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Forums - Politics Discussion - What do you think the future of global society looks like?

A Utopia? A techno dystopia? A return to isolationist nations? Post apocalypse? More of the same with a different coat of paint?

Both in the near term, next five to ten years. And long term, after a decade or so. What do you think the world will look like in as much detail or as little as you'd like to go into.

I wonder how people are gauging things or if it's of thought at all.

Around the Network

Globalism and diversity sunk the chance Western nations could be high achieving and functional long-term, whilst also enabling the corrupted elite, often foreign, that had taken root within to operate without a lot of oversight. These two facts will lead to a triumphant China, and Africans, Muslims and Hispanics pouring into the West, and in its death throws as such a mix becomes unsustainable, the corrupted elite will throw Whites & Christians and Muslims, and the Western world vs East Asia plus Russia at each other one final time, with those same Western armies poised to invade and destroy any majority White nation that does not follow the path of entirely dispossessing their White citizens by flooding them with every description of 'brown'.

This will leave Europe a wasteland, and the European diaspora nations too dysfunctional to operate, and without their markets and consumers most of the rest of the world will revert to a less technologically and socially advanced state. Wealthy Jews will seek to leave the sinking West they destroyed to find another safe haven, and with their stolen wealth will hope they are able to repeat the process, but China stands as an ultimate bulwark against this.

In the end we will have an Islamic centre of power, but very much backwards compared to modern cosmopolitan societies of today, a functional and advanced China leading the world, and not much of merit to speak of elsewhere (Russia will be destroyed in the final Jewish arranged East/West conflict). Poverty around the world will be endemic, as will slavery and savagery, and now without a host of White nations to keep them under control the genuine powers of the world will take what is to them a very rational decision.. remove the billions of remaining "useless eaters" from the world via global genome targeted plagues. Africa, North America, South America, Europe and Russia will be cleansed to allow their resources to be sequestered for the elite.. either Jewish or Chinese depending who comes out on top in terms of biological and nuclear warfare.

All of this enabled by the propaganda that demonised racism that was successfully fed to White nations in the 20th and 21st centuries, to enable their exploitation, total colonisation, dysfunction, brainwashing and to come.. death.

WW1 never ended, and ww2 was lost by the good guys. And we have this destiny now to live through because of it.

Gettysburg4 said:

Globalism and diversity sunk the chance Western nations could be high achieving and functional long-term, whilst also enabling the corrupted elite, often foreign, that had taken root within to operate without a lot of oversight. These two facts will lead to a triumphant China, and Africans, Muslims and Hispanics pouring into the West, and in its death throws as such a mix becomes unsustainable, the corrupted elite will throw Whites & Christians and Muslims, and the Western world vs East Asia plus Russia at each other one final time, with those same Western armies poised to invade and destroy any majority White nation that does not follow the path of entirely dispossessing their White citizens by flooding them with every description of 'brown'.

This will leave Europe a wasteland, and the European diaspora nations too dysfunctional to operate, and without their markets and consumers most of the rest of the world will revert to a less technologically and socially advanced state. Wealthy Jews will seek to leave the sinking West they destroyed to find another safe haven, and with their stolen wealth will hope they are able to repeat the process, but China stands as an ultimate bulwark against this.

In the end we will have an Islamic centre of power, but very much backwards compared to modern cosmopolitan societies of today, a functional and advanced China leading the world, and not much of merit to speak of elsewhere (Russia will be destroyed in the final Jewish arranged East/West conflict). Poverty around the world will be endemic, as will slavery and savagery, and now without a host of White nations to keep them under control the genuine powers of the world will take what is to them a very rational decision.. remove the billions of remaining "useless eaters" from the world via global genome targeted plagues. Africa, North America, South America, Europe and Russia will be cleansed to allow their resources to be sequestered for the elite.. either Jewish or Chinese depending who comes out on top in terms of biological and nuclear warfare.

All of this enabled by the propaganda that demonised racism that was successfully fed to White nations in the 20th and 21st centuries, to enable their exploitation, total colonisation, dysfunction, brainwashing and to come.. death.

WW1 never ended, and ww2 was lost by the good guys. And we have this destiny now to live through because of it.

Interesting to say World War one never ended. I suppose you could trace back through history and say the same until you arrive at the first War. The cold War is a strange occurance with how involved the citizens were but was there ever really true peace time? Espionage and cold wars have always been the case in between wars as nations try to look on the other side of the fence. Perhaps WW1 and 2 ended when the soviet Union collapsed, if you see the Cold War as continuation. 

The rest of what you said is very specific and very pessimistic. I'd hope you're wrong. 

So do I ;)

But the thing is I can't emphasise enough how much diversity interferes with being able to curtail elite dysfunction (hey there is a reason it was top down pushed on the population, even if it seems now there is grass roots support for it - from the brainwashed).

A homogenous population tends to largely agree on how things should be run - which is to say, the gap between one side and another within society tends to be much narrower, as there are no "new entrants" a marginalised view can pull to itself to bolster its appearance of support.

The elite that had burrowed into UK, France and America were not benign, and nor were the elite in charge of Germany during its Weimar period, or the elite that took control of Russia during its revolution.

Despite whatever criticism could be levelled at them (and people should understand the people that told them the history they believe in, are not benign actors themselves, with a severe interest in casting eyes elsewhere than on themselves, while draping themselves in unearned merit), the leaders of Italy, and Germany in ww2 were *sincerely* interested in advancing their people and doing good for them. 

And this is important because this *does not* describe the leadership in the West through the 20th century, nor today, nor the leadership that was in control of the Soviet Union (who had a passionate hatred for the people and their customs.. note the persecution of Christians, execution of the Holodomor and more).

So these people have always been bad, but now have a society that is unable to in any way resist or control them, heck more than half the population cannot even point to who these people are, and identify their projects, or articulate why they are bad. And these people want Whites gone, and Christians gone, and they have no genuine love for anyone else but their own set either..

..and now gifted control of societies and tech that enable them to.. they can do whatever they like with the world and its people. Enslavement and genocide are the only possibilities because the force that can hold these people to account: high IQ, homogenous societies, filled with a people who know who they are, and have a belief in protecting their interests, have already been dissolved by diversity and anti-racism programming.

It is no coincidence the only society that can muster enough force to see them off, or stand as a potential rival, has exactly the strength and self-belief and sense of self they have outlawed in the West as racism.

Islam has the bodies, but not the tech and engineers and scientists of the Jews and Chinese. 

...But think about it.. who can hold the globalist elite to account? The left (unironically financed by the same elite) would claim that they could (just as soon as they put down the racists), but where does that lead but to civil war and collapse? Actionable by the same elite at any time. Islamists? The high tech weapons and manufacturing capability is outside their reach and in elite hands. Chinese? Maybe. Anyone else? Too riven by internal conflict or too small or too behind in tech, manufacturing and ability.

No global body is holding these entities to account, because they furnish their members and furnish the public their impressions of the same institutions via their media and non-profits.

The left ultimately destroyed the ability to make an equal world by being fooled into attacking their own people, who, despite their faults, were always a basically good people, who had- when they had sufficient unity and homogeneity, the ability (even if latent) to confront the elite and prevent the elite from going too far.

I don’t have a good outlook lol. In the late 90s we had such a high promise of what the future would be like. Moreso in western society. Now entire generations are being screwed out of things that previous generations had for cheap such as housing and education. Millennials joke that we never got the future we were promised, which I’m inclined to believe. Now we’re heading for an overly digital and AI future with the sense of privacy and security completely thrown out the window. Every little thing you do is tracked and sold to other companies. I continue to picture a future that’s something out of the show Black Mirror.

Then there’s also the matter of how social media has created an entire society of people that are addicted and overly reliant on a constant need for continuous content, putting on fake personas to “show off” their way of life, or try to make a living off of it, and now social media has turned into an echo chamber that is weaponizing people against each other. It’s like as a civilization we’ve never been so connected, but as a society we haven’t been this disconnected in generations. And I don’t see a way any of this gets reversed.

And connecting with social media weaponizing each other, both sides of the aisle will say it’s the other sides fault, and they’re just buying their preferred political sides BS.

So yeah I’m pretty pessimistic about the future because I’ve lived through a time where the future had all the promise in the world that really never came, and I’m worried about the world my daughter is going to grow up in. Everything is going to be corporate owned, people are going to be overly reliant on the government, and there’s entire generations that are now used to the concept of being able to make a living through online content, that the thought of getting a much needed blue collared job is disgusting. It seems like practically every industry has gone down in quality since the pandemic, and I have a bad feeling things are just getting started.

Around the Network

That's the other way it can go other than directly wiping out the "useless eaters". The vast majority will be priced out of being anything but sedentary and childless.

Same outcome.

And brainwashed western progressives will *clamour* for it.

Our best hope is that some pockets gain their freedom, and live according to pre 1960's principles, with the strength to resist those who would have them do otherwise. You know.. the principles that could actually sustain a population, without repressing births below replacement, before the psychological manipulation to welcome biological replacement from abroad.

Gettysburg4 said:

Globalism and diversity sunk the chance Western nations could be high achieving and functional long-term, whilst also enabling the corrupted elite, often foreign, that had taken root within to operate without a lot of oversight. These two facts will lead to a triumphant China, and Africans, Muslims and Hispanics pouring into the West, and in its death throws as such a mix becomes unsustainable, the corrupted elite will throw Whites & Christians and Muslims, and the Western world vs East Asia plus Russia at each other one final time, with those same Western armies poised to invade and destroy any majority White nation that does not follow the path of entirely dispossessing their White citizens by flooding them with every description of 'brown'.

This will leave Europe a wasteland, and the European diaspora nations too dysfunctional to operate, and without their markets and consumers most of the rest of the world will revert to a less technologically and socially advanced state. Wealthy Jews will seek to leave the sinking West they destroyed to find another safe haven, and with their stolen wealth will hope they are able to repeat the process, but China stands as an ultimate bulwark against this.

In the end we will have an Islamic centre of power, but very much backwards compared to modern cosmopolitan societies of today, a functional and advanced China leading the world, and not much of merit to speak of elsewhere (Russia will be destroyed in the final Jewish arranged East/West conflict). Poverty around the world will be endemic, as will slavery and savagery, and now without a host of White nations to keep them under control the genuine powers of the world will take what is to them a very rational decision.. remove the billions of remaining "useless eaters" from the world via global genome targeted plagues. Africa, North America, South America, Europe and Russia will be cleansed to allow their resources to be sequestered for the elite.. either Jewish or Chinese depending who comes out on top in terms of biological and nuclear warfare.

All of this enabled by the propaganda that demonised racism that was successfully fed to White nations in the 20th and 21st centuries, to enable their exploitation, total colonisation, dysfunction, brainwashing and to come.. death.

WW1 never ended, and ww2 was lost by the good guys. And we have this destiny now to live through because of it.

Gettysburg4 said:

So do I ;)

But the thing is I can't emphasise enough how much diversity interferes with being able to curtail elite dysfunction (hey there is a reason it was top down pushed on the population, even if it seems now there is grass roots support for it - from the brainwashed).

A homogenous population tends to largely agree on how things should be run - which is to say, the gap between one side and another within society tends to be much narrower, as there are no "new entrants" a marginalised view can pull to itself to bolster its appearance of support.

The elite that had burrowed into UK, France and America were not benign, and nor were the elite in charge of Germany during its Weimar period, or the elite that took control of Russia during its revolution.

Despite whatever criticism could be levelled at them (and people should understand the people that told them the history they believe in, are not benign actors themselves, with a severe interest in casting eyes elsewhere than on themselves, while draping themselves in unearned merit), the leaders of Italy, and Germany in ww2 were *sincerely* interested in advancing their people and doing good for them. 

And this is important because this *does not* describe the leadership in the West through the 20th century, nor today, nor the leadership that was in control of the Soviet Union (who had a passionate hatred for the people and their customs.. note the persecution of Christians, execution of the Holodomor and more).

So these people have always been bad, but now have a society that is unable to in any way resist or control them, heck more than half the population cannot even point to who these people are, and identify their projects, or articulate why they are bad. And these people want Whites gone, and Christians gone, and they have no genuine love for anyone else but their own set either..

..and now gifted control of societies and tech that enable them to.. they can do whatever they like with the world and its people. Enslavement and genocide are the only possibilities because the force that can hold these people to account: high IQ, homogenous societies, filled with a people who know who they are, and have a belief in protecting their interests, have already been dissolved by diversity and anti-racism programming.

It is no coincidence the only society that can muster enough force to see them off, or stand as a potential rival, has exactly the strength and self-belief and sense of self they have outlawed in the West as racism.

Islam has the bodies, but not the tech and engineers and scientists of the Jews and Chinese. 

...But think about it.. who can hold the globalist elite to account? The left (unironically financed by the same elite) would claim that they could (just as soon as they put down the racists), but where does that lead but to civil war and collapse? Actionable by the same elite at any time. Islamists? The high tech weapons and manufacturing capability is outside their reach and in elite hands. Chinese? Maybe. Anyone else? Too riven by internal conflict or too small or too behind in tech, manufacturing and ability.

No global body is holding these entities to account, because they furnish their members and furnish the public their impressions of the same institutions via their media and non-profits.

The left ultimately destroyed the ability to make an equal world by being fooled into attacking their own people, who, despite their faults, were always a basically good people, who had- when they had sufficient unity and homogeneity, the ability (even if latent) to confront the elite and prevent the elite from going too far.

Gettysburg4 said:

That's the other way it can go other than directly wiping out the "useless eaters". The vast majority will be priced out of being anything but sedentary and childless.

Same outcome.

And brainwashed western progressives will *clamour* for it.

Our best hope is that some pockets gain their freedom, and live according to pre 1960's principles, with the strength to resist those who would have them do otherwise. You know.. the principles that could actually sustain a population, without repressing births below replacement, before the psychological manipulation to welcome biological replacement from abroad.

Nice job writing the 3 most absurd posts I've read this year.

A lot of this stuff has been fear monger material for decades. 

Despite the fact that a lot of the trends are wrong.  

1.) The entire world is struggling with birthrates, including China. 

The leading hypothesis has been as people get a higher standard of living they make choices to have fewer children. 
But it probably doesn't help that things like microplastics and other chemicals that are common in much of the world seems to have an affect on reproduction. Thank you capitalism for focusing on cheap forever chemicals.  

2.) Conservatives are the ones devaluing education. 

"Islam has the bodies, but not the tech and engineers and scientists of the Jews and Chinese. "
And yet it used to be the case that that area of the world had the scientists. A ton of scientific advances came from the middle east.

Religious conservatism halted a lot of that progress.

The same big reason why Europe had an enlightenment period, they started pushing back on religious conservatism.  

3.) People really want china to be the dominating force, despite the fact that the US is outspending it on military, we continue to have the advantage in science and economy. 

The US controls most of it's own debt, despite the frequent claim that says otherwise.

Conservatives are the ones undermining progress, societal, technological, etc. 

Last edited by the-pi-guy - on 09 September 2024

Gettysburg4 said:

Globalism and diversity sunk the chance Western nations could be high achieving and functional long-term, whilst also enabling the corrupted elite, often foreign, that had taken root within to operate without a lot of oversight. These two facts will lead to a triumphant China, and Africans, Muslims and Hispanics pouring into the West, and in its death throws as such a mix becomes unsustainable, the corrupted elite will throw Whites & Christians and Muslims, and the Western world vs East Asia plus Russia at each other one final time, with those same Western armies poised to invade and destroy any majority White nation that does not follow the path of entirely dispossessing their White citizens by flooding them with every description of 'brown'.

This will leave Europe a wasteland, and the European diaspora nations too dysfunctional to operate, and without their markets and consumers most of the rest of the world will revert to a less technologically and socially advanced state. Wealthy Jews will seek to leave the sinking West they destroyed to find another safe haven, and with their stolen wealth will hope they are able to repeat the process, but China stands as an ultimate bulwark against this.

In the end we will have an Islamic centre of power, but very much backwards compared to modern cosmopolitan societies of today, a functional and advanced China leading the world, and not much of merit to speak of elsewhere (Russia will be destroyed in the final Jewish arranged East/West conflict). Poverty around the world will be endemic, as will slavery and savagery, and now without a host of White nations to keep them under control the genuine powers of the world will take what is to them a very rational decision.. remove the billions of remaining "useless eaters" from the world via global genome targeted plagues. Africa, North America, South America, Europe and Russia will be cleansed to allow their resources to be sequestered for the elite.. either Jewish or Chinese depending who comes out on top in terms of biological and nuclear warfare.

All of this enabled by the propaganda that demonised racism that was successfully fed to White nations in the 20th and 21st centuries, to enable their exploitation, total colonisation, dysfunction, brainwashing and to come.. death.

WW1 never ended, and ww2 was lost by the good guys. And we have this destiny now to live through because of it.

This is without doubt the most insane post that I have ever witnessed on VGChartz in my 11 years of being here, pretty much a checklist of every disgusting stance someone can have, it's missing the homophobia at least but you went on your way to checklist everything else. Topped it off by saying WW2 was lost by the good guys, what the fuck, holy shit, Lmao.

GTFO Nazi Scum.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 09 September 2024

China will take over as the main super power of the world, Europeans and North Americans will be replaced by the 3rd world. Islam will be the dominant Religion in Europe. Trump is our last hope.

Ayla said:

China will take over as the main super power of the world, Europeans and North Americans will be replaced by the 3rd world. Islam will be the dominant Religion in Europe. Trump is our last hope.

Are you an alt of the other guy?

If not, how is Trump going to change anything globally? He could make things a hell of a lot worse by isolating the country in a world with half it's toe in Globalism. There is no going back, we make a global society work and entwine each other fiancially or we all sit aroubd on the rubble that'll be left by our division. In my opinion.