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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Long running series that need a refresh/new blood

killer7 said:
Leynos said:

No, it should not be exclusive. Xbox right now has the best Dpad for fighting games as a default controller, not to mention third-party fighting game controllers for all platforms anyway. Not to mention arcade sticks.

Arcade Sticks you can use anywhere but the Xbox Controller extremly sucks for fighting games. The PS Pad is more exact and does a better job. Also the button combinations are much easier to perform. I played at Tekken championship and can tell you that. But for shooters the Xbox pad is irreplacable.

I have a harder time on Sony consoles as their Dpads always sucked but Series X is the best Dpad since Saturn and have no issues.

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!

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Leynos said:
killer7 said:

Arcade Sticks you can use anywhere but the Xbox Controller extremly sucks for fighting games. The PS Pad is more exact and does a better job. Also the button combinations are much easier to perform. I played at Tekken championship and can tell you that. But for shooters the Xbox pad is irreplacable.

I have a harder time on Sony consoles as their Dpads always sucked but Series X is the best Dpad since Saturn and have no issues.

For shooters Xbox is irreplacable. But i guess thats different preferences. Since Tekken came out i played it on PS. Tekken 6 was the first game that was multi.

killer7 said:
Kyuu said:

As solid as the mechanics inherited from Tekken 5 are, I think Tekken needs a reboot with a new leadership. The story is a mess, combos are disgustingly long, and all the combat mechanics added from Tekken 6 onwards are bad or boring or both. Slowmo is cool but not exactly a combat mechanic lol.

Tekken with better writers and a Tekken 5-esque combat could get me back to the series.

I like Tekken. What we need is Tekken 9 and then Tekken Tag Tournament 3! But i think it should be PS5 exclusive! The PS(5) conttoller works best for fighting games (Xbox controller is a joke, PC lol, Switch not really). Bamco could focus on 1 single plattform and get the most out of it! I do not undertand why te game went multi... it was always close to perfect on Playstation. 

Exclusivity isn't necessary. Modern AAA games should be available on as many platforms as possible to maximize sales.

Xbox Dpads royally sucked but apparently Series X changed that. Playstation Dpads are traditionally the best (especially for Tekken) but the Tekken community seems to really hate the mushy Dualsense Dpad. I haven't tried it on a fighting game myself but I can tell that I wouldn't like it as much as any Dualshock. US Eddy pro player "Spero Gin" uses an original PS1 controller lol.

Tekken is great but it needs a reboot imo, maybe after the story concludes in either Tekken 8 DLC's or Tekken 9. Tag 3 would be cool but these games don't sell enough, sadly. So it's not happening. Truth be told, I wouldn't mind a new Namco series replacing Tekken and drawing heavy inspiration from it. Tekken itself was originally a sister series to Virtua Fighter.

Leynos said:

All I want out of the next Castlevania is a 2D linear game like Castlevania IV or the NES games. Not saying looks like those. But classicvania. Already 45 million Metroidvania games out now 2D and 3D. Half of them are Castlevania itself. Besides Bloodstained is the Metroidvania SOTN series now. No. Either 2.5D or stylized 2D visuals. Maybe Lizardcube or something hand-drawn. Just no more SoTN clones. I have waited 30 fucking years for Castlevania to return to its old form. CVIV is still the best in the series. Linear. Dark. Atmospheric and gothic. LoS was the closest we came to replicating that.

After having watched the CV anime over the years, it's got me pining for a new game, and I too wuld prefer if they made it in the 2.5/2D style as well, but try to keep it like the originals and give us multiple ways to go about the map and so on. 

Also, while I do still have love for SotN, I would vastly prefer a call back to the original first 3 games. 

Mankind, in its arrogance and self-delusion, must believe they are the mirrors to God in both their image and their power. If something shatters that mirror, then it must be totally destroyed.

Not only does the Donkey Kong franchise need a brand new game, but it needs to be helmed by people who aren't afraid to put King K. Rool and the Kremlings back in the role of main antagonists, bring back more of the 90s DK characters like Candy Kong, Chunky Kong, Wrinkly Kong, and the other Animal Buddies because all we've gotten these days are Rambi and Squaks.

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I'm a big fan of the series but Forza Horizon is a good potential candidate since people have complained about how similar 4 and 5 feel to each other. Hopefully 6 shakes things up at least a bit or is at least big enough of a leap to really satisfy people since with how things are looking it could be the last game in the series for a while.