BFR said:
Also, Republicans have more in common with Libertarians than Democrats do.
Again, the US Libertarian party isn't the standard for "libertarianism".
You're overly fixated on a US perspective. The US political party that names itself Libertarian has little to do with Libertarianism on the chart.
"It is popular to label libertarianism as a “right-wing” doctrine. But this is mistaken. For one, on social—rather than economic—issues, libertarianism tends to be “left-wing” in advocating for radical social liberty in the form of freedom of association, of cultural and religious expression, and sexual liberation. On foreign policy it is also aligned more with the left in opposing border restrictions and war. Its historical entanglement with both radicalism and reaction, as well as its approach to rights being used to endorse distributive egalitarianism, means that it cannot be easily placed on a contemporary left-right partisan spectrum. In a sense, the left-right spectrum is itself reiterated within libertarianism, given its internal diversity."
BFR said:
Because left-wing vs. right-wing has been a comparison that has existed for ages. I have never heard of a comparison between Auth's vs. Libert's
The notion of adding another dimension to the political scale has existed for decades. It's older than either of us.
Last edited by the-pi-guy - on 20 December 2024