will counter this direction the market was heading to and due to the lower development costs on the Wii there will be more innovative games in ALL genres in the coming years. That's what I am looking for.

The fear that there won't be enough core games on the Wii is unjustified. For the budget of a single HD game you can probably make a core game and two "casual" games on the Wii. So even if there would be more of these "casual" games, the number of core games stays the same.

Lastly, if someone is really such a hardcore gamer and loves what the 360 and PS3 offer, why don't they move towards PC gaming? There you get pretty much the same genres with better graphics, better online, lower prices for the games. Apparently it isn't that expensive anymore to build a good gaming PC.

 You are my hero. Very well said. It is very nice that almost everyone that disagree with the OP voiced it in such a civil manner. I just hope next generation everyone will launch under U$ 300.

Satan said:

"You are for ever angry, all you care about is intelligence, but I repeat again that I would give away all this superstellar life, all the ranks and honours, simply to be transformed into the soul of a merchant's wife weighing eighteen stone and set candles at God's shrine."

MontanaHatchet said:
RolStoppable said:
MontanaHatchet said:
I think the real question this thread has made me think about now:

Which fanboys are the biggest elitists?

Okami fanboys. They even refuse to buy the game for the Wii, because it's the Wii.

Hey, Wii owners like playing ports. Even I'm guilty of it. We Okami fanboys were born on the PS2.

Dtewi: So I'm a Wii hater for not sitting around and laughing at those whose gaming tastes don't agree with mine despite most Nintendo fans earlier criticising the "hardcore" for trying to put down casual gamers? Look, this whole thing has turned a lot of Nintendo fans here into elitists, sarcastic or not. It's not a criticism, it's just what happens when your console is the most successful.


I don't think rol meant you. See the bolded part. Your reason is that you already have it. 

A flashy-first game is awesome when it comes out. A great-first game is awesome forever.

Plus, just for the hell of it: Kelly Brook at the 2008 BAFTAs

its nice and all of you to critisize hd games for not being innovative, but i dont recall ssmb, mkwii, tloz:tp, mp 3 and mario g being innovative.

Sure wiifit and wiisports are somewhat innovative, but if this is what u call innovation i rather play the 'conventional games'.

Also hd games are mostly violent, but you dont mind when u play games that are considered kiddy because you say gameplay is more important than appearance.

Yet you dont like violent games cuz they appear violent and more realistic.
kind of contradicting yourselves.