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Forums - Sony Discussion - The Official Valkyria Chronicles Thread

I just created a UK account for the demo. Screw paying for Qore. The demo was pretty good and fun but way too easy. The graphics are great, and the voiceovers are well done, except for Welkin. I love using the sniper. My only complaint about the game is controlling the aim. It feels kinda weird using the left analog stick instead of the right analog stick to control the aiming. Other than that, it was great. The demo made me anticipate the game even more.

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Mirson said:
I just created a UK account for the demo. Screw paying for Qore. The demo was pretty good and fun but way too easy. The graphics are great, and the voiceovers are well done, except for Welkin. I love using the sniper. My only complaint about the game is controlling the aim. It feels kinda weird using the left analog stick instead of the right analog stick to control the aiming. Other than that, it was great. The demo made me anticipate the game even more.


Yeah i was also wondering why do they have it for Qore and end up releasing it for Europe.


Release date moved up to Nov. 4th!!!!

Now I'm getting LBP and ES on the 21st, followed shortly by VC and R2 on the 4th. So many games! ;_;

Still basically my only reason for wanting a PS3. Oddly i feel more anxious about the release date then happy though.

Probably because this is the only game I definitly want on PS3.

Either way i should have the money for one by the middle of the month by working a second job. (ironic considering early PS3 PR.)

Even though I worked under the assumption it'd be free money it's hard to spend... what with the economy having a tank job.

Still, this game is really what i've been wanting for half a decade at least.

makingmusic476 said:

Release date moved up to Nov. 4th!!!!

Now I'm getting LBP and ES on the 21st, followed shortly by VC and R2 on the 4th. So many games! ;_;


 Pretty odd that Europe got the demo before Us and it will release earlier in Europe 2.


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Gameplay is great, I agree with Mirson, aiming with the right analog stick feels weird but its a minor flaw that I could easily ignore. Who knows? Maybe the full game will allow you to switch control pattern.

The voice acting is surprising good, though the first thing I did was try to switch the voice to Jap (only to find out the option is not availible on the demo!)

The assult troops really owns in the early game, I pretty much use Brigitte to clear out the entire enemy infantry line with Welkin and Largo to take out the tank.

The demo was 'too easy' but considering the unique nature of this game I assume the easy learning curve is to help people get use to the control, we've already seen review and comment from agent that it gets much more difficult later on so I'm not worried.

I was really cockeye with the tank, and pretty much stopped using it once the enemy tank died.

I didn't really needed any assurance, so this demo is more a treat. I hope this game becomes a huge success for Sega because I'll be hungry for a sequal for sure!

makingmusic476 said:

Release date moved up to Nov. 4th!!!!

Now I'm getting LBP and ES on the 21st, followed shortly by VC and R2 on the 4th. So many games! ;_;

Damn it! Why did it have to come out on the same day of Resistance 2. But still Valkyria > Resistance 2.

Valkyria a week earlier is very good news. It's downloading right now.

I can't wait.

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

Check out MyAnimeList and my Game Collection. Owner of the 5 millionth post.

Such a fun demo. I'll have an official impression up in a day or so, but suffice it to say that I have no doubt that the eventual full game will be well worth the wait.


KylieDog said:
The aiming isn't great.

I used the sniper to shoot a guy in the forehead, dead on target, and it took about 5mm of health away, the next shot I aimed at the chin and it was an instant kill.

I was dissapointed i couldn't use the tank to run people over.

None the less, the game seems different, I'll be buying it for sure, though I may wait until a price drop (I can see this dropping fast due to limited sales). Plus there is about 5 other games i plan to buy all within the same month.



Please note that an enemy units behind cover such as sandbag and who are in the 'crouch' position are immune to headshot and crits. No matter how good your aim is, they will not get head shotted.

Also there is a little bar one the top left hand corner that tells you how many hit is neccessary to kill someone when you aim, if you aim for the head, the number is usually reduced as compare to the body.