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Forums - Politics Discussion - What do you think the future of global society looks like?

LegitHyperbole said:

Oh God, why did this thread have to be dug up. Nothing good will come of this. Everyone is so pessimistic. I agree we are in bad times but bad times don't last. There'll be good times again people. With every winter there is a spring.

Problem is we're using up far more resources every year than the Earth/nature can replenish.

We are consuming the future

If Earth’s history is compared to a calendar year, modern human life has existed for 37 minutes and we have used one third of Earth’s natural resources in the last 0.2 seconds.

Population is still growing and naturally everyone wants to have the same luxury lifestyle as we're used to in the West.

So even averting nuclear war or destructive AI, we're simply consuming the Earth until there's nothing left. And scarcity leads to wars, oppression, more inequality. Rising sea levels reduces live-able land mass. Rising temperatures cause more desertification, less land for agriculture.

People are grim because the Earth can not sustain 8.2 Billion people with their desired lifestyle.

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SvennoJ said:
LegitHyperbole said:

Oh God, why did this thread have to be dug up. Nothing good will come of this. Everyone is so pessimistic. I agree we are in bad times but bad times don't last. There'll be good times again people. With every winter there is a spring.

Problem is we're using up far more resources every year than the Earth/nature can replenish.

We are consuming the future

If Earth’s history is compared to a calendar year, modern human life has existed for 37 minutes and we have used one third of Earth’s natural resources in the last 0.2 seconds.

Population is still growing and naturally everyone wants to have the same luxury lifestyle as we're used to in the West.

So even averting nuclear war or destructive AI, we're simply consuming the Earth until there's nothing left. And scarcity leads to wars, oppression, more inequality. Rising sea levels reduces live-able land mass. Rising temperatures cause more desertification, less land for agriculture.

People are grim because the Earth can not sustain 8.2 Billion people with their desired lifestyle.

Yeah but those the kids problems. They'll fix it when it gets bad enough, they'll come up with a solution at the last second as things are getting bad and there is clear and present danger, it's always the same story with us humans. 

People overstate things and pretend the past was better when it actually wasn't.

If we were objectively studying say dinosaurs, we would look at the point where dinosaurs had the largest population as a peak in their existence (or any species), so why does that logic hold to everyone but humans?

There's fewer people in poverty today. There were a billion more people living on less than $2.15 in 1990.

Society has progressed a lot on social issues, no where close to perfect but I fail to see what point in the past was much better. While there's still stupid people everywhere, generally speaking a lot of people are more enlightened than say their parents and especially grandparents on a host of issues and that will continue.

The future will bring a host of good stuff people are understating. A big one will probably be a mitigation of the aging process which is horrible and no one can escape now (barring an early death). Maybe we will make actual progress against various cancers as time goes on. Technology will get better.

Yes will have the challenge of likely a warmer globe, but past generations had larger challenges (literal nuclear war being imminent in the 1960s which is now 60+ years ago). There will always be challenges, there is no such thing as life without struggle. 

LegitHyperbole said:
SvennoJ said:

Problem is we're using up far more resources every year than the Earth/nature can replenish.

We are consuming the future

If Earth’s history is compared to a calendar year, modern human life has existed for 37 minutes and we have used one third of Earth’s natural resources in the last 0.2 seconds.

Population is still growing and naturally everyone wants to have the same luxury lifestyle as we're used to in the West.

So even averting nuclear war or destructive AI, we're simply consuming the Earth until there's nothing left. And scarcity leads to wars, oppression, more inequality. Rising sea levels reduces live-able land mass. Rising temperatures cause more desertification, less land for agriculture.

People are grim because the Earth can not sustain 8.2 Billion people with their desired lifestyle.

Yeah but those the kids problems. They'll fix it when it gets bad enough, they'll come up with a solution at the last second as things are getting bad and there is clear and present danger, it's always the same story with us humans. 

We are the kids of those who said "those the kids problems" ;)

We haven't come up with any solutions to what is basically over population. Capitalism is based on growth but we've outgrown the ability of the Earth to keep sustaining us.

The same story with us humans is, Maya, Aztec, Kmer Empire, Rapa Nui, Indus Civilization, Çatalhöyük, Mississippians and more. This time we're globally fucking things up, consuming the entire Earth since the 70s. No more 'luxury' of moving somewhere else.

I'm sure there will be more great advancements. Fusion Power, Quantum computing, longer lifespans.

Yet there's the basic need for food and water for 8.2 Billion people.

Hunger levels are rising around the world. As many as 828 million people – or 10 percent of the world's population – go to bed hungry each night, 46 million more than the previous year, according to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).
May 28, 2023

At least 50 per cent of the planet’s population – 4 billion people – deal with water shortfalls at least one month of the year. By 2025, 1.8 billion people are likely to face what the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) calls “absolute water scarcity.” 

World poverty might be declining, yet hunger is rising as well as lack of clean water.

There are solutions, yet those are not affordable for most people. And the countries that can afford to make solutions aren't. Or at least not in any hurry. We are at the last second, things are getting worse.

I switched to using river water for the yard. Converted my hot tub into a giant rain barrel, which gets filled from the river. Then sump pump to power a sprinkler, moving that around the yard to keep the plants and trees alive. My wife planted 40+ more trees this year, but they need water. It hasn't rained for nearly a month now, the river is as low as I've ever seen it.

My wife has pretty much given up on turning her Daylily hybridization hobby into a business. If it's not a drought month, it's a monsoon like we had in July. Plants rot or roast. It's Sept 16 in Canada, 28c outside. The rain predicted for Wednesday has just been taken away again. Down to 20% chance, no longer showing any precipitation rates. (It was only 3mm expected, no use) Sept 23rd now, maybe.

And of course instead of looking ahead and building new towns in the vast open North, Ontario is doubling the population here locally... More pollution, fewer green spaces, more drain on local resources.

Anyway the lakes have plenty fresh water, Canada has plenty room to expand/move into, we'll be alright here. Not so sure about the rest of the world.

SvennoJ said:
LegitHyperbole said:

Yeah but those the kids problems. They'll fix it when it gets bad enough, they'll come up with a solution at the last second as things are getting bad and there is clear and present danger, it's always the same story with us humans. 

We are the kids of those who said "those the kids problems" ;)

We haven't come up with any solutions to what is basically over population. Capitalism is based on growth but we've outgrown the ability of the Earth to keep sustaining us.

The same story with us humans is, Maya, Aztec, Kmer Empire, Rapa Nui, Indus Civilization, Çatalhöyük, Mississippians and more. This time we're globally fucking things up, consuming the entire Earth since the 70s. No more 'luxury' of moving somewhere else.

I'm sure there will be more great advancements. Fusion Power, Quantum computing, longer lifespans.

Yet there's the basic need for food and water for 8.2 Billion people.

Hunger levels are rising around the world. As many as 828 million people – or 10 percent of the world's population – go to bed hungry each night, 46 million more than the previous year, according to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).
May 28, 2023

At least 50 per cent of the planet’s population – 4 billion people – deal with water shortfalls at least one month of the year. By 2025, 1.8 billion people are likely to face what the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) calls “absolute water scarcity.” 

World poverty might be declining, yet hunger is rising as well as lack of clean water.

There are solutions, yet those are not affordable for most people. And the countries that can afford to make solutions aren't. Or at least not in any hurry. We are at the last second, things are getting worse.

I switched to using river water for the yard. Converted my hot tub into a giant rain barrel, which gets filled from the river. Then sump pump to power a sprinkler, moving that around the yard to keep the plants and trees alive. My wife planted 40+ more trees this year, but they need water. It hasn't rained for nearly a month now, the river is as low as I've ever seen it.

My wife has pretty much given up on turning her Daylily hybridization hobby into a business. If it's not a drought month, it's a monsoon like we had in July. Plants rot or roast. It's Sept 16 in Canada, 28c outside. The rain predicted for Wednesday has just been taken away again. Down to 20% chance, no longer showing any precipitation rates. (It was only 3mm expected, no use) Sept 23rd now, maybe.

And of course instead of looking ahead and building new towns in the vast open North, Ontario is doubling the population here locally... More pollution, fewer green spaces, more drain on local resources.

Anyway the lakes have plenty fresh water, Canada has plenty room to expand/move into, we'll be alright here. Not so sure about the rest of the world.

Don't worry man, all signs point to population collapse. That should be scaring you more than global warming tbh cause it's going to happen sooner. Look to Greece. 

And yeah, the climate is screwed here to, we had no summer. It's weird but there are far more immediate concerns if you want to be worried. Again, it'll come down to the wire, we'll get in deep shit and it'll be the last second that we'll come up with some miracle solution like seeding the sky with some particle invented for the purpose of preventing the green House effect. It always happens. 

Around the Network
LegitHyperbole said:

Don't worry man, all signs point to population collapse. That should be scaring you more than global warming tbh cause it's going to happen sooner. Look to Greece. 

And yeah, the climate is screwed here to, we had no summer. It's weird but there are far more immediate concerns if you want to be worried. Again, it'll come down to the wire, we'll get in deep shit and it'll be the last second that we'll come up with some miracle solution like seeding the sky with some particle invented for the purpose of preventing the green House effect. It always happens. 

That's the plot of Snowpiercer ;)

SvennoJ said:
LegitHyperbole said:

Don't worry man, all signs point to population collapse. That should be scaring you more than global warming tbh cause it's going to happen sooner. Look to Greece. 

And yeah, the climate is screwed here to, we had no summer. It's weird but there are far more immediate concerns if you want to be worried. Again, it'll come down to the wire, we'll get in deep shit and it'll be the last second that we'll come up with some miracle solution like seeding the sky with some particle invented for the purpose of preventing the green House effect. It always happens. 

That's the plot of Snowpiercer ;)

Lol. Well something like that, IDK. We'll invent ASI in the mean time and it'll solve the issue and set out a plan to follow. Something like that, that you wouldn't think of. Who'd have thought we'd invent and then survive nukes for so long?

Yeah I don't think population will be the issue it's made out to be. For one it's going to peak soon and then start declining big time.

If any thing a population of a shit ton of elderly people and not enough young people is going to be the bigger issue in the future.

My guess is anti-aging drugs/technologies start to gain more traction in the next 20-30 years. 

Soundwave said:

Yeah I don't think population will be the issue it's made out to be. For one it's going to peak soon and then start declining big time.

If any thing a population of a shit ton of elderly people and not enough young people is going to be the bigger issue in the future.

My guess is anti-aging drugs/technologies start to gain more traction in the next 20-30 years. 

Far bigger and far more likely unless we do something about it. Thankfully the solution is really fun ;) if the Governemnts would just support people to have kids. 

Soundwave said:

Yeah I don't think population will be the issue it's made out to be. For one it's going to peak soon and then start declining big time.

If any thing a population of a shit ton of elderly people and not enough young people is going to be the bigger issue in the future.

My guess is anti-aging drugs/technologies start to gain more traction in the next 20-30 years. 

Soon as in 2080...

The global population reached nearly 8.2 billion by mid-2024 and is expected to grow by another two billion over the next 60 years, peaking at around 10.3 billion in the mid-2080s. It will then fall to around 10.2 billion, which is 700 million lower than expected a decade ago.
Jul 11, 2024

We can't sustain 8 billion people now.

On October 18, 2023, the International Union for the Scientific Study of Population (2023) broadcast a Yes-or-No debate on the statement: “The population of humans that can be supported sustainably on the planet at a reasonable standard of living is below 4 billion.” Here is an abridged version of Joel E.Jan 22, 2024

As of now about 19% of the 8.2 Billion are living at "1st world standards"

So if this chart is already consuming 1.75x what the Earth can sustain, how are 10 billion people going to live at sustainable levels.

Of course once the other 81% reaches 1st world levels, population might fall as it does in more developed countries.

Yet how to get there without mass extinction...