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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The 15th Annual Greatest Games Event - The Discussion Thread

UnderwaterFunktown said:
Bofferbrauer2 said:

Well, since nobody tried all those days I will reveal the first one and add a bunch more games and hints to the list:

#40 - A Pinball game with 3 tables that would be pretty much impossible to make in reality 3D Ultra Pinball: Creep Night

  1. It has a halloween/dark fantasy setting
  2. "FEED ME!" says the castle
  3. The names of the three tables are "Castle", "Dungeon", and "Laboratory".

#39 - Stealth, Sniping or big guns, whatever approach floats your boat in this game is possible.

  1. When it came out, the game was absolutely lauded for it's story and storytelling, and it's only real gripe among reviewers was that the graphics were a bit outdated.
  2. It's a bit of a meme that people hearing about this game again makes them immediately re-install it on their PC.
  3. The game got released just 2 days before Diablo 2 and 3 weeks before entry #37 - at least in the US. In Europe #37 released the same day as Diablo 2

#38 - Thwart an Alien Invasion with a team of soldiers and some researchers trying to reverse-engineer the alien tech into something useable by humans.

  1. You start in the late 1970's and with according tech and weaponry, just somewhat adapted for your specific needs. Later on, you'll research laser weaponry, plasma rifles and coilguns, but psionics won't do anything.
  2. Your alien foes are made of Sebillians (a race of fasr-healing and very strong but short-sighted lizardmen), Caesan (basically the Greys, good sight but mediocre health), Reapers (turns your soldier into a zombie if he hits you in melee), Androns (robotic infantrymen with a total disregard for cover), Drones, and the Praetor who are leading the invasion. 
  3. It got rereleased a year after it's release as the "Community Edition" with some community-suggested rebalancing and mod support.

#37 - "It is a world, of darkness"

  1. The quest of this RPG plays over a timeframe of about thousand years, which is foreshadowed in a discussion early within the game.
  2. As the thousand years alluded above suggest, you're playing a Vampire, but he's not yet one of them at the beginning of the game.

#36 - This series is one of the most-cited successors to the classic DOS game Master of Magic.

  1. The first game of the series was totally broken and got 6 patches within the first two days, but the core mechanics were not really good, so it got a successor that entirely replaced the first game, which itself got an expansion that replaced the previous replacement. We're talking about the last one in the line.
  2. You play as the sovereign of one of the 10 nations, split between the good Kingdom faction and the fallen Empire faction

#35 - You lead the development of new video games for a console manufacturer

  1. The game only came out in Japan as it released just days before the console stopped being produced

#34 - Careful what you build here, because those living in your facilities might get violent, kill each other or even their hosts, riot, or leave the complex you're building for them entirely.

  1. While the player character is represented by a unit in the game, it's name, gender an special skill are set. and you can't do research on your own, you need some Administrators with their office unlock these things.

#33 - One of the most hailed tactical RPGs on PC - if not THE most one.

#32 - A medieval Fantasy city/city state builder.

#31 - Two drivers on the same vehicle

#30 - "Capitalism, Ho!"

#29 - "War never changes", again.

#28 - "Game Over, Yeah!"

#27 - Heroes lead armies in turn-based combats over a large world map to dominate their opponents and conquer their cities.

#26 - The goal of this game is to colonize Mars and make it habitable to humans without protective gear or oxygen masks.

Don't think I know many of these but might as well try

38) is this an X-Com game?

33) is this an X-Com game?

29) Fallout 2 I guess

27) Heroes of Might and Magic... 3?

38: Nope, but you're close, as it's a spiritual successor to the series of sorts

33: Nope

29: Correct!

27: Correct series, wrong game

Around the Network
Bofferbrauer2 said:

Well, since nobody tried all those days I will reveal the first one and add a bunch more games and hints to the list:

#40 - A Pinball game with 3 tables that would be pretty much impossible to make in reality 3D Ultra Pinball: Creep Night

  1. It has a halloween/dark fantasy setting
  2. "FEED ME!" says the castle
  3. The names of the three tables are "Castle", "Dungeon", and "Laboratory".

#39 - Stealth, Sniping or big guns, whatever approach floats your boat in this game is possible.

  1. When it came out, the game was absolutely lauded for it's story and storytelling, and it's only real gripe among reviewers was that the graphics were a bit outdated.
  2. It's a bit of a meme that people hearing about this game again makes them immediately re-install it on their PC.
  3. The game got released just 2 days before Diablo 2 and 3 weeks before entry #37 - at least in the US. In Europe #37 released the same day as Diablo 2

#38 - Thwart an Alien Invasion with a team of soldiers and some researchers trying to reverse-engineer the alien tech into something useable by humans.

  1. You start in the late 1970's and with according tech and weaponry, just somewhat adapted for your specific needs. Later on, you'll research laser weaponry, plasma rifles and coilguns, but psionics won't do anything.
  2. Your alien foes are made of Sebillians (a race of fasr-healing and very strong but short-sighted lizardmen), Caesan (basically the Greys, good sight but mediocre health), Reapers (turns your soldier into a zombie if he hits you in melee), Androns (robotic infantrymen with a total disregard for cover), Drones, and the Praetor who are leading the invasion. 
  3. It got rereleased a year after it's release as the "Community Edition" with some community-suggested rebalancing and mod support.

#37 - "It is a world, of darkness"

  1. The quest of this RPG plays over a timeframe of about thousand years, which is foreshadowed in a discussion early within the game.
  2. As the thousand years alluded above suggest, you're playing a Vampire, but he's not yet one of them at the beginning of the game.

#36 - This series is one of the most-cited successors to the classic DOS game Master of Magic.

  1. The first game of the series was totally broken and got 6 patches within the first two days, but the core mechanics were not really good, so it got a successor that entirely replaced the first game, which itself got an expansion that replaced the previous replacement. We're talking about the last one in the line.
  2. You play as the sovereign of one of the 10 nations, split between the good Kingdom faction and the fallen Empire faction

#35 - You lead the development of new video games for a console manufacturer

  1. The game only came out in Japan as it released just days before the console stopped being produced

#34 - Careful what you build here, because those living in your facilities might get violent, kill each other or even their hosts, riot, or leave the complex you're building for them entirely.

  1. While the player character is represented by a unit in the game, it's name, gender an special skill are set. and you can't do research on your own, you need some Administrators with their office unlock these things.

#33 - One of the most hailed tactical RPGs on PC - if not THE most one.

#32 - A medieval Fantasy city/city state builder.

#31 - Two drivers on the same vehicle

#30 - "Capitalism, Ho!"

#29 - "War never changes", again. Fallout 2, as found out by @UnderwaterFunktown 

#28 - "Game Over, Yeah!"

#27 - Heroes lead armies in turn-based combats over a large world map to dominate their opponents and conquer their cities.

#26 - The goal of this game is to colonize Mars and make it habitable to humans without protective gear or oxygen masks.

31: Mario Kart: Double Dash?

30: Is this Recettear? Been ages since I played it.

27: Heroes of Might & Magic III?

Next batch of games then.


  • In the final part of this game the player controls the main character's child


  • Machines are replicating old human concepts and societies in a post-apocalyptic earth


  • Among the notable themes in this very political JRPG are environmentalism, impact of corporations and industry on nature, life and birth, and economic disparity in society


  • Life ended nearly a thousand years ago, yet here you still are


  • The main villain went insane due to cruel experiments that gave him great power

Darashiva said:
Bofferbrauer2 said:

Well, since nobody tried all those days I will reveal the first one and add a bunch more games and hints to the list:

#40 - A Pinball game with 3 tables that would be pretty much impossible to make in reality 3D Ultra Pinball: Creep Night

  1. It has a halloween/dark fantasy setting
  2. "FEED ME!" says the castle
  3. The names of the three tables are "Castle", "Dungeon", and "Laboratory".

#39 - Stealth, Sniping or big guns, whatever approach floats your boat in this game is possible.

  1. When it came out, the game was absolutely lauded for it's story and storytelling, and it's only real gripe among reviewers was that the graphics were a bit outdated.
  2. It's a bit of a meme that people hearing about this game again makes them immediately re-install it on their PC.
  3. The game got released just 2 days before Diablo 2 and 3 weeks before entry #37 - at least in the US. In Europe #37 released the same day as Diablo 2

#38 - Thwart an Alien Invasion with a team of soldiers and some researchers trying to reverse-engineer the alien tech into something useable by humans.

  1. You start in the late 1970's and with according tech and weaponry, just somewhat adapted for your specific needs. Later on, you'll research laser weaponry, plasma rifles and coilguns, but psionics won't do anything.
  2. Your alien foes are made of Sebillians (a race of fasr-healing and very strong but short-sighted lizardmen), Caesan (basically the Greys, good sight but mediocre health), Reapers (turns your soldier into a zombie if he hits you in melee), Androns (robotic infantrymen with a total disregard for cover), Drones, and the Praetor who are leading the invasion. 
  3. It got rereleased a year after it's release as the "Community Edition" with some community-suggested rebalancing and mod support.

#37 - "It is a world, of darkness"

  1. The quest of this RPG plays over a timeframe of about thousand years, which is foreshadowed in a discussion early within the game.
  2. As the thousand years alluded above suggest, you're playing a Vampire, but he's not yet one of them at the beginning of the game.

#36 - This series is one of the most-cited successors to the classic DOS game Master of Magic.

  1. The first game of the series was totally broken and got 6 patches within the first two days, but the core mechanics were not really good, so it got a successor that entirely replaced the first game, which itself got an expansion that replaced the previous replacement. We're talking about the last one in the line.
  2. You play as the sovereign of one of the 10 nations, split between the good Kingdom faction and the fallen Empire faction

#35 - You lead the development of new video games for a console manufacturer

  1. The game only came out in Japan as it released just days before the console stopped being produced

#34 - Careful what you build here, because those living in your facilities might get violent, kill each other or even their hosts, riot, or leave the complex you're building for them entirely.

  1. While the player character is represented by a unit in the game, it's name, gender an special skill are set. and you can't do research on your own, you need some Administrators with their office unlock these things.

#33 - One of the most hailed tactical RPGs on PC - if not THE most one.

#32 - A medieval Fantasy city/city state builder.

#31 - Two drivers on the same vehicle

#30 - "Capitalism, Ho!"

#29 - "War never changes", again. Fallout 2, as found out by @UnderwaterFunktown 

#28 - "Game Over, Yeah!"

#27 - Heroes lead armies in turn-based combats over a large world map to dominate their opponents and conquer their cities.

#26 - The goal of this game is to colonize Mars and make it habitable to humans without protective gear or oxygen masks.

31: Mario Kart: Double Dash?

30: Is this Recettear? Been ages since I played it.

27: Heroes of Might & Magic III?

31: Correct

30: Yepperoni, that's correct!

27: Has already be mentioned, and while the series is correct, that's the wrong entry.

Darashiva said:

Next batch of games then.


  • In the final part of this game the player controls the main character's child


  • Machines are replicating old human concepts and societies in a post-apocalyptic earth


  • Among the notable themes in this very political JRPG are environmentalism, impact of corporations and industry on nature, life and birth, and economic disparity in society


  • Life ended nearly a thousand years ago, yet here you still are


  • The main villain went insane due to cruel experiments that gave him great power

20- Uncharted 4?

19- Sounds like Nier? Automata?

18- FF7?

17- FFX?

16- FF6?

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The days march on and I can't keep up. I try to be brief.

42 was unguessed, It is Disgaea 2.

I was super hyped for this sequel when it came out because the original Disgaea was so good. This game is good in its own right but doesn't keep up with the best Disgaea games. It features the main character using fists, which is rare in the series. The much expanded roster of monsters and classes were appreciated. As always I made my usual party members and had a blast smashing each stage with them. If you like tactical JRPGs, I recommend playing this one after Disgaea, Disgaea 5 and Disgaea 7.

39 was unguessed. One person correctly guessed it was a digimon game. Digimon Cyber Sleuth.

The Digimon JRPGs and anime were much preferred by me over the much more popular monster series. But at some point due to lacking good sales, the digimon games grew to be not very good. This game is the return to form after a slew of disappointments. It is a JRPG with your favorite digimon, and the story is very much digimon.

38 and 37 are unguessed. They are Dragon Quest Heroes 1 and 2.

These JRPGs were developed at the same time that Nintendo hired Omega Force for Hyrule Warriors. They were well crafted with the mixture of Dragon Quest JRPG goodness and Warriors style combat. I platinumed each game due to how much fun I had. Dragon quest characters from the series show up and are great fun to play in a more active role. I put them together because it is like one big game with the 2nd game only adding minor changes.

36 unguessed is Strangers of Paradise.

This JRPG is Team Ninja's take on the FF world. I expected a fun game with a mediocre story. In the end I got a fun game with an interesting story. The game was quite difficult for me at first, but once I figured out how the combat works and got my classes leveled up a bit, it became a unique experience in its own right.

Farsala said:
Darashiva said:

Next batch of games then.


  • In the final part of this game the player controls the main character's child


  • Machines are replicating old human concepts and societies in a post-apocalyptic earth


  • Among the notable themes in this very political JRPG are environmentalism, impact of corporations and industry on nature, life and birth, and economic disparity in society


  • Life ended nearly a thousand years ago, yet here you still are


  • The main villain went insane due to cruel experiments that gave him great power

20- Uncharted 4?

19- Sounds like Nier? Automata?

18- FF7?

17- FFX?

16- FF6?

Correct on everything except 17.

Darashiva said:

Correct on everything except 17.

Not sure because I never played it, but 17, Horizon Zero Dawn?

Bofferbrauer2 said:

#34 - Careful what you build here, because those living in your facilities might get violent, kill each other or even their hosts, riot, or leave the complex you're building for them entirely.

  1. While the player character is represented by a unit in the game, it's name, gender an special skill are set. and you can't do research on your own, you need some Administrators with their office unlock these things.

#32 - A medieval Fantasy city/city state builder.

34: Prison Architect

32: Kingdoms and Castles


Change YoY: +1   My Rating: 9.3 / 10

To say Trails of Cold Steel IV had quite a lot of expectations to live up to would be putting it lightly. It was the culmination of a story that had at that point spanned eight earlier games (though only six had been released in the west at that point), it needed to tie together plot threads from three separate sub-series within the franchise, conclude its own internal storylines in a suitable manner, and do so in a way that not only made sense, but would also serve as a satisfying conclusion to said plot threads that had in some cases been built up over several hundred hours. If you ask me, it did that about as well as I could have ever hoped. 

As you might know, or guess by what I just wrote above, Trails of Cold Steel IV is also a very long game, precisely because it has to wrap up so many different stories from across so many different games, but unlike what often happens with long games, it all feels earned. To me, it never felt like the game was overstaying its welcome, as these were characters and stories I was fully invested in, and I wanted to see this final chapter be given the time to properly tell its story without rushing through anything unnecessarily. And that's what they did, as this game took me over 130 hours to complete, and I thoroughly enjoyed every last moment I spent with this game, and the Cold Steel series in general. Of course, this is still not the end of the whole story, just the conclusion of a part of it.

Guessed by @UnderwaterFunktown

Astral Chain took a bit of a hit on this year's list, mainly down to this one time I thought of replaying it, went through files 1 and 2 or whatever, and left kinda underwhelmed. It was pretty silly considering I know those are the weakest parts of the game, but still, it impacted my immediate feelings on it. This game gets so good later on though. File 6 will probably always remain one of my favorite moments in gaming, a huge chunk of the game where it radically changes your perception on its setting, and the game doesn't look back at all from that point, building up to an amazing ending.

I've talked about it before but the greatest thing about this game is definitely the combat. It feels so visceral and thrilling once you get good at controlling both characters at the same time, and synergizing their every move to obliterate enemies. Every hit feels punchy, everything has the perfect amount of feedback, and there's just so much cool shit you can do. I mean, of course the combat is good, because this is by PlatinumGames, but even for their standards I think this stands out. It's just so ridiculously deep and I appreciate how the post-game ramps up the challenge and really forces you to master every aspect of it. Thinking back on it now, I can't believe how I ever beat that secret boss at the end, that thing is ridiculously impossible, but I did it and I did it because the game hooks you into its learning curve and once you're in it, you don't even realize how much you're improving.

Beyond that, yeah, I love mostly everything this is about. The story can be kinda shallow and generic at times, but it also hits hard some other times. I especially dig the setting and worldbuilding behind some of it though, and I really hope someday we get a sequel that expores the more interesting things about this world. I also hope I can get to play this at 60fps soon, make it happen Nintendo. Anyway, yeah. I love this game.