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Why do you care. Honestly is this what you want your games to turn into. Novelty exercise toys.

Sure if your a Nintendo Fanboy you will be super excited to see your console continue to pounce others. But really does seeing WiiPlay and now WiiFit selling so well really do anything for you. Is that what you want to see happen with gaming.

I now see this in my own family when we go to my sister in laws and they now have a Wii (they got it at Christmas) they have WiiSports, WiiPlay, and DDR. Funny thing is the her kids play far more 360 at our house. I am sure She will pick up WiiFit. She is the perfect demographic for it. Her kids want Rock Band they will get WiiFit.

My wife on the other hand thinks it is ridiculous. She likes to exercise and wants the kids to exercise, but she wants them outside.

Its libraries that sell systems not a single game.