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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Micro$oft, the most UNoriginal console maker ever.

Sorry i didn't meant to give this tone to the discussion , my mistake

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but you will always have the argument that more competition is good for a market; how do you counter that argument in this particular case MZTAZMZ


Well the Red Ring of death is original.

this is true my friend, more competition is only good for us customers, that's why Microsoft and Sony drop down their prices, and of course more AAA titles for each console maker...

As for the originality debate, I still think that most still don't get it. Nintendo worked with Gyration, Inc. for the Wii-mote as is MSFT--they're working with them too so if anyone wants to argue about originality let them look at the source for both NTDOY and MSFT.

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selnor said:
mztazmz said:
eliasg said:
Microsoft is not Sega Sony fanboys...

Its not easy to pull them out of the business. PS2 killed Dreamcast because of the DVD. PS3 have no chance to kill 360 due to Blu ray.

This topic fails...

funny how you only refer to sony fanboys, when this post is CLEARLY not only about sony.

my post obviously claims that Sony and Nintendo are more innovative than M$

what's wrong? afraid to pick on nintendo?


and it's not bluray that will kill the 360.

it's more AAA titles during it's lifetime,

it's building a console that doesn't overheat and die,

it's building everything into the console instead of grossly overcharging for addons such as $100 wifi, $180 hard drive, $159 HDDVD doorstop, and putting HDMI in it from day one,

it's not charging for online(ironically the only online service that costs money is the only one that utterly failed during last holiday season while the 2 free ones worked just fine) i suppose you're one of the fools that pays for that shit? lol.

it's making a system that doesn't hit the graphical ceiling a year into it's life(Gears of War, it's been 18 months since that game launched and we've yet to see one title that looks better on 360) while going from Resistance to Uncharted we've seen major improvements and killzones realtime footage shows that there's still alot of untapped potential.


like i said, M$ likes burning money so yes they'll probably be around for a while and you'll probably be lucky enough to waste your money on an Xbox 720, have it heat your house for a while, then die.


"This topic fails..." - LOL, little xbot, this thread(unlike your console) is not affected by the RROD.
Mods ban him now. This guy is bad news and just another dimwit added to VGchartz. As if it wasnt full of enough already. 


He listed five plausible reasons why the Xbox360 will ultimately be a failure. They all seem quite reasonable as well.You failed to counter any of them. *that*'s a 'fail'.

Trying to convince me the Wii is a real adult game machine 'if you play it right' is like trying to convince me Tofu tastes great 'if you just cook it right'

''it's more AAA titles during it's lifetime,''

the PS3 ending this generation with the most 'AAA' titles doesn't mean that because of some more great titles the 360 will get 'killed', as you state, and how many more AAA titles? 20% more or 30%?

''it's building a console that doesn't overheat and die, ''

MS has certainly made some hardware mistakes, but they have bettered it now, and sales are still real competitive, so the influence of this argument has already taken place and it wasn't too spectacular, sure it hurted and might still do but nowhere near killing their console

''it's building everything into the console instead of grossly overcharging for addons such as $100 wifi, $180 hard drive, $159 HDDVD doorstop, and putting HDMI in it from day one, ''

add-ons can be dangerous, but there are not many add-ons that you must have for your 360 to play a significant amount of games that you couldn't without them, and again, the 360 is still holding well and doing better than the Xbox, so this argument is already in action, and is also not spectacular, MS must still watch out with future add-ons though

''it's not charging for online(ironically the only online service that costs money is the only one that utterly failed during last holiday season while the 2 free ones worked just fine) i suppose you're one of the fools that pays for that shit? lol.''

will this kill the 360? their online service not being free? all I hear is that they have a great service, still the best, and that it's very popular, so.. I don't see it significantly hurting the 360. it WOULD be a problem if Sony's free service would be free but also better than MS's

''it's making a system that doesn't hit the graphical ceiling a year into it's life(Gears of War, it's been 18 months since that game launched and we've yet to see one title that looks better on 360) while going from Resistance to Uncharted we've seen major improvements and killzones realtime footage shows that there's still alot of untapped potential.''

the 360 might be less powerfull, I'm no stat expert, but it's also older and cheaper, so it's not strange or unexpected, and I believe that to give an example that Resident Evil 5 will also set a new visual standard for the 360

so what do you think? these are all little arguments, but also put together not convincing enough to me that they will 'kill' the 360. Sony needs to get it's act together in Japan or it might never outsell the 360 wordwide significantly..


mztazmz said:
I'm starting to wonder why M$ is even in the console biz. Despite the billions of dollars the company has, they can't seem to do anything original to save their lives. Before the Wii and PS3's launch, it was M$ who wanted us to believe that the Wiimote will be a gimmick and Bluray was not needed for a game console(making the PS3 too expensive!). They figured that by rushing the 360 to market(even though it wasn't ready), they could get a head start. The Wii and PS3 would launch later. The PS3 being too expensive and the Wii being a fad, M$ figured they had a guaranteed victory. Here we are today and what is M$ doing?,5272.html That's right, they're now going to add a motion controller and a bluray drive to the 360, LOL! If M$ wasn't such a devious, monopolizing, talentless company, I'd actually feel sorry for them. In the last few years, all they've managed to do is bring 2 PC's disguised as consoles to the market and lose 4 billion dollars. The only reason they're still here is because they have money to burn and apparently they like burning it. They offer nothing to us gamers. If the Xbox never came out, Halo would have been released on PC(like it was originally intended), Gears would have been on PC and probably the PS3, Ninja Gaiden would have been on gamecube, etc.


I agree with operator. Besides Halo 3 and Gears of War what is there on XBox 360, that is not already on PS3?

go find the 360 exclusive topic Rock on, there are quite some exclusive RPGs on the 360 for example.. or is your comment ment sarcasticly?..
