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Globalism and diversity sunk the chance Western nations could be high achieving and functional long-term, whilst also enabling the corrupted elite, often foreign, that had taken root within to operate without a lot of oversight. These two facts will lead to a triumphant China, and Africans, Muslims and Hispanics pouring into the West, and in its death throws as such a mix becomes unsustainable, the corrupted elite will throw Whites & Christians and Muslims, and the Western world vs East Asia plus Russia at each other one final time, with those same Western armies poised to invade and destroy any majority White nation that does not follow the path of entirely dispossessing their White citizens by flooding them with every description of 'brown'.

This will leave Europe a wasteland, and the European diaspora nations too dysfunctional to operate, and without their markets and consumers most of the rest of the world will revert to a less technologically and socially advanced state. Wealthy Jews will seek to leave the sinking West they destroyed to find another safe haven, and with their stolen wealth will hope they are able to repeat the process, but China stands as an ultimate bulwark against this.

In the end we will have an Islamic centre of power, but very much backwards compared to modern cosmopolitan societies of today, a functional and advanced China leading the world, and not much of merit to speak of elsewhere (Russia will be destroyed in the final Jewish arranged East/West conflict). Poverty around the world will be endemic, as will slavery and savagery, and now without a host of White nations to keep them under control the genuine powers of the world will take what is to them a very rational decision.. remove the billions of remaining "useless eaters" from the world via global genome targeted plagues. Africa, North America, South America, Europe and Russia will be cleansed to allow their resources to be sequestered for the elite.. either Jewish or Chinese depending who comes out on top in terms of biological and nuclear warfare.

All of this enabled by the propaganda that demonised racism that was successfully fed to White nations in the 20th and 21st centuries, to enable their exploitation, total colonisation, dysfunction, brainwashing and to come.. death.

WW1 never ended, and ww2 was lost by the good guys. And we have this destiny now to live through because of it.