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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Which will be discontinued first, Xbox Series or Switch?


Which will be discontinued first?

Xbox Series 32 64.00%
Switch 18 36.00%

Probably Switch, only because of it's advanced age compared to Xbox Series.

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Qwark said:
HoloDust said:

I'm fairly certain there will be full backwards compatibility - however, that's not what I was thinking about.

It would be logical for Nintendo to release all their games made for Switch 2 on Switch 1 as well in the first few years of Switch 2's lifecycle, given the huge Switch install base. Sony did this with PS5/PS4. Then, if Switch, after Switch 2 is launched, has serious price cut (to let's say $200 top), I can see it selling and living for few more years.
And then there's scenario where Nintendo stops supporting Switch 1 with games and lets it die prematurely, so they can push consumers into Switch 2 - but I really doubt they will do that.

I dunno if they can pull of not being backwards compatible again without a load of critique. On the other hand ported Wii U games die make Nintendo a huge amount of money. The best selling Switch game released on Wii U first.

The main concern for Switch 1 is if it can run Switch 2 games properly its already struggling with Nintendo's own output of ambitious games. So they might push Switch 2 a bit harder than we think.

Well, if 3rd parties can put effort into porting current gen games to Switch 1, I'm sure Nintendo can put effort into making SW2 ports for SW1 - of course, the question remains, will they actually do it.

I'm hoping xbox get discontinue next year and go 3rd party.
Come on m$, you can do it!!

With Switch sales still going pretty strong while the XS is cratering already, my guess is on the XS.

halil23 said:

I'm hoping xbox get discontinue next year and go 3rd party.
Come on m$, you can do it!!

Microsoft becoming first party Windows PC developer (no consoles or Linux) seems also possible

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halil23 said:

I'm hoping xbox get discontinue next year and go 3rd party.
Come on m$, you can do it!!

While Xbox brand seems to go 3rd party, they won't stop consoles manufacturing until nextgen as there are rumours about next Xbox Hardware. However, there's a chance that they are gonna go 3rd party earlier because it's always possible to reverse plans. The main question is how they are going to explain this decision. Anyway, it won't happen in 2025.