Some people here talk like if players' taste on videogame were stable and unchangeble. I know that there are people that probably wouldn't by Nintendo's consoles or Sony's consoles because it isn't their "thing" but these companies know that, at the end of the day, everyone buying consoles wants to PLAY VIDEO GAME. Mr. Random would "never" buy a Nintendo console because he prefers mature, realistic, movie-like games but maybe Nintendo does something that calls his attention to the Switch. Maybe this guy takes an interest on one of Nintendo's game for whatever reason or gets interested in the the hybrid form of the Switch, and BANG, here we have a person giving $300 to Nintendo to buy its game instead of giving the money to Sony. To sum things up, think of a Venn Diagram. The interconected part of the circles are the people who usually is really torn between buying Nintendo's or Sony's stuff and the the outer part of the two circles are people who usually wouldn't consider buying the console of the company they don't care. But pay attention to the USUALLY. Companies deep down will always want to get as many people to its environment, even the ones that supposedly will never like their stuff