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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Why GTA4 blows OoT our of the water.

ItsaMii said:
SleepWaking said:
TheRealMafoo said:
WiiStation360 said:
Just out of curiosity, how many hours of GTA4 did you play before you anointed it the "best game ever"?

I don't want to give anything away, but I was at a point in the story where I could not believe I was playing a game. It was like being part of an epic story... a movie... not sure how to explain it, but it was cooler then anything I have experienced in a while in video games.

(In a while, i mean like 20 years)

I am about 6 hours or so into it. I have done a lot of side stuff too. You get a good connection to the characters in the game. You can go see a show, play some pool. Throw darts. Just hang out with the people. Over time, they get personalities. Then when things happen to them, it's a much bigger impact then most video games.

Everyone cries when they see old yeller die at the end of the movie. Most people don't die if they hear a dog got hit by a car. That feeling too two hours to convey in a movie. GTA4 does much the same thing. Better then any game I have played before it actually.

I strongly disagree with this, and what was so epic? omg he got betrayed by dimitri, how the hell did you not see that coming? and he burned down some things, I really do not think it was that epic or emotional, Mass effect was a lot better in that aspect.


Betrayal on GTA? Are you crazy dude? That is a never seem before feature. Others GTA did not have plot twists that involved betrayal. It would be even more epic if it was done by a closer friend/relative.

I coulda swore i remembered getting betrayed in Vice City. Actually, isn't that how Vice City starts? Then you get betrayed again? Or are you being sarcastic? I forget it's been a while and i didn't particularly like it.

For what it's worth I think OoT is overrated too. 

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konnichiwa said:
famousringo said:
ssj12 said:
konnichiwa said:
Just bigger....


The differences are enormous, some really have to play it....

agreed, the differences between previous titles of the franchise and GTA4 are night and day.

So enormous that it seems they cannot be articulated.

Seriously, the only things that I've read this game has but previous GTA games don't is a good story and polish. If I'm wrong, enlighten me.

Let me say it this way ' Some of the mini-games/ side-quests are so big that they are even bigger than the avarage Wii game.

 But did they fix the gameplay?  More of a game with crappy gameplay is just more of a game with crappy gameplay.

TheRealMafoo said:
Another way to say it (if I am being unclear).

We get posts on this site all the time that say "I just bought a Wii, what games should I get".

never do I hear "If you have never played OoT, that is the only game you should be thinking of right now" or something like that. I hear TP,MP,SMG, SSBB, MK, RE, NHM....

If OoT is better then all those games, why is it never recommended?

Why would you put it on a wii list? When somone asks for a PS3 list, do you put PS1 games on the list? When somone asks for 360 games, do you give them xbox lists? Whenever somone asks for a VC list, that's always one of the first games I see on it.

Oyvoyvoyv said

Main problem here; quality is subjective
Some people find it a must-have for the game to be a revolution, some think otherwise.

And a fun fact: OoT for VC recieved the same score as GTA IV did for X360/Ps3 on IGN.

I agree completely.

Hell, if we want to argue quality and "fun" factor, I'll be honest, Rock Band is the most fun, addicting, game I've ever played.  And I've been gaming since the Atari.  Every console.

The "most fun" game I've ever played is Rock Band.  Does "fun" make it the best game ever?  Does "fun" mean I should give it a 10.0.  Nope.

You can't judge and compare an action game, an FPS, and a JRPG on the same standards.  The genres and what each accomplishes and who they appeal to is completely  different. 

A Nintendo DS game that has a 9.0 can't really be compared in THE SAME WAY to a 360 game that gets a 9.0.  It's two different animals.

It's comparing a Mouse to a Gorilla....not a German Shepard to a Husky.

It doesn't mean one is better than another, it just means they are too damn different to genuinely compare and say one is the "best."

PSN ID: Sorrow880

Gamertag: Sorrow80

Wii #: 8132 1076 3416 7450

FOOD said:
superchunk said:
Sorry, you are not really thinking about what made OOT the highest rated game ever. It has nothing to do with new technology, graphics, and the like. It has to do with the enjoyment and experience given in the game. OOT is miles apart from previous Zelda titles and a massive win for the series. GTA4 is just GTA bigger. It is not in any way a pivotal series in the franchise.

This is the part of reasoning Super Mario Galaxy and Metroid Prime are also in the top 5 rated games of all time. They are all very enjoyable games that greatly changed the way the franchised worked. GTA4 only adds more of the same content. Granted, it looks like a superb game and a lot of fun overall, but, not a '10' in my book and definitely not better than OOT or SMG.

I think Red is totally better than Blue. I think Green can kick Brown's ass. I think Purple beats Yellow.


From what I've seen, GTA4 almost completely changed it's game mechanics. Sure, OoT went from a 2D franchise to a 3D franchise, and that's what made it so many "miles apart" from the older games, but if that were the case, shouldn't GTA3 be held with just as much high esteem for immersing gamers from a 2D franchise to a 3D world? I honestly think GTA is a better franchise simply because for the first time people could go into a world similar to theirs, only do whatever they want.


See that? No? Well let me just push this combination of buttons and I get a military tank. See those innocent people walking to work? Boom!


Zelda gave a pretty big leap of freedom in it's first 3D game, but GTA3 made an even bigger leap. It's by far one of the most innovative game I've ever seen. Zelda has been mostly about saving a princess, just like Mario, Cinderella, and countless fairy tales.


Anyway, if we go by the "pivotal series" in a franchise, it's gotta be GTA3. GTA4 really capitalized on game mechanics, though. OoT was great, but it isn't the holy grail of gaming.

Well if you don't count GTA 1&2... and probably a bunch of other games since sandbox games like that have existed forever... just not been that popular. 

Just like Zelda all it really did was let  you do it in 3D.


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TheRealMafoo said:
fazz said:
TheRealMafoo said:

Today is different. Spend any amount of money you want, and take any video/computer game you like, and there is nothing today that outshines GTA4.

And there is where your post lost all of it's credibility. You were doing right up to that point u_u

Comparing GTAIV with any PC game in the technical aspect is pointless, so let's go to the ratings. All of the PC games you compared with Ocarina of Time are rated lower. All of them. You compare them and talk about those game like if they where superior. Ok, no problem with that, but the same could be applied for GTAIV.

True, but there is no PC game with better voice acting, better character development, and better open world feel. I am not saying a better one could not be made on a PC, I am just saying none exist.

Actually there are: Fallout 1 and Fallout 2 have better voice acting (perfect even, the FO1's last boss has the best voice acting in gaming history), the best character development (they're RPGs), and the best open world feel (even your choices are open and they impact the world).

And aside from those 2, there are a couple others that stand out:

- Crysis, has a linear storyline (same as GTA IV, but perhaps not as good) but has amazing AI, THE best graphics, THE best physics and amazing gameplay. From what I've seen of GTA IV clips, the game barely reaches Crysis' medium settings on graphics, let alone High or Very High settings.

- S.T.A.L.K.E.R: Shadow of Chernobyl, amazing game, with possibly the best atmosphere I've ever seen in a game (very, very creepy atmosphere), Deus Ex-like gameplay and a very interesting story. 

shio said:
TheRealMafoo said:
fazz said:
TheRealMafoo said:

Today is different. Spend any amount of money you want, and take any video/computer game you like, and there is nothing today that outshines GTA4.

And there is where your post lost all of it's credibility. You were doing right up to that point u_u

Comparing GTAIV with any PC game in the technical aspect is pointless, so let's go to the ratings. All of the PC games you compared with Ocarina of Time are rated lower. All of them. You compare them and talk about those game like if they where superior. Ok, no problem with that, but the same could be applied for GTAIV.

True, but there is no PC game with better voice acting, better character development, and better open world feel. I am not saying a better one could not be made on a PC, I am just saying none exist.

Actually there are: Fallout 1 and Fallout 2 have better voice acting (perfect even, the FO1's last boss has the best voice acting in gaming history), the best character development (they're RPGs), and the best open world feel (even your choices are open and they impact the world).

And aside from those 2, there are a couple others that stand out:

- Crysis, has a linear storyline (same as GTA IV, but perhaps not as good) but has amazing AI, THE best graphics, THE best physics and amazing gameplay. From what I've seen of GTA IV clips, the game barely reaches Crysis' medium settings on graphics, let alone High or Very High settings.

- S.T.A.L.K.E.R: Shadow of Chernobyl, amazing game, with possibly the best atmosphere I've ever seen in a game (very, very creepy atmosphere), Deus Ex-like gameplay and a very interesting story.

 Imo even Half-life 2 still easily beats it

While the Fallout games have great voice acting, I still have to give Greatest Performance Ever to Andy Serkis in Heavenly Sword. His take on Bohan was so perfectly over-the-top and he nailed the "crazy frustrated" villain type to a tee.

Or check out my new webcomic:

rocketpig said:
While the Fallout games have great voice acting, I still have to give Greatest Performance Ever to Andy Serkis in Heavenly Sword. His take on Bohan was so perfectly over-the-top and he nailed the "crazy frustrated" villain type to a tee.

Play Arcanum... I love Virgil's conversations.

Here's one that you get if your main character has an EXTREMELY low intelligence score.



You can't even compare GTA IV to LoZ:OoT because those games are targeted torwards two completely different audiences.

I'm watching GTA4 streams right now and have been since Saturday and from all of this praise that I keep hearing about (perfect scores and such), it just doesn't seem perfect. GTA4 is a 9.5 at best. And that multiplayer mode IS THE BEST PART.

Generation 8 Predictions so far.....(as of 9/2013)

Console that will sell most: Nintendo Wii U

Who will sell more consoles between Microsoft/SONY: SONY