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shio said:
TheRealMafoo said:
fazz said:
TheRealMafoo said:

Today is different. Spend any amount of money you want, and take any video/computer game you like, and there is nothing today that outshines GTA4.

And there is where your post lost all of it's credibility. You were doing right up to that point u_u

Comparing GTAIV with any PC game in the technical aspect is pointless, so let's go to the ratings. All of the PC games you compared with Ocarina of Time are rated lower. All of them. You compare them and talk about those game like if they where superior. Ok, no problem with that, but the same could be applied for GTAIV.

True, but there is no PC game with better voice acting, better character development, and better open world feel. I am not saying a better one could not be made on a PC, I am just saying none exist.

Actually there are: Fallout 1 and Fallout 2 have better voice acting (perfect even, the FO1's last boss has the best voice acting in gaming history), the best character development (they're RPGs), and the best open world feel (even your choices are open and they impact the world).

And aside from those 2, there are a couple others that stand out:

- Crysis, has a linear storyline (same as GTA IV, but perhaps not as good) but has amazing AI, THE best graphics, THE best physics and amazing gameplay. From what I've seen of GTA IV clips, the game barely reaches Crysis' medium settings on graphics, let alone High or Very High settings.

- S.T.A.L.K.E.R: Shadow of Chernobyl, amazing game, with possibly the best atmosphere I've ever seen in a game (very, very creepy atmosphere), Deus Ex-like gameplay and a very interesting story.

 Imo even Half-life 2 still easily beats it