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I disagree for the fact that OoT laid down the basic foundation for 3-d action and to some extent these sandbox games for the future to come.

The game legendary, all the things that are taken for granted and after thoughts in 3-d gaming now were pretty much established and solidfied in technically in that game in a way that no game before it had done.

Not too mention the story, characters and world were mememorable.

GTA IV is an excellent game, but to call it legendary especially based on the story alone, would be jumping the gun a few yards too soon. Do I think it warrants it's perfect scores, in some instances yes. But what exactly is this game bringing to the for front that hasn't already been brought to the table by other games in the series. Another reader said it, it's GTA that we've come to expect (quality) with MORE POLISH.

I'm not saying that the game sucks, but I don't agree that it's more "legendary" than OoT not even close, just by definition. If anything in my opinion GTA: SA is more of a nod in that direction than this, based on the size and scale, and how much the squeezed into that PS2 game.

But in the end WHO THE F CARES?!?!!? This is all just flame bait! Lol - It is what it is!