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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Xbox 360 fanatic spends thousands to play games on a Sony TV

He may have more xbox games than I have NES, but I I'd bet money that my NES collection is worth a hell of a lot more.


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rasone77 said:

He may have more xbox games than I have NES, but I I'd bet money that my NES collection is worth a hell of a lot more.


^Wow that is a huge collection and they are collectables. You would make a fortune selling those games. But there your babies, nothing can replace them even though you may have not played some of them for over 20+years.

Rock_on_2008 said:
How ironic though a diehard Microsoft fan buying a Sony HDTV to play his games. this is indeed news on a gaming forum. It stirs people up, lol. He could easily have bought a Sharp, Panasonic, Samsung TV instead, but a Sony HDTV. Sony is Microsoft's direct competition in the HD gaming market. Wii is in the same current console generation but Wii is not a HD console.

Rock, but you do understand they are not competitors in the HDTV market right?

Tag: Hawk - Reluctant Dark Messiah (provided by fkusumot)

Hawk said:
Rock_on_2008 said:
How ironic though a diehard Microsoft fan buying a Sony HDTV to play his games. this is indeed news on a gaming forum. It stirs people up, lol. He could easily have bought a Sharp, Panasonic, Samsung TV instead, but a Sony HDTV. Sony is Microsoft's direct competition in the HD gaming market. Wii is in the same current console generation but Wii is not a HD console.

Rock, but you do understand they are not competators in the HDTV market right?

 Ok I understand but it is still funny nonetheless lol.

CAL4M1TY said:
|_emmiwinks said:

Anyways, what really fails is your signature. You think Microsoft and Sony wont sell more then 3-4 million units in the next 7 months but Nintendo will sell 10 million?

I've got this thing, it's called standing by what I said. My predictions, much like many people on this site, were made at the end of last year, when we knew the figures back then. Obviously my values weren't thoroughly thought out and I'll probably be wrong, but that doesn't mean I'm going to change my signature. What fails is that you come onto this forum with a lack of understanding of the way things are done (people make predictions and some are much more ridiculous then mine, but I respect their right to predict) and post nothing but trash.


PLEASE MAKE A COME BACK, I'd love to hear it.



I present you with the official thread winning cookie for that excellent rant.  Enjoy.

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Rock_on_2008 said:
Hawk said:
Rock_on_2008 said:
How ironic though a diehard Microsoft fan buying a Sony HDTV to play his games. this is indeed news on a gaming forum. It stirs people up, lol. He could easily have bought a Sharp, Panasonic, Samsung TV instead, but a Sony HDTV. Sony is Microsoft's direct competition in the HD gaming market. Wii is in the same current console generation but Wii is not a HD console.

Rock, but you do understand they are not competitors in the HDTV market right?

Ok I understand but it is still funny nonetheless lol.

 Besides the fact that, EVEN if they were, if MicroSoft had a hand in HDTVs, so what?  You seem to be stuck on the thought people should be blindly loyal to a brand, rather than get what they see as the best product.  ::shrug::  I still don't see the irony

Tag: Hawk - Reluctant Dark Messiah (provided by fkusumot)

meh, Sony's TV and gaming divisions are two completely different entities that only thing in common is that they have the Sony name attached to it.

No irony there really.


Also, how many Live games does he have? 

Rock_on_2008 said:
rasone77 said:

He may have more xbox games than I have NES, but I I'd bet money that my NES collection is worth a hell of a lot more.


^Wow that is a huge collection and they are collectables. You would make a fortune selling those games. But there your babies, nothing can replace them even though you may have not played some of them for over 20+years.

 That picture is over a year old, I've added several things to it since I snapped it. I'll have to update the pic pretty soon. 

Some things missing:

Complete Activison Wireless Double Score controllers, Complete NES Fourscore, about 10 games including Dragon Warrior 3 and 4. Resident evil 4 Gamecube controller. All my Wii games, My LoZ: Phantom Hourglass Art Print, Mario Galaxy Coin. A stuffed Nintendo Character collection. Yeah