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Forums - Gaming Discussion - List of "All" GTA4 review scores so far (8 so far)

"they occasionally offer the option to spare the lives of characters you've hunted down in hot pursuits -- decisions that affect the overall story."


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 and i couldn't find a link on the internet so I took a picture of the review, i'll put it up on my profile

Hi, i'm solojohlo and i'm pretty fucking awesome

darthdevidem01 said:
How am I gonna wait until June 12 to play this

 My exams end on that day too! (geography?) but the difference is I will be playing from Tuesday!!!!!! (though I wont throw a sickie)

I literally dropped the pen out of my hand when I saw IGN's scores. 10's across every section? Nothing has ever came close to that before.

Oh and question for you guys on multiplayer. Can you do split screen or system link? I would kill to be able to screw in the city alongside my roommate. We own two 360s and a PS3.

I must say, despite not being a fan of the GTA series, I will be getting this game and I'm glad it's getting rave reviews.

This is a really big "screw you" to EA and to shovelware developers!

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lucky'll be playing GTA while all I'll have is wii fit

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

darthdevidem01 said:
How am I gonna wait until June 12 to play this

So you have to wait that long to play it? Isn't MGS4 being released on that day?

eab said:
I literally dropped the pen out of my hand when I saw IGN's scores. 10's across every section? Nothing has ever came close to that before.

Oh and question for you guys on multiplayer. Can you do split screen or system link? I would kill to be able to screw in the city alongside my roommate. We own two 360s and a PS3.

 No split screen, but I'm not sure about system link, I don't think so though

I have my welsh exam on june 15th, I hate all of you, and the person who made welsh a compulsory GCSE

Edit: Checked it's june 16th, june 15th is a sunday

Hi, i'm solojohlo and i'm pretty fucking awesome

I'm skeptical of the 10/10ness, but it's mostly because I'm not a big fan of GTA in general. I think alot of it is the halo effect, but I'm sure it's an awesome game. It is funny the constant double standards that make themselves apparent in these situations though. Mario Galaxy gets a ton of 10s and it "that's so stupid, no game deserves 10s. It's just hype and because it's mario, It may be a good game but not that good, so lame!" but now GTAIV gets 10s and it's "OMG!! IT'LL DETHRONE ZELDA FOR SURE!! THIS GAME IS OBVIOUSLY GOD!!" Just another day on videogame message boards.

You can find me on facebook as Markus Van Rijn, if you friend me just mention you're from VGchartz and who you are here.