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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Favorite games that never got proper sequels

Omikron: The Nomad Soul, first Quantic Dream's game from '99.

I liked some of their games afterwards, but that one, though with some jank, was quite ahead of its time, being very atmospheric 3D semi-open world action-adventure, and remained my favourite (having David Bowie do the soundtrack and be one of the most important characters in the game also gives it special vibe).

Sequel was to be called Nomad Souls:Exodus or Omikron 2: Karma and was in the works, when Fahrenheit (Indigo Prophecy) made a splash, so Cage's directorial ambitions pushed QD to focus on that type of games.

Occasionally, I still hope that some day there will be another game like that from QD. Occasionally.

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I’m going to cheat here a bit, so feel free to disqualify my picks, but both of the games I’m listing had DS sequels that didn’t even do the same thing as the original games.

Elebits- this game was fantastic. One of the best uses of the Wii pointer and its motion controls. A top 10 Wii title for me, in spite of it having one of the cringiest stories/voice acting I’ve ever heard.

Chibi Robo- I feel like this game is the answer to so many questions. Most underused IP? Chibi Robo. Game that never got a fair chance? Chibi Robo. Game that never got a “proper” sequel, Chibi Robo. The gameplay loop is No in line with today’s cozy games and I could even see it having some sort of “you ran out of power but were revived” roguelite version. It’s a shame this came out on the fading GameCube. I wonder if it would have had a better chance on the Wii, but they probably would have tried to shoehorn in some wiimote gimmicks so it’s probably best it wasn’t. Either way, this game has Dreamcast energy: a game that those who played it loved, but yay never really got the chance to sell.

The Order:1886

I wouldn't necessarily call it a favorite game of mine but I enjoyed the gameplay, the visual, and story/setting was great, it was leading up to something exciting if a sequel happened. Would love it if Sony were to jump back into this taking into account of all the player feedbacks.

I know it was a pretty linear and short game but it was Ready at Dawn's first console game. I really enjoyed their previous work and looked liked they definitely had the potential of becoming a strong dev for Sony. Unfortunately they no longer exist.

Blast Corps on the N64 comes to mind, though I would not have wanted a sequel that same generation, or even the next gen. Now, though, on today's consoles... that could surely be a Blast.

Half-Life 2 :p

Dragon Age: Origins never got the sequel I wanted.

Beyond: Good & Evil comes to mind.

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Eternal Darkness does not need a sequel. Really. (I know, Dyack himself thought about it, and there is even a reference in the game, but is not necessary and would probably sold not that well).

You need to beat the game 3 times to defeat the 3 God-like creatures. That's enough and closes the story very well. Yes, Mantorok is still alive, but trapped and weakening by the day... I'm fine with that: It give you a creepy feeling, not bad for a game like that.

That game, in N64, would have been remembered as one of its must-have in every list. Appearing in Gamecube made possible to have FMVs (very blurry, by actual standards, btw) and better graphics in general. But damaged a lot its long-standing memory in the general public mind (caused by the machine failure in the market). I doubt it sold better in GC than it could have sold in N64, even in 2001.

Great game, anyways.

Outlaws for me. Such a fun Western FPS and I absolutely loved the art direction and cutscenes, looking like it came straight out of an animated version of a Clint Eastwood Western. Even had good, bad, and ugly as the difficulty options lol. Fairly dark story for how lighthearted it's presented. And gameplay is pretty much like any other late 90s FPS just with a western setting, but it's still one of LucasArts long lost gems.

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind

As a stand alone game, I gues Mad Max, it was really good. And Super Mario RPG as well, cause Paper Mario its an entirely diferent thing.

As a game series, its Suikoden. The last mainline Suikoden game is Suikoden 5, which was fantastic. I consider it the best after S2.
That game released in 2006 and we never got another sequel after that one. Very sad.

Lowkey Chrono Trigger cause I will not acknowledge Chrono Cross as its sequel, its just... ugh.

I think it was really buggy, and I bet if i went back and played it now I wouldn't be as big of fan, but Advent Rising. Think it was on the OG Xbox? LOVED that game, and was supposed to be a trilogy but got cancelled. Think it was written by Orson Scott Card.

Owner of PS4 Pro, Xbox One, Switch, PS Vita, and 3DS

Ooooooooh my goodness, Jade Empire!!!! Can't believe I nearly forgot about it. It was BioWare at their most creative imo with stellar writing and worldbuilding, and a lot more fun combat than KOTOR. BioWare made Mass Effect after this game, so not surprising that Jade Empire never got a sequel, which is a damn shame.

I'll also throw in Phantom Dust as another original Xbox game that never got a sequel. 

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind