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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Banjo Kazooie - Nuts and Bolts Trailer!!!!!!!!

Munkeh111 said:
The vehicle editor reminded me of the Kingdom Hearts gummie bear editor

I was just about to say that.

I had a flashback from Kingdom Hearts 1 (Never played 2).


Starcraft is going to have a fit when if this thread is still open when he comes back next week.  

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ToastyJaguar said:
I have a feeling that every single new trailer for a 360 game this year will have lots of people saying how rubbish it looks.

I'm counting Gears 2 and BK3 at the moment. Whats next Ninja Gaiden 2? Fable 2?
Thats my prediction, all these games will be hounded upon and compared to a bunch of other stuff.

Like I said in my previous post, they are all PS3 fanboys. It shows a that they are worried. 


Well, I posted a topic about an IGN article that talked about it in more depth but it was buried I think.

Here it is again

From what I understand, there are 7 hub worlds which are the "levels" so it will be a platformer, at least on a certain level. However they say that Banjo lost most of his moves...

How many cups of darkness have I drank over the years? Even I don't know...


ToastyJaguar said:
I have a feeling that every single new trailer for a 360 game this year will have lots of people saying how rubbish it looks.

I'm counting Gears 2 and BK3 at the moment. Whats next Ninja Gaiden 2? Fable 2?
Thats my prediction, all these games will be hounded upon and compared to a bunch of other stuff.

I predict, that for the rest of the year, EVERY trailer that comes out, for games on any console, will have lots of people saying how bad it looks. They will also have lots of people saying how good it looks.


thx u

Here's a video from my band's last show Check out more (bigger) videos here
ToastyJaguar said:
I have a feeling that every single new trailer for a 360 game this year will have lots of people saying how rubbish it looks.

I'm counting Gears 2 and BK3 at the moment. Whats next Ninja Gaiden 2? Fable 2?
Thats my prediction, all these games will be hounded upon and compared to a bunch of other stuff.

To be fair, I think Gaiden 2, Fable 2, and Gears 2 look fantastic.

Also, Banjo compared itself to Mario in that trailer, not us.


It's like a McDonalds commercial that has people eating McChickens, and then Zeus comes down from heaven and offers them Ambrosa and Mana, and they slap him, make him explode, and keep eating the McChickens.


Watch the trailer before defending, imo, lol. 

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


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ToastyJaguar said:
This game looks awesome!
Okay... I follow...

AND don't judge a game that isn't even out yet duh.
But you just said "This game looks awesome" up there...  So how praytell can you judge a game that isn't out, yet proclaim it looks 'awesome'? 

disolitude said:
johnsobas said:
disolitude said:
johnsobas said:
disolitude said:

Resident Evil 4 did not have zombies... Try telling Sonic fans that 3d was a natural progression...

Nice argument, you're really getting somewhere. Sonic going to 3d was natural progression, and it is also basically what caused the downfall of sonic for so long. 3D sonic games weren't as good as 2D ones, but sonic couldn't continue to be 2D on consoles. If it was as simple as continuing in 2D they would have done that. Many people liked 2D mario games better, some don't, but they are still the same style of gameplay just done in 3D rather than 2D.

You are comparing something that stays true to the original in gameplay, the only thing that changed was the perspective and controls to something that completely changed the genre of the game, the core of the game is completely changed to the point it doesn't really resemble the past games anymore. Mostly what is remaining is just the art style.

Ok resident evil 4 didn't have zombies, it doesn't make a difference in the argument.

If you don't see why zombie-less resident evil is a huge gameplay change...I don't think we can discuss this. I love RE4, its my 3rd fave game of all time...but it isn't resident evil. RE is scary, slow and nerve wrecking... RE4 was all guns blazing shooter fest with no zombies, snipers, weapon upgrades and buying/selling treasure side missions. If you told this to someone who just finished RE 2 in 1998...he would laugh at you and say you were high. So I think that comparison stands...

As far as Sonic going 3D, I didn't mean to compare it to Banjo 3 gameplay changes...but I put it as an example of change in gaming that made me whine like a baby, just like some people here who are crying about the new Banjo.

 Resident Evil was made the way it was because of the restrictions to the PS1 hardware.  Over time it became more and more outdated and stale, and that's what lead to RE4.  With a new perspective comes new controls, and obviously there will be more aspects changed in the game.  Overall though, the game has the same feel, the same style, and everything feels like it fits in the universe.  When they had to change resident evil, they changed it in a way that was true to the series.  

The changes they made to banjo make about as much sense as adding the same stuff to Resident Evil.  If they all the sudden added a vehicle editor, tons of vehicles, flying etc to Resident Evil I think the fans of the series would be pretty pissed off.  It just doesn't fit in the universe of the series. 

currently playing: Skyward Sword, Mario Sunshine, Xenoblade Chronicles X

Avalach21 said:
ToastyJaguar said:
I have a feeling that every single new trailer for a 360 game this year will have lots of people saying how rubbish it looks.

I'm counting Gears 2 and BK3 at the moment. Whats next Ninja Gaiden 2? Fable 2?
Thats my prediction, all these games will be hounded upon and compared to a bunch of other stuff.

I predict, that for the rest of the year, EVERY trailer that comes out, for games on any console, will have lots of people saying how bad it looks. They will also have lots of people saying how good it looks.


thx u

 Yes but most of the time people saying it looks bad are people that weren't interested in the game in the first place. That's why I say I don't like the look of that trailer: I would have been interested in a new B-K game.

How many cups of darkness have I drank over the years? Even I don't know...


selnor said:
LOL. I just read all the bad comments. What a surprise they are PS3 fanboys. Of course it will have Platform in it, Rare bloke said they made sure fans of the series will be happy.

 Wake up man.  This isn't about Sony vs. Microsoft...I don't even associate Banjo Kazooie with Microsoft.

This is about fans of the original Banjo games, wanting a good third game.  What we got was a vehicle customization game with possible platforming on the side.  This is not what we wanted and we're disappointed.

That's all there is to it; I don't know why people bring up fanboys and the PS3.

It IS possible to be disappointed with Rare, trust me.

Bet with disolitude: Left4Dead will have a higher Metacritic rating than Project Origin, 3 months after the second game's release.  (hasn't been 3 months but it looks like I won :-p )

ZenfoldorVGI said:
ToastyJaguar said:
I have a feeling that every single new trailer for a 360 game this year will have lots of people saying how rubbish it looks.

I'm counting Gears 2 and BK3 at the moment. Whats next Ninja Gaiden 2? Fable 2?
Thats my prediction, all these games will be hounded upon and compared to a bunch of other stuff.

To be fair, I think Gaiden 2, Fable 2, and Gears 2 look fantastic.

Also, Banjo compared itself to Mario in that trailer, not us.


It's like a McDonalds commercial that has people eating McChickens, and then Zeus comes down from heaven and offers them Ambrosa and Mana, and they slap him, make him explode, and keep eating the McChickens.


Watch the trailer before defending, imo, lol.

I am loving this. LOL. When Mario Galaxy was first shown everyone said it was crap, that going in space and running upside down round planets was awful. Look at what the gaming world says about it now. The Banjo team know what they are doing in platform games. They are the best team outside of the Shigsy at platformers. I have no doubt it'll all gel well.