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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Super Smash Bros. Brawl Official Updates

DonWii said:
weezy said:



where is my boy ness?!



There, on the right.

Oh wow. More FF cosplay. Really people, let's get more games here.


Anyway, that blogpost DonWii did is old. The alphebetical thing is also very old and very false.  The two reasons are 1)It manipulates factors to work in it's favor. Ice Climbers in Japan begins with an A but thery made it Popo so the P would work. Came for F-Zero. It's out of order with F so it's Capt. Falcon which in Japanese uses a K. 2)It doesn't use the Japanese alphebet. It goes by the English letterization, but Japan's alphebet isn't in the same order as ours.

Also, I'm hoping for Newcomer or Capt. Falcon tomarrow. 


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^The original 1-18(now 20) is old, but the alphabet of newcomers was new to me.
Not sure about the other 1-14, but atleast the newcomers have some sort of order.

DonWii said:
^The original 1-18(now 20) is old, but the alphabet of newcomers was new to me.
Not sure about the other 1-14, but atleast the newcomers have some sort of order.

 It's been out for a while, but it may not have gone far from it's origins. 

Tomorrow is a newcomer!!!!

Tonight's update will be Zelda's special moves, actually.

Bet with disolitude: Left4Dead will have a higher Metacritic rating than Project Origin, 3 months after the second game's release.  (hasn't been 3 months but it looks like I won :-p )

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Tonight's update is in truth Sakurai showing us the deed to our souls. I hear he got them on E-bay.

You can find me on facebook as Markus Van Rijn, if you friend me just mention you're from VGchartz and who you are here.

I predict some sort of video.

I think... A new game mode :P

Chronological Compilation-Subspace Emissary.



Wolf O'Donnell will not be playable. Here is a video of Fox with Wolf's clothes on. Fox wins the match to see it better. I wanted Wolf playable!!! *cries*