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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Super Smash Bros. Brawl Official Updates

Hopefully it will be Stephen Colbert! Stephen Colbert for Brawl!!!!

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I'm predicting it is Smash related.

DonWii said:
I'm predicting it is Smash related.

Watch it be a notice: So today I went shopping with Miyamoto. We bought.....


TWRoO said:
Smashchu said:
Course rules.

But, can you make a character out of the DS symbol?

There aren't any characters for World_01, there doesn't have to be a character for each i suppose.

maybe things like the Advance Wars assist will be included in DS....But no i can't think of a character. Unless it means Handhelds rather than just which case Mr Game and Watch could be that character, but tha goes against the "worlds 2-14 are veteran characters" thing.


 That's what I'm thinking. But Dr. Kawashima or EBA/Ouendan is posibble. I'd love to see a DS character just to say how awesome it would be and it would make me LAWL.

Todays update will be a level from Super Mario Galaxy. You move to different plants and sometimes you will be upside down, others you will not be able to jump, some places are big some are small.

But come to think of it a level was yesterday so that wont happen.

So tomorrows real update will be break the targets like the home run contest.

Need people to play online with me for Brawl.

Name is DROAK.  

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I think for now on when I do predict things it will be off the wall.

Need people to play online with me for Brawl.

Name is DROAK.  

So something about that pictochat level...We've already had a game & watch character...the NES Robots are in the game...why couldn't the DS make an appearance...or the regular NES?

Today's update:

You must move!

Did you know that you can walk or run in Smash? It's true! It may be a very difficult thing for some people to learn but I hope you will be able to learn this advanced technique early on in the game.

To walk, all you have to is tap left or right on the +Control Pad. Or you can move the Control Stick left or right.

Going for a morning walk Yoshi?

You can also run too! To run, all you have to do it tap the left or right on the +Control pad twice. You can also smash the Control Stick left or right to run.

He's running at LIGHTNING SPEED! WOAH!

You can also move while using certain shooting items.

That was beautiful.

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Haiku Group: Haiku Hell.
Nemeses: Snesboy, fkusumot. 
GameDaily Article that Interviewed Me: Console Defense Forces.


Thanks, I was bored.