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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Why GTA4 blows OoT our of the water.

famousringo said:

So enormous that it seems they cannot be articulated.

Seriously, the only things that I've read this game has but previous GTA games don't is a good story and polish. If I'm wrong, enlighten me.

No, because doing so would take away the reason it's getting 10's. If you want to know why it's so good, the only way to understand, is to play it.

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OoT is a fantastic game, and when released in 1998, was truly groundbreaking and smashed all expectations. GTA 4 is a fantastic game, and having been released in 2008, is truly groundbreaking and has smashed all expectations. Can we leave it at that?

Hi, i'm solojohlo and i'm pretty fucking awesome

SleepWaking said:

I strongly disagree with this, and what was so epic? omg he got betrayed by dimitri, how the hell did you not see that coming? and he burned down some things, I really do not think it was that epic or emotional, Mass effect was a lot better in that aspect.


 So you played it?

famousringo said:
ssj12 said:
konnichiwa said:
Just bigger....


The differences are enormous, some really have to play it....

agreed, the differences between previous titles of the franchise and GTA4 are night and day.

So enormous that it seems they cannot be articulated.

Seriously, the only things that I've read this game has but previous GTA games don't is a good story and polish. If I'm wrong, enlighten me.

 Let me say it this way '  Some of the mini-games/ side-quests are so big that they are even bigger than the avarage Wii game.

I don't know if GTA4 now is better than OoT then, because that is essentially what you HAVE to compare. But I will agree that the contemporary PC games blew anything on consoles out of the water. Back then consoles were a sad shadow of PC gaming (Starcraft, Unreal, Fallout three of the best games ever created in their respective genres. Damn this was a great year for PC gaming.)

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SleepWaking said:
TheRealMafoo said:
WiiStation360 said:
Just out of curiosity, how many hours of GTA4 did you play before you anointed it the "best game ever"?

I don't want to give anything away, but I was at a point in the story where I could not believe I was playing a game. It was like being part of an epic story... a movie... not sure how to explain it, but it was cooler then anything I have experienced in a while in video games.

(In a while, i mean like 20 years)

I am about 6 hours or so into it. I have done a lot of side stuff too. You get a good connection to the characters in the game. You can go see a show, play some pool. Throw darts. Just hang out with the people. Over time, they get personalities. Then when things happen to them, it's a much bigger impact then most video games.

Everyone cries when they see old yeller die at the end of the movie. Most people don't die if they hear a dog got hit by a car. That feeling too two hours to convey in a movie. GTA4 does much the same thing. Better then any game I have played before it actually.

I strongly disagree with this, and what was so epic? omg he got betrayed by dimitri, how the hell did you not see that coming? and he burned down some things, I really do not think it was that epic or emotional, Mass effect was a lot better in that aspect.


 Betrayal on GTA? Are you crazy dude? That is a never seem before feature. Others GTA did not have plot twists that involved betrayal. It would be even more epic if it was done by a closer friend/relative.

Satan said:

"You are for ever angry, all you care about is intelligence, but I repeat again that I would give away all this superstellar life, all the ranks and honours, simply to be transformed into the soul of a merchant's wife weighing eighteen stone and set candles at God's shrine."

Ocarina of Time is now 3000 days on the GameFAQs top 50 FAQ pages list, that's 8,5 years, but people still play it! Same counts for FFVII that is 3500 days on the list, that's as good as 10 years! I don't think GTA IV wil come close to those two legends..


TheRealMafoo said:
SleepWaking said:

I strongly disagree with this, and what was so epic? omg he got betrayed by dimitri, how the hell did you not see that coming? and he burned down some things, I really do not think it was that epic or emotional, Mass effect was a lot better in that aspect.


So you played it?

 I finished the game already on Saturday, I've got 90 procent (in under 40 hour, so it's net even that long, the story makes about 60 procent).

yeah i agree with you

TheRealMafoo said:
Another way to say it (if I am being unclear).

We get posts on this site all the time that say "I just bought a Wii, what games should I get".

never do I hear "If you have never played OoT, that is the only game you should be thinking of right now" or something like that. I hear TP,MP,SMG, SSBB, MK, RE, NHM....

If OoT is better then all those games, why is it never recommended?
Lol, because it's assumed we've all already played that masterpiece and that they are asking for current generation releases.

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