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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Do Nintendo fans enjoy seeing the downfall of the HD consoles?

It is revenge time for the Wii fans this generation, with Wii more than doubling console sales of the PS3. Over a decade the PS1 and PS2 mauled both the N64 and Game Cube in console sales.

230 million consoles sold  for the first two Play Station  between 1994 to now, compared to N64 and Game Cube 56 million consoles sold. Sony outsold Nintendo in consoles by more than 4 times.

Nintendo fans with the Wii's success will be saying revenge is sweet and will be popping the champagne that has been on ice for many years.

Around the Network
windbane said:
Cheebee said:
Grey Acumen said:
I love to see High Def Gaming console failing. Listening to the lamentation of the HD console fans is part of how I start my day.
The cacophony of whines and defensive retorts is, to me, like the haunting lilt of the much beloved bagpipes hearkening unto the wail of the bansidhe and she foretells the demise of the head of the household.

I eagerly await the day when Wii owners unite for the holy crusades against those few remaining non-belivers so we can usher in a new golden era of gaming. Wii is the holy grail, Miyamoto was gifted it by Joseph of Aramathea directly, and in studying it, he found a way to combine it with the Arc of the Covenant. He then channeled its holy essence into each Wii and DS console before distributing them across the world.

That's one classic post. :p +1 For you.

I fiind it religiously offensive.

Yeah, Indiana Jones would be rolling over in his grave right now.


Seppukuties is like LBP Lite, on crack. Play it already!

Currently wrapped up in: Half Life, Portal, and User Created Source Mods
Games I want: (Wii)Mario Kart, Okami, Bully, Conduit,  No More Heroes 2 (GC) Eternal Darkness, Killer7, (PS2) Ico, God of War1&2, Legacy of Kain: SR2&Defiance

My Prediction: Wii will be achieve 48% market share by the end of 2008, and will achieve 50% by the end of june of 09. Prediction Failed.

<- Click to see more of her


Skeeuk said:

i dont see a fall of hd consoles at all.

wii is ahead in sales simply because nintendo have tapped into a new market which includes family play and child play

ninty have done very well though, they are a business after all i give them props for that

i dont think the ps3 and 360 will be catching sales on wii, but as far as gaming all the biggest and best titles are on ps3 360

but what a gamble nintendo have made and its paid off big time!

 How can you consider "child play" a new market at all? Every kid I knew played video games back in the day. Almost every child I have been introduced to has played games at some point with varying degrees of enjoyment. Children always have been, and always will be a part of the core market. The area they have expanded the market into is with older people, and women. Essentially they have taken their stance of not catering specifically to the "mature" market (13-30 male) and run away with it. While I find it cute to see so many core gamers confusing child oriented with female friendly, I do occasionally feel the need to point out where it is wrong.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229

windbane said:
Cheebee said:
Grey Acumen said:
I love to see High Def Gaming console failing. Listening to the lamentation of the HD console fans is part of how I start my day.
The cacophony of whines and defensive retorts is, to me, like the haunting lilt of the much beloved bagpipes hearkening unto the wail of the bansidhe and she foretells the demise of the head of the household.

I eagerly await the day when Wii owners unite for the holy crusades against those few remaining non-belivers so we can usher in a new golden era of gaming. Wii is the holy grail, Miyamoto was gifted it by Joseph of Aramathea directly, and in studying it, he found a way to combine it with the Arc of the Covenant. He then channeled its holy essence into each Wii and DS console before distributing them across the world.

That's one classic post. :p +1 For you.

I fiind it religiously offensive.

Interesting Nintendo being linked to the Bible lol

Anyway religions are all made up by men of different cultures. Religion just gives people something to believe in to fill their lives with hope and fill their soul with spirituality.

BTW: I am an atheist I know some people need religion in their lives. I see no point of religion all it does is cause division.

Rock_on_2008 said:
Interesting Nintendo being linked to the Bible lol

Anyway religions are all made up by men of different cultures. Religion just gives people something to believe in to fill their lives with hope and fill their soul with spirituality.

BTW: I am an atheist I know some people need religion in their lives. I see no point of religion all it does is cause division.

 I always find it ironic that atheists view acceptance of something on faith so distasteful when they accept on faith their own beliefs.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229

Around the Network

I would take no pleasure in MS or Sony failing...


I don't see that happening any time soon.

Nintendo selling consoles doesn't directly hurt the 360 or PS3, and last I checked their sales are doing fairly well. Maybe they're not hitting the extraordinary numbers of the Wii, but then no other console has *ever* sold this quickly, or this well in a non-peak time. Just because PS3 isn't matching those record-setting numbers doesn't mean they have anything to feel ashamed of, and the sales of GTA4 attest that HD gaming is alive and well.

Nintendo's success isn't the same as HD gaming's failure.

donathos said:
I would take no pleasure in MS or Sony failing...


I don't see that happening any time soon.

Nintendo selling consoles doesn't directly hurt the 360 or PS3, and last I checked their sales are doing fairly well. Maybe they're not hitting the extraordinary numbers of the Wii, but then no other console has *ever* sold this quickly, or this well in a non-peak time. Just because PS3 isn't matching those record-setting numbers doesn't mean they have anything to feel ashamed of, and the sales of GTA4 attest that HD gaming is alive and well.

Nintendo's success isn't the same as HD gaming's failure.

To fanboys, of either side, it is the same thing. It was just as the PS2's success, or even the Xbox'x sales, meant the GC was a failure last gen.  

A flashy-first game is awesome when it comes out. A great-first game is awesome forever.

Plus, just for the hell of it: Kelly Brook at the 2008 BAFTAs

GrimPoppet said:
They are not downfalling...
But they are the last of their kind.

 Non-sense. The only reason the 360 and PS3 are "failing" compared to the Wii is because they split their sales. The core market is smaller than the expanded market Nintendo is currently tapping into, but far from insignificant. While a lot of core gamers love the new direction of the Wii, not all of them are all that wild about it. Combine the sales of the two systems and you have a product that would rival the Wii currently. There will always be a market for that type of system, and it will always be large. So long as that stays true, then there will always be a company making money off of that market. 

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229

it doesnt bother me at all.

Proud Owner of all 3 current-gen systems

Currently Playing:
SSBB, Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn, MKWii, GTA IV (360), MGS4, DQIV, Jeanne d'Arc, FFVII: Crisis Core, Chrono Trigger (PSX)

Mario Kart FC: 4897-6731-4375
SSBB FC: 1504-5406-8515
Wii Friends Code: 1020-2726-1535-3964

PSN: PhatLaosBoi

Someone call me when Wii fit, Wii Play & Wii Sports are considered hardcore games.