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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Why GTA4 blows OoT our of the water.

SleepWaking said:
TheRealMafoo said:
SleepWaking said:

I strongly disagree with this, and what was so epic? omg he got betrayed by dimitri, how the hell did you not see that coming? and he burned down some things, I really do not think it was that epic or emotional, Mass effect was a lot better in that aspect.


So you played it?

 I finished the game already on Saturday, I've got 90 procent (in under 40 hour, so it's net even that long, the story makes about 60 procent).

 Ohh, so you burned through it. I guess if you burned through OoT, you wouldn't know what the fuss was about that game either.

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Your opinions are just that; opinions. This is a very subjective argument and to say that OoT pale in comparison to a game that was released today only discredits your argument. If OoT were to be re-released with todays technology I am sure that you would have a change of heart. I plan on picking up GTA IV later tonight after I get out of class and I am sure that I will thoroughly enjoy it. I have replayed OoT at least 4 times and never grow tired of it. If GTA IV has that kind of replayability then maybe I'll reconsider my argument. To each his own.

Proud Owner of all 3 current-gen systems

Currently Playing:
SSBB, Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn, MKWii, GTA IV (360), MGS4, DQIV, Jeanne d'Arc, FFVII: Crisis Core, Chrono Trigger (PSX)

Mario Kart FC: 4897-6731-4375
SSBB FC: 1504-5406-8515
Wii Friends Code: 1020-2726-1535-3964

PSN: PhatLaosBoi

When you still think GTAIV is the best game ever in ten years I leave the videogames.

The main reason for this post, is not for GTA, but because a hundred incredible games have come out in the last 10 years, and when we say "best of all time", we go back to 1998. Let's move out of the dark ages of gaming please.

TheRealMafoo said:
SleepWaking said:
TheRealMafoo said:
SleepWaking said:

I strongly disagree with this, and what was so epic? omg he got betrayed by dimitri, how the hell did you not see that coming? and he burned down some things, I really do not think it was that epic or emotional, Mass effect was a lot better in that aspect.


So you played it?

I finished the game already on Saturday, I've got 90 procent (in under 40 hour, so it's net even that long, the story makes about 60 procent).

Ohh, so you burned through it. I guess if you burned through OoT, you wouldn't know what the fuss was about that game either.

 No it did not burned through it, it was just so damn easy, espacially all the side missions and there aren't even a whole lot of them. It's not like I skipped a lot of dialogue, actually I skipped nothing.

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TheRealMafoo said:
The main reason for this post, is not for GTA, but because a hundred incredible games have come out in the last 10 years, and when we say "best of all time", we go back to 1998. Let's move out of the dark ages of gaming please.

 Most of us are happy with the current great games, and the great old games... you can move on if you want... we are not stopping you :P

By me:

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"Since you can´t understand ... there is no point to taking you seriously."

And if I didn't know what the fuss was about OOt how could I disagree with you???

1998 was actually the Golder Age of gaming. Right now, we are entering the Industrial Age of gaming due to big corporate mergers and rampant sequels. But then again, you can also say that this is the Renaissance because gross videogame sales are besting Hollywood revenues. Now, I can say that its a great day to be a gamer.

Proud Owner of all 3 current-gen systems

Currently Playing:
SSBB, Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn, MKWii, GTA IV (360), MGS4, DQIV, Jeanne d'Arc, FFVII: Crisis Core, Chrono Trigger (PSX)

Mario Kart FC: 4897-6731-4375
SSBB FC: 1504-5406-8515
Wii Friends Code: 1020-2726-1535-3964

PSN: PhatLaosBoi

TheRealMafoo said:
The main reason for this post, is not for GTA, but because a hundred incredible games have come out in the last 10 years, and when we say "best of all time", we go back to 1998. Let's move out of the dark ages of gaming please.

 A splendid game comes out every 10 years, I don´t understand what all the big fuss is about. When we say best of all time, it incorporates all decades, with each 1-2 splendid games and other amazing games,  since the last atari or the nes.

There is no such thing as the "best" game.

best is a subjective word , what is "best" to one person may be undesirable to another.

I guess the only way you could objectivley [atempt] to decide the best game would be through sales numbers but even that would be a screwed up method because of the amount of advertising and promotion that goes into it( Halo 3 for example)