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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - When will the Switch 2 launch?


It'll launch...

May-June 20 71.43%
July-August 1 3.57%
September-October 6 21.43%
November-December 1 3.57%

According to a report, Nintendo wants to produce 20m in their first FY. So the earlier the better.

May 2025.

I originally predicted Holiday 2025, and I hope they choose earlier than that.

Around the Network
Soundwave said:

May perhaps. Doesn't really seem like you need months and months of build up for this, this system is about as straight forward as it gets. It's a Switch 2.

Which is why it's so underwhelming to me. It's basically the same thing with more power; a Switch Pro.

I can't believe I'm saying this, but I think I liked blue-ocean Nintendo better.

JWeinCom said:

I would love if it came out before May. But the hands on events run till June, and I wouldn't expect it to launch before those end. Unless it's a staggered launch.

The hands on events are happening first in early April for NA/EU and a bit later in Japan/Asia. Maybe they are launching first in US/EU since they figure they already have Japan on lock.

Nah, it could happen nonetheless. The OG Switch had hands on events well after weeks it got released. 

May-June is definitely the more likelier timeframe overall. Especially since they haven't budged from the 3 months in between hardware reveal and the actual following full presentation.

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