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SvennoJ said:
LegitHyperbole said:

Yeah but those the kids problems. They'll fix it when it gets bad enough, they'll come up with a solution at the last second as things are getting bad and there is clear and present danger, it's always the same story with us humans. 

We are the kids of those who said "those the kids problems" ;)

We haven't come up with any solutions to what is basically over population. Capitalism is based on growth but we've outgrown the ability of the Earth to keep sustaining us.

The same story with us humans is, Maya, Aztec, Kmer Empire, Rapa Nui, Indus Civilization, Çatalhöyük, Mississippians and more. This time we're globally fucking things up, consuming the entire Earth since the 70s. No more 'luxury' of moving somewhere else.

I'm sure there will be more great advancements. Fusion Power, Quantum computing, longer lifespans.

Yet there's the basic need for food and water for 8.2 Billion people.

Hunger levels are rising around the world. As many as 828 million people – or 10 percent of the world's population – go to bed hungry each night, 46 million more than the previous year, according to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).
May 28, 2023

At least 50 per cent of the planet’s population – 4 billion people – deal with water shortfalls at least one month of the year. By 2025, 1.8 billion people are likely to face what the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) calls “absolute water scarcity.” 

World poverty might be declining, yet hunger is rising as well as lack of clean water.

There are solutions, yet those are not affordable for most people. And the countries that can afford to make solutions aren't. Or at least not in any hurry. We are at the last second, things are getting worse.

I switched to using river water for the yard. Converted my hot tub into a giant rain barrel, which gets filled from the river. Then sump pump to power a sprinkler, moving that around the yard to keep the plants and trees alive. My wife planted 40+ more trees this year, but they need water. It hasn't rained for nearly a month now, the river is as low as I've ever seen it.

My wife has pretty much given up on turning her Daylily hybridization hobby into a business. If it's not a drought month, it's a monsoon like we had in July. Plants rot or roast. It's Sept 16 in Canada, 28c outside. The rain predicted for Wednesday has just been taken away again. Down to 20% chance, no longer showing any precipitation rates. (It was only 3mm expected, no use) Sept 23rd now, maybe.

And of course instead of looking ahead and building new towns in the vast open North, Ontario is doubling the population here locally... More pollution, fewer green spaces, more drain on local resources.

Anyway the lakes have plenty fresh water, Canada has plenty room to expand/move into, we'll be alright here. Not so sure about the rest of the world.

Don't worry man, all signs point to population collapse. That should be scaring you more than global warming tbh cause it's going to happen sooner. Look to Greece. 

And yeah, the climate is screwed here to, we had no summer. It's weird but there are far more immediate concerns if you want to be worried. Again, it'll come down to the wire, we'll get in deep shit and it'll be the last second that we'll come up with some miracle solution like seeding the sky with some particle invented for the purpose of preventing the green House effect. It always happens.