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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Super Smash Bros. Brawl Official Updates

@I like Bacon, then why did you mention it?

The US site has that because it's all US info...US delay, E for All in the US...might have been nice to mention to foreigners that this convention is going on...but it wouldn't do them much good until some gameplay footage gets online.

Bet with disolitude: Left4Dead will have a higher Metacritic rating than Project Origin, 3 months after the second game's release.  (hasn't been 3 months but it looks like I won :-p )

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can we just forget it? god, everyone is acting like I'm retarded.

I like Bacon said:
can we just forget it? god, everyone is acting like I'm retarded.

Off topic - lol that totally just reminded me of Napolean Dynamite (such a retard!)

Wii Friendcode - 6327 2612 7683 5724

feel free to add me whenever (just PM me to let me know)

people on another site was making fun of me for saying that too. I just gave it a quick mention that now we have 1 more article than the other parts of the site. and everyone just started freaking out and started yelling at me. I just don't understand some people.

I guess Sakurai saw Halo3 and decided smash needed a snapshot mode. So blame Halo for the delay.

Seriously though... there's going to be a lot of SMASH pictures on the web! And finally a reason for the Photo Channel! Yeah!

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I like Bacon said:
hmm...I don't know if I should really count Pokemon Trainer, Ice Climber, Wario and Ike in my list of characters that appeared in the updates. Because those pics are on the menus, and aren't currently on a stage.

and another thing, I can totally see Nintendo releasing Super Smash Bros. on December 3rd


on the VC.

lol, you thought I was talking about Brawl for a second? lol

Anyone going to E for All?? since well i live on the other side of the world..

Wii Friendcode - 6327 2612 7683 5724

feel free to add me whenever (just PM me to let me know)

I like Bacon said:
I like Bacon said:
hmm...I don't know if I should really count Pokemon Trainer, Ice Climber, Wario and Ike in my list of characters that appeared in the updates. Because those pics are on the menus, and aren't currently on a stage.

and another thing, I can totally see Nintendo releasing Super Smash Bros. on December 3rd


on the VC.

lol, you thought I was talking about Brawl for a second? lol

that was one nasty joke, i was fooled.


Wii Friendcode - 6327 2612 7683 5724

feel free to add me whenever (just PM me to let me know)

fkusumot said:
I guess Sakurai saw Halo3 and decided smash needed a snapshot mode. So blame Halo for the delay.

Seriously though... there's going to be a lot of SMASH pictures on the web! And finally a reason for the Photo Channel! Yeah!

There was a snapshot mode in Melee already. Grabbing screenshots is borrowed from PC gaming. But your right there's gonna be lots of smash pics on the web.




I have decided to never include the characters that only appear on Menus. Therefore, Pokemon Trainer, Ice Climbers, Wario and Ike will not be recieving a point.

  • Mario: 53
  • Wario: 36
  • Link: 36
  • Kirby: 36
  • Fox: 30
  • Pit: 26
  • Yoshi: 25
  • Pikachu: 23
  • ZSS: 19
  • Metaknight: 17
  • Samus: 16
  • DK: 16 
  • Bowser: 14
  • Zelda: 14  
  • Peach: 11  
  • Ike: 10
  • Diddy Kong: 8
  • PT: 7
  • Snake: 7
  • Lucas: 3
  • IC: 3
  • Sonic: 3