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Forums - Politics Discussion - Dragon Age: The veilguard reviews at 83 Opencritic/84 Metacritic.



Will play 9 18.00%
Will not play 26 52.00%
Will play on sale 12 24.00%
I don't like Dragon age. 3 6.00%

Even if Admongold and a few others are right and it's almost hitting a solid 7, I have way too many great games that are 9+ sitting on my ps5 to settle of it, I've like 8 installed, long games to get through before the spring games start releasing but it's good to know if a drought comes up next year there will be this to tide things over.

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Many of the large gaming sites use reviews to push their real business, gaming guides. That's definitely conflicting interests, since they want as many people as possible to play those games.

HoloDust said:
Mnementh said:

This is reality, before Peter Jacksons trilogy every attempt at adaptation was generally deemed bad. And the Hobbit trilogy is also generally marked as mediocre at best. This makes it so much more strange, that so many seem to be willing to defend that train wreck Rings of Power.

As someone who read LotR in early 80s, and only then watched Bakshi's '78 adaptation, I found it to be very good tonal representation of the books, no matter the limited running time and budgetary constrains of it. I actually prefer it to Jackson's, since, from my POV, gets more things right than wrong than Jackson's.

I grew up with the books and Bakshi's film myself (I like his other works, despite how scuffed they can come off as).

I don't think his Hobbit film was all that bad. Sure there were some dialogue choices that come off as meme worthy today, but back then it was alright for what it was. Also his film was more faithful, while Jakcson's was more focused on some romance aspects and a lot of action and less diplomacy/philosophy.

I only watched the first Peter Jackson Hobbit film btw. I tuned out because it didn't feel like it was going anywhere good.

Last edited by Chazore - on 01 November 2024

Mankind, in its arrogance and self-delusion, must believe they are the mirrors to God in both their image and their power. If something shatters that mirror, then it must be totally destroyed.

Darc Requiem said:
JRPGfan said:

Watching Asmongold play the game, and I'm sitting here thinking "this looks good, I kinda want to play it".

They should just given him a code :P
That was much better marketing than those early review stuff.

I watched Wolfheart stream the game. It looks so so. The bulk of my issues with Veilguard have nothing to do with the "culture war" stuff. As usual, people with an indefensible position latch onto the culture war in attempt to dismiss legitmate criticism. 

  • I don't like the combat and the stream just confirmed it.
  • After watching the whole stream, the art style is still a sore point. The environments look fine. The characters don't. In fact the style of the two conflict
  • The presentation, the cluttered UI, despite having a smaller party with more limited skills, the UI seems to take up more of the screen
  • The dialogue was so so thus far. It could get better, could get worse. However the dialogue spoken not matching the text you choose is a common occurence.
  • The claims that you really can't be mean with your party members holds true.
  • The game is direct sequel to Inquistion that ignores most of it's choices
  • The game apparently sidelines Solas, after such an interestng build for two boring mustache twirling villains achetypes

The game seems to be standard fare action RPG with a Dragon Age coat of paint, that wasn't color matched, thrown on top. If it weren't titled "Dragon Age". I'd likely have a more positive opinion of it.

I watched a few different streamers playing it the other night, and yeah, the combat just feels to me like a mix of GoW, but with the command-style inputs you can give (which DA has done before).

I find the art style choice glaring the most. There's multiple scenes where bodies of water just clash with the general art direction and thus end up making the water look like oil in the distance. Also early into the game, there were a lot of red hues, which ended up making foliage and general terrain blend together too often, which kind of made some areas look "samey".

There was even that cutscene with the party on a small boat heading towards a port town, and apparently that was "thick" fog. I've seen thicker fog in the latest Silent Hill Remake than what I saw on last nights streams.

The UI being nearly all purple is what gets me. Purple is by far my favourite colour (Even my glasses frames are purple), but seeing it everywhere on the UI just makes it not feel like DA?. Like Saints Row owned that colour, that was their kind of choice to go with it, but DA I always thought of as having more of a gritty colour palette choice (like dark reds and such). 

The lack of player choices being included from the previous game is also not a good thing, because it just reminds me of what happened to ME3, where once again, the player's choice by that time did not matter, because EA/Bioware just gave up on player agency by that point.

I reckon if EA had remastered or remade the first two DA's, they would have likely received better receptions compared to the backlash and lukewarm reception currently. 

Mankind, in its arrogance and self-delusion, must believe they are the mirrors to God in both their image and their power. If something shatters that mirror, then it must be totally destroyed.

Mnementh said:
HoloDust said:

As someone who read LotR in early 80s, and only then watched Bakshi's '78 adaptation, I found it to be very good tonal representation of the books, no matter the limited running time and budgetary constrains of it. I actually prefer it to Jackson's, since, from my POV, gets more things right than wrong than Jackson's.

Fair point. And I have to say I admire that you stay strongly minority positions (also in the case of Baldur's Gate 3). You don't just have an anti-mainstream position, you also can argue your position. And to be fair: I don't know anything about earlier adaptations, I just got the general impression they are disliked by the majority.

What did you think about Rings of Power?

If you can get your hands on it, watch Bakshi's LotR (1978) - Jackson borrowed quite a few things from it and there are some things that are very...picturesque. It is very limited in scope, he was quite constrained with running time and budget, but managed to translate overall feel of the books quite well, IMO. Generally, LotR is not well suited for the movies, even long trilogies like Jackon's - TV show on par with GoT production and care (at least in first 4 seasons) would do it justice in pacing and details that are missing from all its adaptations. But that's not happening any time soon, if ever.

As for Rings of Power - I've managed to watch first two episodes (I wanted to quit after first, but my wife wanted to watch 2nd as well). When it was first announced, I had high hopes, but then Amazon made Wheel of Time, and it was obvious that they don't care at all for source material, so I can't say I was surprised that RoP turned out as  bad - it was just how much everything about it was bad that I found surprising.

Chazore said:
HoloDust said:

As someone who read LotR in early 80s, and only then watched Bakshi's '78 adaptation, I found it to be very good tonal representation of the books, no matter the limited running time and budgetary constrains of it. I actually prefer it to Jackson's, since, from my POV, gets more things right than wrong than Jackson's.

I grew up with the books and Bakshi's film myself (I like his other works, despite how scuffed they can come off as).

I don't think his Hobbit film was all that bad. Sure there were some dialogue choices that come off as meme worthy today, but back then it was alright for what it was. Also his film was more faithful, while Jakcson's was more focused on some romance aspects and a lot of action and less diplomacy/philosophy.

I only watched the first Peter Jackson Hobbit film btw. I tuned out because it didn't feel like it was going anywhere good.

If you're thinking Hobbit from 1977, yeah it was quite fine for what it was, more of a children's animated TV film. That's not Bakhis's though, it's from the same folks who did that animated Return of the King TV film from 1980, in the same style.

I didn't like Jackson's films when they released - they felt completely off, which I didn't think of Bakshi's adaptation. It's only much, much later when I rewatched them with my kids that I found some appreciation for them.

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70k concurrents on steam. Not bad ay all considering it's multiplat and EA have their own launcher. Curious to see how it does tonight and tomorrow night, it'll probably peak higher.

EnricoPallazzo said:
LegitHyperbole said:

I knew Matty wouldn't get himself in legal trouble or cause LSM any grief. 

I am the only one that think these little fights between game journalists/influencers is extremely childish? I expected more from Colin.

Nah, I don't even like Colin but Grummz is a grifting, rage baiting, idiot. I wondered where the source of that clearly fake NDA came from, then when I saw it was Grummz I rolled my eyes and thought "of course" Lol. Grummz used to be in the industry, now he's a washed up developer but he should still have known what an NDA looked like so either he's an idiot in his own industry or he was once again grifting and rage baiting.

Now the reason why I accept Colin being mad at Grummz for sharing it is that the NDA clearly listed both MrMattyPlays and Colin on it as the recipients, it is dragging Colin and Matty into drama, based upon an obvious lie, if said NDA was real, it would have been easy to link it back to Matty and Colin as the ones who leaked it, as it's their names listed on the NDA, Lmao. Course it's all bullshit at the end of the day but I don't blame Colin for being annoyed, it is very much something which, if not clarified, could have potential to damage his career.

If someone is going to purposely spread obvious bullshit, be prepared to be called out for it.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 01 November 2024

Ryuu96 said:

Nah, I don't even like Colin but Grummz is a grifting, rage baiting, idiot. I wondered where the source of that clearly fake NDA came from, then when I saw it was Grummz I rolled my eyes and thought "of course" Lol. Grummz used to be in the industry, now he's a washed up developer but he should still have known what an NDA looked like so either he's an idiot in his own industry or he was once again grifting and rage baiting.

Now the reason why I accept Colin being mad at Grummz for sharing it is that the NDA clearly listed both MrMattyPlays and Colin on it as the recipients, it is dragging Colin and Matty into drama, based upon an obvious lie, if said NDA was real, it would have been easy to link it back to Matty and Colin as the ones who leaked it, as it's their names listed on the NDA, Lmao. Course it's all bullshit at the end of the day but I don't blame Colin for being annoyed, it is very much something which, if not clarified, could have potential to damage his career.

If someone is going to purposely spread obvious bullshit, be prepared to be called out for it.

In that video I linked on the other page, Grummz is just another dev who left Blizzard, did next to nothing for 10yrs, and just sits there on Twitter.

If Grummz wants change to happen, he's going to have to actually do something about it. Telling everyone to "not buy the games" isn't logical, nor realistic. Him actually making fully fleshed out games and working with others can be a start, but he barely even does that.

I see him as more being on the right leaning side, and I tend to roll my eyes at both left/right whenever they do stuff on twitter, so seeing Grummz just sit there like he does, is going to automatically have me rolling eyes (the guy goes off on just about any piece of crumb given to him, that it becomes obnoxious, and his podcast is even worse).

I just think the twitter space trying to get get one another to rage back and forth for clicks/revenue is godawfully stupid/childish. It reminds me of that Azheel guy being baited by Actman for ragebait clicks (both sides were being stupid).

Last edited by Chazore - on 01 November 2024

Mankind, in its arrogance and self-delusion, must believe they are the mirrors to God in both their image and their power. If something shatters that mirror, then it must be totally destroyed.

Ryuu96 said:
EnricoPallazzo said:

I am the only one that think these little fights between game journalists/influencers is extremely childish? I expected more from Colin.

Nah, I don't even like Colin but Grummz is a grifting, rage baiting, idiot. I wondered where the source of that clearly fake NDA came from, then when I saw it was Grummz I rolled my eyes and thought "of course" Lol. Grummz used to be in the industry, now he's a washed up developer but he should still have known what an NDA looked like so either he's an idiot in his own industry or he was once again grifting and rage baiting.

Now the reason why I accept Colin being mad at Grummz for sharing it is that the NDA clearly listed both MrMattyPlays and Colin on it as the recipients, it is dragging Colin and Matty into drama, based upon an obvious lie, if said NDA was real, it would have been easy to link it back to Matty and Colin as the ones who leaked it, as it's their names listed on the NDA, Lmao. Course it's all bullshit at the end of the day but I don't blame Colin for being annoyed, it is very much something which, if not clarified, could have potential to damage his career.

If someone is going to purposely spread obvious bullshit, be prepared to be called out for it.

Nope, this is childish, "come here so I can laugh at your face" sounds like a 5th grade kid. He already called out the bullshit, its fake. Grummz should at least have contacted Colin about it before posting, or checking with someone. I would 100% Colin saying take this shit down, its 100% fake, its irresponsible or whatever, will seek legal action. And we dont know if grumz did it on purpose knowing its fake or if he was just being an idiot.

It seems both already have some mileage in their tantrums anyway.

Chazore said:
Ryuu96 said:

Nah, I don't even like Colin but Grummz is a grifting, rage baiting, idiot. I wondered where the source of that clearly fake NDA came from, then when I saw it was Grummz I rolled my eyes and thought "of course" Lol. Grummz used to be in the industry, now he's a washed up developer but he should still have known what an NDA looked like so either he's an idiot in his own industry or he was once again grifting and rage baiting.

Now the reason why I accept Colin being mad at Grummz for sharing it is that the NDA clearly listed both MrMattyPlays and Colin on it as the recipients, it is dragging Colin and Matty into drama, based upon an obvious lie, if said NDA was real, it would have been easy to link it back to Matty and Colin as the ones who leaked it, as it's their names listed on the NDA, Lmao. Course it's all bullshit at the end of the day but I don't blame Colin for being annoyed, it is very much something which, if not clarified, could have potential to damage his career.

If someone is going to purposely spread obvious bullshit, be prepared to be called out for it.

In that video I linked on the other page, Grummz is just another dev who left Blizzard, did next to nothing for 10yrs, and just sits there on Twitter.

If Grummz wants change to happen, he's going to have to actually do something about it. Telling everyone to "not buy the games" isn't logical, nor realistic. Him actually making fully fleshed out games and working with others can be a start, but he barely even does that.

I see him as more being on the right leaning side, and I tend to roll my eyes at both left/right whenever they do stuff on twitter, so seeing Grummz just sit there like he does, is going to automatically have me rolling eyes (the guy goes off on just about any piece of crumb given to him, that it becomes obnoxious, and his podcast is even worse).

I just think the twitter space trying to get get one another to rage back and forth for clicks/revenue is godawfully stupid/childish. It reminds me of that Azheel guy being baited by Actman for ragebait clicks (both sides were being stupid).

Yep, he doesn't care, he is a washed up developer with nothing better to do, the only way to keep relevancy now is to grift people with rage bait content. Now I won't be as harsh to people who at a quick glance fell for the NDA but Grummz is a former developer, Lmao, Grummz should know what an NDA looks like and Grummz with the platform he has which can be used for both positive and negative influence, should be putting more critical thinking into what he posts and actually verify first if something is legit before posting it, but Grummz isn't interested in the truth more than he is interested in riling people up on his Twitter account because like I said, it's his only path to relevancy today and it's so easy to post bullshit and get away with it nowadays. I don't blame Colin one bit for being annoyed at Grummz and calling him out.