LegitHyperbole said: Agreed. Don't expect everyone to ignore it now though, again this is the internet, especially when done this poorly. Bioware here fucked up and implemented their "message" badly, that's the issue. Again, Baldurs gate and Cyberpunk... no issues cause they didn't make light of it or hamfist any message on top of what they implemented which is really great stuff, really hits the mark for me. They just made it feel natural and no big deal. |
I don't care about the culture war stuff, although that coming out dialog scene is pure cringe. But so were the sex scenes in DA: Origins lol.
When they say "return to form" and turn it into an action RPG with bland looking characters and boring visuals, that's where I check out. It simply doesn't look visually appealing, and the combat system doesn't look fun. With reviewers saying they turned the difficulty down to easy to get the boring battles over with faster, giant red flag.