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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Will the Switch 2 be revealed this month?


Will it happen in October?

It definitely will. 1 3.45%
It probably will. 9 31.03%
It probably won't. 7 24.14%
It definitely won't. 10 34.48%
Dunno really. It feels like a coin flip. 2 6.90%

The reveal of it is close since it'll be during this fiscal year but the main question is if it'll be this calendar year or not. A video this month like the Switch got back in October 2016 is probably the last chance for that to happen since a reveal in November or December would be very unexpected.

The lack of a direct in September and recent leaks make me think it being just weeks away is likely though a year ago I thought it would've been revealed a few months before this point so you never know. Either way I definitely hope it's this month.

Last edited by Norion - 9 hours ago

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I'm not sure how this stuff works, as far as deciding when to have a reveal, but if I were Nintendo I wouldn't want to do anything that could lesson the holiday sales. I would hold off until February of next year. avoid getting banned for inactivity, I may have to resort to comments that are of a lower overall quality and or beneath my moral standards.

@DroidKnight Even December could work. I do agree that they don't want to lessen holiday sales, so if they can hold off until after Black Friday, that would be ideal. I do feel like it will be revealed in some capacity this calendar year though.

My theory is that we get a January reveal with a snazzy commercial and a February blowout of titles and features followed by a late April or early May release.

They'll likely say "Coming 2025" and thats it.

A proper reveal might happen in January with a release in March or April.

Around the Network

People have been predicting "the switch 2 will be revealed this month" for the past few months now

Would be funny if Nintendo were seeing all the posts and just pushing back the announcement date just to be a di*k

I don’t know how anyone can vote that it definitely either will or won’t.

I would've voted but didn't see an option for "maybe"

I like it when my mom goes out of town because I get to sleep on her side of the bed. -William Montgomery

January I reckon with March the 12th release date.

BonfiresDown said:

I don't know how anyone can vote that it definitely either will or won't.

I agree though it's interesting how people who don't think it'll be revealed this month are more certain about that than the ones who do.

SuperJortendo said:

I would've voted but didn't see an option for "maybe"

Just added an option for that.