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Forums - Politics Discussion - Dragon Age: The veilguard reviews at 83 Opencritic/84 Metacritic.



Will play 9 18.00%
Will not play 26 52.00%
Will play on sale 12 24.00%
I don't like Dragon age. 3 6.00%
Machina said:

Is this going to be another Star Wars Outlaws? I think this is going to become more and more common as critic and audience preferences diverge.

It isn't helping that those same critics are also shitting on their audience. They're only speeding up the divide more and more, and they'll just end up refusing to acknowledge that they're putting more of their own bias/pol focus instead of just taking a more critical look at the games themselves. 

Mankind, in its arrogance and self-delusion, must believe they are the mirrors to God in both their image and their power. If something shatters that mirror, then it must be totally destroyed.

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Leynos said:

I'm so sick of culture war bullshit. No matter what side of the fence you sit on.

Welcome to a centrist pov, where you just wanna have good games and not have irl shit crammed in to remind you that you're still a part of the outside world. 

Mankind, in its arrogance and self-delusion, must believe they are the mirrors to God in both their image and their power. If something shatters that mirror, then it must be totally destroyed.

LegitHyperbole said:
Leynos said:

I'm so sick of culture war bullshit. No matter what side of the fence you sit on.

Culture wars have been a thing since the beginning of civilization, our ones are just magnified to high heaven with the internet. I agree with you but it's as simple as turning off your Internet or stepping away cause you can't make it stop and it never will, the new generation will win the war against this generations woke views and then the generation after that will rebel and so on and so forth. It will not end. Ya gotta disconnect from it yourself. 

Honestly back in the early days of the net it was not anywhere near this bad.

It's social media that is largely to blame, as well as the fact that now there are multiple ways for people to weed themselves into multiple industries and multiple ways to grift for money, while also getting to hamstring your own ideologies along the way. 

I've stopped using places like Twitter/Reddit and end up using just Discord and this forum and maybe a few comments on Youtube, but apart from that, it still hasn't stopped games from being invaded by those who live on social media, who want anyone who doesn't share their ideologies to be driven out of an entire entertainment sector. 

I don't even think Rock & Roll got this level of clashing, because back then you just had the older generation pissing on their porch about how the genre was created by the Devil, but you barely saw that same old generation trying to weed themselves into an entire music genre and replace it with something completely different, all based on hate for the genre itself. 

The thing is, you're not just seeing this happen to games though, it's happening to other industries, ones like:







Fucking history of all places (revisionism of documented history). 

All of those have been boiling slowly over the years, but now they've reached melting point, and ppl are only starting to notice this in recent yrs and are getting sick of it, hence why you're seeing shows like Doctor Who shit the bed in bad ratings, Star Wars Acolyte getting canned, Velma spinoff getting canned, Star Wars Outlaws not being received/welling well enough, the list goes on. 

ppl just want good content, not politically charged to fuck content, and not from only one alt leaning side either. See when you tip the scales radically to one side fully, you are absolutely going to see ppl getting pissed over time, and things just failing left and right.

Mankind, in its arrogance and self-delusion, must believe they are the mirrors to God in both their image and their power. If something shatters that mirror, then it must be totally destroyed.

SvennoJ said:
LegitHyperbole said:

Agreed. Don't expect everyone to ignore it now though, again this is the internet, especially when done this poorly. Bioware here fucked up and implemented their "message" badly, that's the issue. Again, Baldurs gate and Cyberpunk... no issues cause they didn't make light of it or hamfist any message on top of what they implemented which is really great stuff, really hits the mark for me. They just made it feel natural and no big deal.

I don't care about the culture war stuff, although that coming out dialog scene is pure cringe. But so were the sex scenes in DA: Origins lol.

When they say "return to form" and turn it into an action RPG with bland looking characters and boring visuals, that's where I check out. It simply doesn't look visually appealing, and the combat system doesn't look fun. With reviewers saying they turned the difficulty down to easy to get the boring battles over with faster, giant red flag.

Agreed. This is why the game isn't appealing to me not some conspiracy bullshit or radical take.

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!

LegitHyperbole said:

Read the comments. It's not the only one either, I think Bioware might have fucked themselves regardless of good reviews. The anti woke police youtubers are gonna magnify this to concord levels. It just won't be cool to play this game by tomorrow morning. 

Supposedly there are 7 recruit able characters, if one is not to your liking because of pronouns then use the others.
This is likely what will get told to people. And to some degree they are not wrong.

Machina said:

Is this going to be another Star Wars Outlaws? I think this is going to become more and more common as critic and audience preferences diverge.

No, this is still going to sell well imo.
Its just its early reviews score are probably abit higher than were they will end up.

I think outlaws was buggy and had bad ai ect.  Core gameplay stuff issues.
This game at least looks more polished. And there's lots of people complimenting the combat.

Last edited by JRPGfan - on 29 October 2024

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JRPGfan said:
LegitHyperbole said:

Read the comments. It's not the only one either, I think Bioware might have fucked themselves regardless of good reviews. The anti woke police youtubers are gonna magnify this to concord levels. It just won't be cool to play this game by tomorrow morning. 

Supposedly there are 7 recruit able characters, if one is not to your liking because of pronouns then use the others.
This is likely what will get told to people. And to some degree they are not wrong.

Didn't they also state that most of the romance characters are pansexual though?. That'd mean that it wouldn't matter who you played as, because you could romance anyone.

The whole point with RPG's that involve romance options was to be able to choose different ones, and be denied different partners. If you make every character Pan, then it defeats the point of playing as a male/female character.

Mankind, in its arrogance and self-delusion, must believe they are the mirrors to God in both their image and their power. If something shatters that mirror, then it must be totally destroyed.

Chazore said:
Leynos said:

I'm so sick of culture war bullshit. No matter what side of the fence you sit on.

Welcome to a centrist pov, where you just wanna have good games and not have irl shit crammed in to remind you that you're still a part of the outside world. 

A centrist, is someone that can play through an entire game without looking at reviews have a fantastic time, and than look to see if others enjoyed the game as much as you did just to find a bunch of people complaining about some woke shit you didn't even notice.  And than scratch your head and think what was woke about this game.

rapsuperstar31 said:
Chazore said:

Welcome to a centrist pov, where you just wanna have good games and not have irl shit crammed in to remind you that you're still a part of the outside world. 

A centrist, is someone that can play through an entire game without looking at reviews have a fantastic time, and than look to see if others enjoyed the game as much as you did just to find a bunch of people complaining about some woke shit you didn't even notice.  And than scratch your head and think what was woke about this game.

Not really. That's like saying a Centrist has to agree with every single Pov and say yes to everything (which isn't even possible when you account for personal bias). 

I'm having to remind the site that I'm Bi, I like men and women, I pick and choose from both the left and the right on what I agree/disagree on, what I find progressive and what I find regressive (I agree and am for Gay marriage, but I'm also not for the alt left's desire to eradicate the nuclear family either, as some examples).

Right now, it's the scales tipping to one side and the radicalisation that's been growing world wide, on the net, in general society, that is not the sort of thing anyone, not even a centrist can nor should ignore. Again, being a centrist doesn't mean you get to wipe yourself of bias and just be a blank slate. 

Last edited by Chazore - on 29 October 2024

Mankind, in its arrogance and self-delusion, must believe they are the mirrors to God in both their image and their power. If something shatters that mirror, then it must be totally destroyed.

That dwarf girl looks like abby from tlou2. Her face . I wonder if they used the same model. I wish the game had interesting looking characters, not a game trying to be progressive.

Hm...this doesn't look like DA:O, so hard pass. DA:O is only DA that I cared about, although even that one is a farcry from Bioware's best work, but at least it had some really good things going on for itself. Not that I ever expected much from AAA "RPGs".