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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Another comparison of GTA IV PS3 vs X360

It'd sure be nice if any of these comparissons even tried to use the same fucking shot. Take a screenshot from a cinematic at the beginning of the game if you have to, just get something with the same weather/time of day/location/etc.

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Okay, I've found the source of the original gifs and it's an extremely reliable source that a lot of people should recognize - dot50cal... here's the link to a little directory with the gifs (as well as a few others) and the link itself gives away the source:

Okay, its getting a bit ridiculous now. I can't wait until god damn game comes out so you all can play the damn thing and shut up with these comparisons. People on each side are splitting hairs and making hypocritical statements based on their prior criticisms of each platform.

Darc Requiem said:
Okay, its getting a bit ridiculous now. I can't wait until god damn game comes out so you all can play the damn thing and shut up with these comparisons. People on each side are splitting hairs and making hypocritical statements based on their prior criticisms of each platform.

 I find some limited value in these threads when there's actual information. I own both of the platforms and believe it or not, I often agonize over which version of a game to get. I'm one of those weird anal retentive types - at least, when it comes to video games. I can't even tell you how many times I've waffled over GTA IV. I go back and forth about it so much that I sometimes want to buy both versions just to shut up the voices in my head.

Deviation59 said:
It'd sure be nice if any of these comparissons even tried to use the same fucking shot. Take a screenshot from a cinematic at the beginning of the game if you have to, just get something with the same weather/time of day/location/etc.

QFT. I don't know what goes through these guys' minds when they do these "comparisons"...


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

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Unfortunately Deviation59, I'm not sure what you can glean from these threads. I mean if the 360 version was 630p a certain poster I won't name would be all over it. If you have PS3 get the PS3 version. If you have 360 get the 360 version. If you have both and want DLC get the 360 version. If you have both and don't care about the DLC, get which ever version you can find on the store shelves first. What's there to decide?

Duplicate thread.

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