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Forums - Sales Discussion - The Official NPD April 2008 Thread

I assume the GTA IV boost in console sales figures have not been included in the NPD figures? So that would explain the differences between the 360 and PS3 figure variances between NPD and VGChartz

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Your assumption makes no sense Rock_On

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Pandora's Tower will sell less than 100k lifetime in Japan.
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Rock_on_2008 said:
I assume the GTA IV boost in console sales figures have not been included in the NPD figures? So that would explain the differences between the 360 and PS3 figure variances between NPD and VGChartz
There was no significant boost due to GTA.  I don't know why people assumed there would be this huge boost.

NPD mentioned that there could yet be a boost, and it could happen in May. But they mentioned that they were surprised that the game didn't seem to sell consoles at all, and that the consoles did significantly worse in April than March.

Arguing that the Wii is not competing with the 360/PS3 is foolish. Look at the console sales -- last generation, gamers purchased lots of systems. This generation, they purchased even more. It seems obvious to me that gaming is more popular than ever. But if you don't count the Wii, then gaming mysteriously had a huge decrease in popularity.

The only reasonable conclusion is that Wii sales do take away from PS3 and 360 sales. For me, for example, I bought a Wii in place of a 360/PS3 for a long time, then added a 360 eventually. I still find the Wii to have great games, but the 360 is pretty fun. And, hell, we got Guitar Hero 2 for $16 with guitar, so that's not a bad deal.

Microsoft gave out a press release about the boost in the UK, but they didn't about the US.

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I love my Wii, but I don't want to see the HD console's die off. I hope the sales pick up, hopefully they'll get a GTAIV boost next month.




Sorry, bud but the fact is 360 did outsell PS3 according to NPD. Wii Mario Kart outsell GTAIV on PS3, I remembered all the rambling about this is PS3 franchise. (Not to mention no big boost for PS3 hardware like most were proclaiming).

360 sale is also anemic but hardly surprising. I think both MS and Sony should at least be happy that the sale on both console are up from last year.

I don't know about other area but for the last month, my local stores (Fred and Wal-mart) both have shelves full of PS3 and 360. I saw Wii once or twice but they are always gone the next day. Both stores are now again stocking 40gb Spiderman bundle for PS3.

What interesting however is 360 versions of GTA4 is sold out at Wal-mart this week along with all the 360 sku. They have plenty of PS3 versions and system. FM is almost sold out of 360 GTA4, it seems they finally move couple of Pro units, there are shelves full of PS3 GTA4 even the Limited Edition are plentiful.

May be a late hardware boost? and we will see better 360 / PS3 numbers next month? But I doubt it will beat the Wii, Mario Kart is completely sold out and they already make huge space for Wii Fit and put up all type of posters and end cap for it. Expecting another month of Nintendo revenge. I still remembered when everybody was laughing at Nintendo "Rev" at E3 couple years back.

The ps3/360 numbers make no sense whatsoever. I wasn't expecting hardware numbers to rise much with GTAIV, but for them to go DOWN? Wtf?  And in GTA's biggest territory? European numbers spiked considerably with GTAIV, according to VGChartz and more "official" sources (ChartTrack), so why would the opposite happen in the US?

ioi's numbers seem much more accurate than NPD's in this instance, and I can't help but think that NPD screwed something up here.

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. I've lost my mind reading this thread. I can not believe i just spent an hour reading 8 pages.

1. I feel like a fan boy saying npd's numbers are wrong because i defended them when they made the ps3 look better than vgc, but my humble apologies to ioi and all others who work on VGC for that gaff, because there is no way that NPD is correct at that you are so off.

2. Why are nintendbots so happy at these numbers? does it really make a difference how much the wii outsold the HD consoles by? By either VGC or NPD it outsold the hd consoles combined GTAIV week. Game set match...nintendo is winning big. Stop gloating, its unbecoming of you. Where is your loyalty to the website that you spend so much time on?

Well i am going to bed because my head hurts now. Good night all.

I posted this in the spin thread, but I'll repeat it here.

I think if NPD were grossly in error, we would see that reflected in the corporate spin. I don't think they would say it like that, but we would hear something like:

The launch of GTAIV kicks off an incredible month of PS3/X360 sales for May.

However, there is no such statement which leads me to believe their internal data is consistent with NPD. Sony hints at better sales, but it's kind of buried.

There is not even the slightest remark that contradicts the NPD results in any way. Contractually they are obligated not to criticize, but there are many ways to say sales were better than reported without breaching any contracts.