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Eternal Darkness does not need a sequel. Really. (I know, Dyack himself thought about it, and there is even a reference in the game, but is not necessary and would probably sold not that well).

You need to beat the game 3 times to defeat the 3 God-like creatures. That's enough and closes the story very well. Yes, Mantorok is still alive, but trapped and weakening by the day... I'm fine with that: It give you a creepy feeling, not bad for a game like that.

That game, in N64, would have been remembered as one of its must-have in every list. Appearing in Gamecube made possible to have FMVs (very blurry, by actual standards, btw) and better graphics in general. But damaged a lot its long-standing memory in the general public mind (caused by the machine failure in the market). I doubt it sold better in GC than it could have sold in N64, even in 2001.

Great game, anyways.