--OkeyDokey-- said:
leaked from japan probably. its just been released over there. |
Is has already? I tought it wasn't til' another week of so man I'm so behind it's not even funny .
And naz thanks for the link.
--OkeyDokey-- said:
leaked from japan probably. its just been released over there. |
Is has already? I tought it wasn't til' another week of so man I'm so behind it's not even funny .
And naz thanks for the link.
loadedstatement said: Has Wolf been confirmed yet? I want to see pics!! |
Not yet.
The picture with K. Rool and WW Ganon are trophies.
Toon Link has a pretty wicked alternate colour.
There's still no undeniable proof if Wolf is in the game. I hope it's actually Midna or someone else more interesting...
Nazna, why are you so sure about only 35.... or that the last character has to be Krystal or wolf?
SSBB FC: 5155 2671 4071 elgefe02: "VGChartz's Resident Raving Rabbit" MKWii:5155-3729-0989
Entroper said: Apologies if this has already been posted -- but I'm not searching through 10,000 posts. :)
wow such an awesome video,more people need to see this
elgefe02 said: Nazna, why are you so sure about only 35.... or that the last character has to be Krystal or wolf? |
There was a leaked roster days ago that had 35 characters. So far, 34 have been true. The last one is Wolf but hasnt been unlocked by anyone yet that we know of.
Brian ZuckerGeneral PR Manager, VGChartzbzucker@vgchartz.com
Parokki said: Toon Link has a pretty wicked alternate colour. There's still no undeniable proof if Wolf is in the game. I hope it's actually Midna or someone else more interesting... |
There is proof that the last character will be in the Star Fox column. Check it out:
If the last character is in that column then Bowser goes down to the bottom rown and everyone shifts to the right and... viola. Every franchise is matched up by column perfectly. The last character can ONLY be in that column.
^hm i think he might be doing the final smash ,which seems pretty cool
elgefe02 said: Nazna, why are you so sure about only 35.... or that the last character has to be Krystal or wolf? |
A few reasons.
1) The leaked 35 character roster from back in december has been right about everything. Including the longshots like Toon Link and ROB. The only things they have gotten wrong were the order of the last 2 rows, and they thought ROB was the Star Fox version.
2) We are out of space on the page. 1 more character is all there is room for.
3) See my post above about why it's Krystal or Wolf. The 35 character roster said Wolf, but he did get a couple things minorly off.
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