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Forums - Sales Discussion - Will Wii-Fit OUTSELL Ps3 by Xmas 09

From this weeks WW chart:
I, too, think Wii Fit has a good chance of beating PS3 by Christmas 09.

Wii Fit:
150k/week for 90 weeks = 13.5 million more copies

13.5 million more copies + 3.25 already sold + 2.25 million for the first month in the Us = 19 Million (Not including holiday bump)

180k/week *90 weeks = 16.2 million

Thats 28 million....

Now for a more aggressive Wii Fit Projection:
300k/week = 27 million
30 million copies of Wii Fit.

I don't think it will hit 30 million in 90 weeks, but I do think that Wii Fit will be somewhere between 20 million and 25 million, which would be giving PS3 a run for its money.

Ultimately I don't think it will catch up to the PS3, but it will get close.

Normally I wouldn't think any non pack in would reach 25 million, but i think by Christmas 09 there will be an official bundle; also, there is going to be some major casual support from EA which can't hurt.....
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.....Just to clear it up, I said that WiiFit probably isn't going to pass the PS3 and my prediction of 25 million is dependent on a bundle. My real estimate was the first one, 19 million. (Which also is a bit high, but I am sticking with it)

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I want to add: while I don't expect it to, it wouldn't surprise me.

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.

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Why do you care. Honestly is this what you want your games to turn into. Novelty exercise toys.

Sure if your a Nintendo Fanboy you will be super excited to see your console continue to pounce others. But really does seeing WiiPlay and now WiiFit selling so well really do anything for you. Is that what you want to see happen with gaming.

I now see this in my own family when we go to my sister in laws and they now have a Wii (they got it at Christmas) they have WiiSports, WiiPlay, and DDR. Funny thing is the her kids play far more 360 at our house. I am sure She will pick up WiiFit. She is the perfect demographic for it. Her kids want Rock Band they will get WiiFit.

My wife on the other hand thinks it is ridiculous. She likes to exercise and wants the kids to exercise, but she wants them outside.

Its libraries that sell systems not a single game.

I don't care one way or the other except that it would be setting records, I am a numbers fanboy.

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.

are you seriously implying that an cheap bit of plastic that has been labelled a fad that will be unsupported other than it's pack in game could outsell the state of the art HD console of choice that will define home entertainment for the next decade?

Could do


@steven 787

you think it'll beat GC, XB & DC then...

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

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I hope this garbage flops and doesn't do anywhere near as well as people expect it to. I don't get why people actually like this stuff. How fun is standing on a board? I don't think this game will outsell the PS3 at all.

I am Washu-bot B, loyal servant of Final-Fan, the greatest scientific genius in the universe!

Riot Of The Blood said:
I don't get why people actually like this stuff. How fun is standing on a board?

 You sound like those old grumpy guys making fun of the kids new "video games"?  How fun is pressing that little button?

Riot Of The Blood said:
I hope this garbage flops and doesn't do anywhere near as well as people expect it to. I don't get why people actually like this stuff. How fun is standing on a board? I don't think this game will outsell the PS3 at all.

I don't get it. Why do people like holding a piece of plastic and pushing buttons!


EDIT : arzm2K, you beat me to it

Playing : PC  AOE, DiRT 2, Runes of Magic, Wings of Prey & Planetside 2  

Wii U : Nintendoland, Super Mario U  & Fifa 2013 demo

DS : Guitar Hero : On Tour

Formerly unknown as Vengi

It won't pass the PS3.
It probably will never even get close.
It will, however, sell pretty well and in all likelyhood pass the current number of sold PS3 within a year.

This is invisible text!

Are people so completely caught up in the Wii's success that they'd believe something that absurd?

I mean, that makes no sense whatsoever. Even if Wii Fit could outsell the PS3's weekly average, the PS3 has a humongous lead. Much of Wii Fit's sales advantage in Japan has been expired, although it stills holds a huge lead over the PS3 there and will pass its sales soon.

Wii Fit will be incredibly popular, but you have to remember that Wii Fit wil likely never sell as much in North America as the PS3 will, despite the love in the U.S. for fitness devices. And despite its strong launch in Europe, it will likely never catch up the PS3 there if the PS3 continues at its current strength.

I'd expect JohnLucas to say something like that, but come on now, even Wii Play can't outsell the PS3. What makes you think that Wii Fit will? Especially with Final Fantasy 13 hitting sometime in 2009 (at least I hope), sales for the PS3 will greatly increase in Japan.

The Wii is a very powerful console, but it can't do everything.