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Forums - General Discussion - Most delicious Candy/Sweets now and of history?


Random poll: Rate Reeses peanut butter cups...

S tier 4 40.00%
A tier 2 20.00%
B tier 1 10.00%
C tier 1 10.00%
D tier 0 0%
E tier 0 0%
F tier 1 10.00%
No opinion 1 10.00%
Louie_86 said:
LegitHyperbole said:

Are they good enough to warrant an import? What are they like?

Well I loved them, but when it comes to candy you have to try them yourself you know. 

They are basically a layered lollipop, the outer layer is spicy, then theres a sweet layer, followed by another spicy layer and finall another sweet layer with bubblegum in the middle. 
