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I don’t have a good outlook lol. In the late 90s we had such a high promise of what the future would be like. Moreso in western society. Now entire generations are being screwed out of things that previous generations had for cheap such as housing and education. Millennials joke that we never got the future we were promised, which I’m inclined to believe. Now we’re heading for an overly digital and AI future with the sense of privacy and security completely thrown out the window. Every little thing you do is tracked and sold to other companies. I continue to picture a future that’s something out of the show Black Mirror.

Then there’s also the matter of how social media has created an entire society of people that are addicted and overly reliant on a constant need for continuous content, putting on fake personas to “show off” their way of life, or try to make a living off of it, and now social media has turned into an echo chamber that is weaponizing people against each other. It’s like as a civilization we’ve never been so connected, but as a society we haven’t been this disconnected in generations. And I don’t see a way any of this gets reversed.

And connecting with social media weaponizing each other, both sides of the aisle will say it’s the other sides fault, and they’re just buying their preferred political sides BS.

So yeah I’m pretty pessimistic about the future because I’ve lived through a time where the future had all the promise in the world that really never came, and I’m worried about the world my daughter is going to grow up in. Everything is going to be corporate owned, people are going to be overly reliant on the government, and there’s entire generations that are now used to the concept of being able to make a living through online content, that the thought of getting a much needed blue collared job is disgusting. It seems like practically every industry has gone down in quality since the pandemic, and I have a bad feeling things are just getting started.