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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Why GTA4 blows OoT our of the water.

OoT is worse??????... I have spent long enough with both games and trust me OoT is better.

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konnichiwa said:
When you still think GTAIV is the best game ever in ten years I leave the videogames.

Don't hesitate to leave now and then please also leave this forum too we can miss those childish comments.


If you read what I said, it says that in ten years, I will be having this same conversion, but being flamed for calling GTA4 crap compared to modern video games. 

The first post has no facts to back up its claims only opinions.

"Like you know"

senseinobaka said:
OoT vs GTA4 will be the biggest grudge on teh internetz for the next decade. I'm firmly in Zelda's camp.
GTA will drop as more ppl review it


I started trying to read through your post but I got bored halfway through. The games are two completely different genres. The concept of "best game ever," is mostly fanboy bullshit imo. You can go with best reviewed, or best recieved, or even best programmed. The problem is when you start crossing genre lines then opinions on which genre is better become involved. Comparing GT5 to Super Mario Galaxy is ridiculous. Comparing Call of Duty 4 to Wii Sports is just laughable. Which one is better is always going to come down to personal preference.

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we're talking about the same Ocarina of time right? The genre defining, series perfecting, greastest game of all time Ocarina of time? Yep Grand Theft Auto sure surpasses it. (Man sarcasm is sure hard to write) I mean ya GTA4 isin't without it's merits, and theirs alot of merits. But saying it blows Ocarina out of the water. It's like saying The Godfather is now a bad movie because newer movies have more special effects.

I disagree for the fact that OoT laid down the basic foundation for 3-d action and to some extent these sandbox games for the future to come.

The game legendary, all the things that are taken for granted and after thoughts in 3-d gaming now were pretty much established and solidfied in technically in that game in a way that no game before it had done.

Not too mention the story, characters and world were mememorable.

GTA IV is an excellent game, but to call it legendary especially based on the story alone, would be jumping the gun a few yards too soon. Do I think it warrants it's perfect scores, in some instances yes. But what exactly is this game bringing to the for front that hasn't already been brought to the table by other games in the series. Another reader said it, it's GTA that we've come to expect (quality) with MORE POLISH.

I'm not saying that the game sucks, but I don't agree that it's more "legendary" than OoT not even close, just by definition. If anything in my opinion GTA: SA is more of a nod in that direction than this, based on the size and scale, and how much the squeezed into that PS2 game.

But in the end WHO THE F CARES?!?!!? This is all just flame bait! Lol - It is what it is!

superchunk said:
Sorry, you are not really thinking about what made OOT the highest rated game ever. It has nothing to do with new technology, graphics, and the like. It has to do with the enjoyment and experience given in the game. OOT is miles apart from previous Zelda titles and a massive win for the series. GTA4 is just GTA bigger. It is not in any way a pivotal series in the franchise.

This is the part of reasoning Super Mario Galaxy and Metroid Prime are also in the top 5 rated games of all time. They are all very enjoyable games that greatly changed the way the franchised worked. GTA4 only adds more of the same content. Granted, it looks like a superb game and a lot of fun overall, but, not a '10' in my book and definitely not better than OOT or SMG.

While i agree with Metriod prime and OOT.... Super mario galaxy was excatly the same as the other 3-D marios just with funky motion controls......

celine said:

And obviously you are not a retrogamer so I don't think you can understand it

 You are correct. I am not reto anything.

I think a Enzo is better then a Shelby Cobra.

I think a pentium is then a 486. 

I think a PS3 is better then a PS1, and a 360 is better then an xbox.

I think as we advance, the things we make advance. Sue me :p 

rudyrsr8 said:
The first post has no facts to back up its claims only opinions.

 It's video games and what's "best". There are no facts.