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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Sony and Nintendo are in competition. But are they really?

Long answer: Yes

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DroidKnight said:

When next gen begins it may be : (Nintendo & Xbox) vs (Playstation). Nin and box have been getting pretty cozy.

Oh no, Return of the "Wii60" narrative.

Phenomajp13 said:

Currently PS5 is tracking behind PS4, which sold less than 120 but PS5 could remain on the market without a successor longer than PS4 allowing PS5 to hit 120 million. Switch is looking to reach the coveted 160 million or even higher. That puts Switch 40 million above PS5, I personally think that should qualify as getting beat and atleast approaching getting crushed. So no, not really delusional just depends on your definition. This is supposedly a market leader (PS).

Sorry, but 40 million gap of 160 million is just 25% difference.

How can a 25% difference "at least approaching getting crushed"? 100% hyperbole.

Last edited by Conina - on 24 January 2025

I don't think they are competitors nearly as much as one might think. If you draw a Venn diagram of people who are thinking of buying a Playstation and others who are thinking about the Switch, they don't really overlap very much, I think. Both companies have very specific propositions in terms of both hardware and software. Do you need portability or not? Do you want AAA story driven big budget productions that Sony is known for(or used to be until they lost their minds), or do you want your Mario, Zelda and such?
Of course there are some who want everything, and other whose taste in games change as they mature in age, that also happens.

Dante9 said:

I don't think they are competitors nearly as much as one might think. If you draw a Venn diagram of people who are thinking of buying a Playstation and others who are thinking about the Switch, they don't really overlap very much, I think. Both companies have very specific propositions in terms of both hardware and software. Do you need portability or not? Do you want AAA story driven big budget productions that Sony is known for(or used to be until they lost their minds), or do you want your Mario, Zelda and such?
Of course there are some who want everything, and other whose taste in games change as they mature in age, that also happens.

What uneducated people, mostly the worker class thinks is: Nintendo is for Kiddies, if they mature they play Playstation. Its like saying Lady Gaga is the best musician in the world because the radio always plays her music. In fact its teenagers who search for the so called "cool thing", playing harmless popcorn entertainment for 13 year olds like Call Of Duty, Fifa or Fartnite... my 13 years old cousin plays COD. Most of them are in puberty trying to impress ladies by playing "the strong man". Reallity is different: When i was in my 20s i went on (student)parties. We also where learning together. Guess what console we played? Gamecube, Wii, (3)DS, Mario Kart. Today its Switch. If you go in the worker class Playstation is the way to go. When you are 14- 20 its what people play. But when you mature you are also fine with the Switch. Thats my personal experience and Nintendo's own researches totally reflect that. 43% of all users are 25- 35 years old. People can downvote or insult me but it does not change facts.

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JackHandy said:
CourageTCD said:

 Mr. Random would "never" buy a Nintendo console because he prefers mature, realistic, movie-like games

Is that still a thing? I'm around a lot of young people, and it seems like Nintendo is cool again. I haven't seen the kiddy thing in a long, long time.

I should have put " " there

killer7 said:

What uneducated people, mostly the worker class thinks is: Nintendo is for Kiddies, if they mature they play Playstation. Its like saying Lady Gaga is the best musician in the world because the radio always plays her music. In fact its teenagers who search for the so called "cool thing", playing harmless popcorn entertainment for 13 year olds like Call Of Duty, Fifa or Fartnite... my 13 years old cousin plays COD. Most of them are in puberty trying to impress ladies by playing "the strong man". Reallity is different: When i was in my 20s i went on (student)parties. We also where learning together. Guess what console we played? Gamecube, Wii, (3)DS, Mario Kart. Today its Switch. If you go in the worker class Playstation is the way to go. When you are 14- 20 its what people play. But when you mature you are also fine with the Switch. Thats my personal experience and Nintendo's own researches totally reflect that. 43% of all users are 25- 35 years old. People can downvote or insult me but it does not change facts.

A lot of strawman arguments and anecdotes... really not better than the "Nintendo is for Kiddies" clichée/trope.

Conina said:
Phenomajp13 said:

Currently PS5 is tracking behind PS4, which sold less than 120 but PS5 could remain on the market without a successor longer than PS4 allowing PS5 to hit 120 million. Switch is looking to reach the coveted 160 million or even higher. That puts Switch 40 million above PS5, I personally think that should qualify as getting beat and atleast approaching getting crushed. So no, not really delusional just depends on your definition. This is supposedly a market leader (PS).

Sorry, but 40 million gap of 160 million is just 25% difference.

How can a 25% difference "at least approaching getting crushed"? 100% hyperbole.

Oh good. Someone else disagreeing with the "PlayStation is getting crushed" narrative that I can't believe even came up here in this thread. Yeah, I'm sure they will feel the crushing when they are selling millions of consoles during the GTA6 launch because it's a console exclusive, and XBS consoles have fallen off a cliff so will be no threat to Sony during GTA6 launch period. 

Hardstuck-Platinum said:
Conina said:

Sorry, but 40 million gap of 160 million is just 25% difference.

How can a 25% difference "at least approaching getting crushed"? 100% hyperbole.

Oh good. Someone else disagreeing with the "PlayStation is getting crushed" narrative that I can't believe even came up here in this thread. Yeah, I'm sure they will feel the crushing when they are selling millions of consoles during the GTA6 launch because it's a console exclusive, and XBS consoles have fallen off a cliff so will be no threat to Sony during GTA6 launch period. 

GTAVI is also on Xbox and PC!

Look at 2013 sales for PS3 and Xbox 360. You realise something?😉

killer7 said:
Hardstuck-Platinum said:

Oh good. Someone else disagreeing with the "PlayStation is getting crushed" narrative that I can't believe even came up here in this thread. Yeah, I'm sure they will feel the crushing when they are selling millions of consoles during the GTA6 launch because it's a console exclusive, and XBS consoles have fallen off a cliff so will be no threat to Sony during GTA6 launch period. 

GTAVI is also on Xbox and PC!

Look at 2013 sales for PS3 and Xbox 360. You realise something?😉

Why look at the 2013 sales? Most console players interested in the GTA series already bought their PS3s and Xbox360s in 2008 or the following years for GTA 4, so they already had one for the GTA 5 launch. Nobody was expecting a hardware boost for Xbox 360 or PS3 in September 2013 when the announced nextgen consoles were only two months away.

And many gamers waited for the inevitable nextgen ports (PS4 + Xbox One + PC) of GTA 5... or they double dipped.