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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Unbiased Facts About the NextGen Consoles

Escherichia said:
Umm, back to the SNES vs the Genesis. You made the statement that the SNES was less powerful. The SNES had far better graphical features, it could simply do things the genesis wasn't capable of. Just off the top of my head this includes a greater color pallete, more onscreen sprites, higher screen resolution, pixel scaling and rotation, and real transparencies. On the technical side of things it also had more video RAM and System RAM, as well as a superior audio chip. I think the only area that the genesis bested it was in raw megahertz, and there the difference was something like 1-2 MHz for the SNES and 6-7 MHZ for the genesis, which is irrelevent considering they have completely different architecture. That aside I agree that the weakest console usually comes out on top for some reason, and seeing as how much weaker the Wii is than the competition it should become the best selling console ever. For the record I love the Wii.

Gotta love the logic ;)

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Yeah I think consoles have gone beyond memory bandwidth, teraflops, and all that jazz. Or else the Wii wouldn't be selling like hotcakes. It all goes back to "HOW FUN ARE THE GAMES?" That is the most important question.

I think im gonna start a new thread titled "Some unbiased facts about the PS3"

1. Huh huh the ps3 ssux
2. Wii is a fad for kiddies
3. Xbox360 r sux also bcuz micro$oft$ is run by bill gate$
4. ps3 gfx are like butts

z64dan said:

Yeah I think consoles have gone beyond memory bandwidth, teraflops, and all that jazz. Or else the Wii wouldn't be selling like hotcakes. It all goes back to "HOW FUN ARE THE GAMES?" That is the most important question.

I think im gonna start a new thread titled "Some unbiased facts about the PS3"

1. Huh huh the ps3 ssux
2. Wii is a fad for kiddies
3. Xbox360 r sux also bcuz micro$oft$ is run by bill gate$
4. ps3 gfx are like butts

That's about as accurate.

I've got another fact to add. They're not really "NextGen" consoles after being fully released to the public market, they're simply "CurrentGen" or "7thGen".

FACT 17: The Wii smells funny and Suzy says it farts a lot.">">

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freedquaker said:
dpmnymkrprez said:
Already had a simliar thread, kill it!

Isnt this a bit too cruel for my first post ever?



 You can never be too cruel...

Thanks to Blacksaber for the sig!

Cos there are too many quotes, I'll just summarize them... to Blue3 You are actually right, but my point was not to prove that Xbox360 was superior or something, everyone knows PS3 is superior (at least potentially). My point is that even if ps3 is stronger, the gap is not as much as people make fuss about, much harder to tap the potential compared to Xbox360, and the bottom line is buying the console based on performance will not work! ChichiriMuyo said: "Considering how quickly you have proven that you don't know what you're talking about, no." Oh somebody got offended here! What a mature attitude, kudos bro! I know exactly what I am talking about, no worries for me ok? Just try to be more open-minded reading the past and market figures to z64dan Love it or not, read the titles carefully and you will see that they are FACTS, not necessarily you guys will like though. Time will prove me right :) RolStoppable said: "Wii will pass 360 sales in the USA this year. Gap: 2.9m (April)" How is that gonna happen while wii is selling 30-40 K more than Xbox a week and the gap is over 3 million? with 30 K of gap a week, you need 100 weeks and with 40 K, you need 75 weeks, supposing the sales are sustained. BrainBoxLtd said: "I've got another fact to add. They're not really "NextGen" consoles after being fully released to the public market, they're simply "CurrentGen" or "7thGen" You are actually right but I havent gotten one yet so they are still nextgen for me LOL.

Playstation 5 vs XBox Series Market Share Estimates

Regional Analysis  (only MS and Sony Consoles)
Europe     => XB1 : 23-24 % vs PS4 : 76-77%
N. America => XB1 :  49-52% vs PS4 : 48-51%
Global     => XB1 :  32-34% vs PS4 : 66-68%

Sales Estimations for 8th Generation Consoles

Next Gen Consoles Impressions and Estimates

freedquaker said:
rocketpig said:
I'm not going to comment on this except for one thing: The SNES was more powerful than the Genesis and still won. *wanders off*

As far as I know, Genesis was actually stronger than SNES. But SNES cartridges began to come equipped with extra graphics processors later on the life cycle, which made it stronger against Genesis. SNES came much later and not so surprising that it could be superior anyway.

You can go ahead and look at each systems processor strengths and then get back to me. The Genesis was released well before the SNES and had far weaker components. I'm not trying to be an ass, that's just the truth.

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vizunary said:

Technically<--, not "obviously,"  the 360 does have the 10MB extra ram that's in there somewhere like cache, it's needed for the CPU/GPU architecture(sp?) But the PS3 makes up for this by allowing the GPU to use the SPE's. And, right now at least, the PS3 uses more ram to run it's OS, but this is to be expected by anyone with half a nugget, since MS knows a little about OS's. As Sony optimizes the OS, it's getting smaller though :)

The SPEs are part of the Cells biggest problem. Since everything needs to run through the main processor, the Cell cannot dedicate one SPE to a specific function without the main processor participating to that process.

Which is why the Cell is a BAD GAMING PROCESSOR. Sony flatout screwed this up. The Cell is limited by its own main processor. Each SPE is capable of processing a lot of data but its biggest limitation is the main processor, which is why we see things like XB access inabled during gameplay.

Or check out my new webcomic:

freedquaker said:

Ok, here I will try to count some facts about the NextGen Consoles based on the past experiences...

Fact 1 : High Price Consoles never win!

Fact 2 : Sony's Technical Specs are always vastly exaggerated and Claims Never Come True!

Fact 3 : Always the Weakest Console wins!

Fact 4 : Sony is Notorious for the LENGHTY LOADING TIMES.

Fact 5 : PS3 has a greater speed as potential.

a) When Xbox came out, its first generation games shined compared to those of PS2s and Xbox's performance was obviously much better than PS2, more than the gap between Dreamcast and PS2 as they said. But today We see no PS3 games seeming considerably better than Xbox titles, but the opposite could happen to be true, and we just assume that this is either because of the crappy ports or it was just the first generation games, man, wait for the second generation!?? This was never accepted as a legitimate alibi for Xbox games in the past though. As I can see, even if PS3 is stronger than Xbox360, the gap is probably not greater than between Xbox and PS2, for which, people never seemed to make such a fuss about. So Even we'd assume PS3 is this much stronger than Xbox360, so what? It hadnt hurt the PS2 sales the least bit!

b) PS3 has greater potential than Xbox360, thats true. But Potential is "niche" by definition. Most people do not pay for the speed since they believe what they see right here, right now. Atari Jaguar had a lot of 64 bit potential (crapped right away), Saturn had a lot more untapped potential (with 2 hitachi processors) over PS1, we read a lot of crap about the Emotion Engine potential of PS2 but all those were rarely translated into real world performance. Oh 7 SPUs, oh My God, what can I do with all these supercomputers!? What is it good for while it is extremely exotic and takes a couple of years to learn and another 2 to push the potential, and this will renew every other generation wise. They succeeded this with PS2, thanks to more down to earth price and mass market adoption, but it will not work with ps3.

Fact 6 : Xbox360 has More Memory and a Better Memory Structure.

Fact 7 : You cant win globally if you fail in either of those two markets, Japan and America.

Fact 8 : Wii is picking up and gonna take the lead soon.

Fact 9 : PS3 sales are far from building a momentum.

1.  The PS2 is cheaper than the Wii, and closer in power to the Wii than the Wii is to the PS3 and 360.  Shouldn't that mean the PS2 should continue to outsell the Wii?  The PS1 and PS2 weren't as cheap as the Wii is, either.  You can easily say that winning consoles always drop in price anyway, so yeah, they get cheaper.  So what?  No console starts out very cheap, except the Wii tha is far less powerful than any other console in previous generations.

2.  Oh, OK.  I'm sure they lie about everything, not just specs.  Hell, I bet Home never comes.  I'm sure Sony has lied about every single spec they've ever talked about, yeah.

3.  SNES, but not only that, the PS1 had advantages over the N64 despite the N64 also having its advantages.  If not for the superior CD format, Square and Konami do not make FF7 and MGS for the PS1.  Your fact is not true.

4.  CDs, DVDs, and all media formats load slower than HDs and cartridges.  The PS3 has a hard drive.  Oblivion for the PS3 loads twice as fast as it does on the 360.  It installs 5GBs, as does Ridge Racer btw, so it can stream that data.  Get a clue, please.  You are not unbiased here at all.

5.  Xbox 1 games did not blow away PS2 games.  Most games were ported to the xbox and didn't receive graphical improvements.  King Kong was a great example of that.  God of War 2 and a few others look as good as anything else last gen.  The 360 does not have the momentum that the PS3 did.  The great looking PS3 games, besides already released Motorstorm, Resistance, and others, are certainly coming with games like Uncharted and Rachet.  So, your backhanded "fact" that the PS3 has more potential but isn't showing it, is wrong.

6.  PS3 has better bandwidth, so what you say is not a fact. 

7.  Well then I guess the 360 and PS3 might as well quit.  Or, wait a second, you could easily be assuming the furture repeats the past in every case, which it does not.

8.  Ok.  So what?

9.  Another opinion.  Sales have dropped lately due to no games being released.  I'm pretty sure all 3 new consoles have dropped in sales lately, though.  We'll see what happens when some big games start coming out for the PS3, and much less sparsely than they have so far.