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Forums - Politics Discussion - Concord is Sony's biggest failure in gaming history.

JRPGfan said:

There isn't a single white guy in the game, and that was on purpose (I think a dev said so?).
Instead theres black females with purple hair and stuff like that...
A robot with pronouns.... I mean common.

Yes its woke.
You can tell by the models and skins and Armour, they have for sale.

The game play isn't bad from what I heard... its just its 40$ (when other hero shooters are free), and has characters that are too generic and boring.
People want good looking characters and sexy ladies in games.... it sucks to hear but it sells. Esp if your game is free to play, and lives off of selling skins ect.
If you go a differnt route, and dont think you can recoupe costs that way..... and instead have to price yours way above the competition out there, it better be the best damn hero shooter ever made (if you want it to be successfull). Concord was just barely avg when it came to gameplay.

The woke spin, didn't do it any favors either.

Anyways too many hero shooters out there already.
I wish they would drop makeing all these GAAS games, and instead do some single player ones.

Black Myth Wukong doesn't have almost any of these things either, and yet someone earlier in the thread gave it as an example of a game that "rejected woke". 

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the-pi-guy said:
JRPGfan said:

There isn't a single white guy in the game, and that was on purpose (I think a dev said so?).
Instead theres black females with purple hair and stuff like that...
A robot with pronouns.... I mean common.

Yes its woke.
You can tell by the models and skins and Armour, they have for sale.

The game play isn't bad from what I heard... its just its 40$ (when other hero shooters are free), and has characters that are too generic and boring.
People want good looking characters and sexy ladies in games.... it sucks to hear but it sells. Esp if your game is free to play, and lives off of selling skins ect.
If you go a differnt route, and dont think you can recoupe costs that way..... and instead have to price yours way above the competition out there, it better be the best damn hero shooter ever made (if you want it to be successfull). Concord was just barely avg when it came to gameplay.

The woke spin, didn't do it any favors either.

Anyways too many hero shooters out there already.
I wish they would drop makeing all these GAAS games, and instead do some single player ones.

Black Myth Wukong doesn't have almost any of these things either, and yet someone earlier in the thread gave it as an example of a game that "rejected woke". 

Its not about the "lack of a white guy".
Its the going out of your way to almost yell "look we're doing DEI".  Its off putting to many.
People play games as escapism. They dont want to get force fed, agenda driven politically messageing, even if its just in the form of DEI characters.
Cuz usually when its one thing, its goes over the top.  They consult with these DEI firms, that then alter gameplay or story and such, and it effects the devs creative vision and sometimes just stands out too much (again its supposed to be escapism).

Devs from BLack Myth Wukong actually said they got coerced by DEI firms to pay them like $7million or they would review bomb it (and generate negative press, and have their circle of friends also do the same).  There was actually alot of negative storys by these DEI type game reviewers..... However, a good game is a good game, and it didn't affect things much.

They didn't bother paying for a DEI firm.... and to be honest... why should a chinese based games based around "a journey west" have anything to do with DEI? This is mostly a american driven topic, that honestly isn't nearly as big a thing rest of the world.  I Honsetly think most of the rest of the world, think its weird how big a issue this is in the US, and the same with all the pronounes and stuff.

This is also sometimes why theres big differnce between journalists that review games and score them, and players.
The avg person just does not care about these things, while DEI journalists that make up a large amount of game reviewers, do.
(either that, or journalists are scared to get cancelled, and thus all score things higher if DEI is there)

The Hollywood movie scene is haveing the same problem.
Disney has gone over the top, with its boss babe girl power story telling.
Meanwhile like 95% of the target audience for stuff like marvel comics and star wars are just normal dudes.
Trying to grow the female viewers is great and all, but if its then dropping the target that usually supported them...

You start to queston how many times will Disney need to see their current movies flop before they change their ways?
They need to go back to just telling good storys, drop the DEI and girl boss thing, theres too much of it, and its gone stale.

Last edited by JRPGfan - on 08 September 2024

JRPGfan said:

Its not about the "lack of a white guy".

I didn't say "lack of a white guy".

JRPGfan said:

People play games as escapism. They dont want to get force fed, agenda driven politically messageing, even if its just in the form of DEI characters.
Cuz usually when its one thing, its goes over the top.  They consult with these DEI firms, that then alter gameplay or story and such, and it effects the devs creative vision and sometimes just stands out too much (again its supposed to be escapism).

Which DEI firm did they consult with?

JRPGfan said:

Devs from BLack Myth Wukong actually said they got coerced by DEI firms to pay them like $7million or they would review bomb it.
They didn't bother.... and to be honest... why should a chinese based games based around "a journey west" have anything to do with DEI?

This is also sometimes why theres big differnce between journalists that review games and score them, and players.
The avg person just does not care about these things, while DEI journalists that make up a large amount of game reviewers, do.
(either that, or journalists are scared to get cancelled, and thus all score things higher if DEI is there)

The devs didn't say that. Someone else claimed that this happened to the devs.

Except that didn't happen either. This game was pretty poorly reviewed. So what are you talking about?

Tober said:

You're making this big assumption that there is some basic checklist of black/white/asian etc, that needs to be checked off.Â

Tober: What was my assumption in my first post? You answer my question by referring to my second post. I am curious what assumption I had in the first one.

I'm sure on the level of media companies, a lot of them have something just like that. But that isn't the goal that people are pushing towards.

Tober: Then why are they? It misses the mark making it essentially useless. What is that goal, you are referring to?

What is wrong with it, and what is a strawman requires the same answer:

No one is saying that skin color is more important than ethnicity. 

Tober: Above you said something like on the level of media, companies have checklists. It appears those checklist aim to use skin color as a wide web to catch as many people as possible. In a way these companies view skin color more important in their strategy, because they think it's more efficient. Not saying it is, but apparently they do

You're making an argument against something that doesn't particularly exist.

I feel like you completely misread my post. Because pretty much everything you're saying in here, agrees with my post.

Tober: I mostly agree with myself

Especially the last part that generalizing on only superficial character traits actually hurts representation more then it helps. In other words, do it right or don't do it at all. That's essentially the gist of it.

Assumptions in your first post:

Tober said:

DEI is not about diversity and inclusivety. It's about the Mirage of it.

It's born from the obsession to compartmentalize people in easily identifiable checkboxes. A spreadsheet in other words.

Let's put a Nigerian, Senegalese and Aboriginal all in the color coded bucket 'black', because of something arbitrary as similar shade of skin color. Totally ignoring their vastly different cultures. Then pretend if Samual L. Jackson stars in a Marvel movie, the Aboriginal feels representation. Where the truth is that Aboriginal feels more represented by Paul Hogan playing Crocodile Dundee.

There are thousands of different ethnicities and none of them are called 'white' or 'black'. And certainly not 'people of color'. Lazily trowing them in the same buckets and pretending that if every bucket is checkboxed is somehow representative of all, actually kills real diversity.

1.) That people think race is enough. That we can just put in a "black" character and call it a day.

2.) That people are ignoring vastly different cultures.

3.) That people are pretending that Samuel L Jackson is diverse enough, to cover aboriginals and other groups.

4.) That the goal is "checkboxing every bucket". 

No one is particularly advocating for these things as the end goal. At worst, they're stepping stones to other things. 

JRPGfan said:
the-pi-guy said:

Black Myth Wukong doesn't have almost any of these things either, and yet someone earlier in the thread gave it as an example of a game that "rejected woke". 

Its not about the "lack of a white guy".
Its the going out of your way to almost yell "look we're doing DEI".  Its off putting to many.
People play games as escapism. They dont want to get force fed, agenda driven politically messageing, even if its just in the form of DEI characters.
Cuz usually when its one thing, its goes over the top.  They consult with these DEI firms, that then alter gameplay or story and such, and it effects the devs creative vision and sometimes just stands out too much (again its supposed to be escapism).

Devs from BLack Myth Wukong actually said they got coerced by DEI firms to pay them like $7million or they would review bomb it.
They didn't bother.... and to be honest... why should a chinese based games based around "a journey west" have anything to do with DEI?

This is also sometimes why theres big differnce between journalists that review games and score them, and players.
The avg person just does not care about these things, while DEI journalists that make up a large amount of game reviewers, do.
(either that, or journalists are scared to get cancelled, and thus all score things higher if DEI is there)

Most people would take one look at that guy in Concord and assume he's white, Lol.

None of the characters are confirmed as LGBTQ+ anywhere and only one has "they/them" pronouns.

There's literally more LGBTQ+ characters in both Overwatch and Valorant, a lot more.

There's zero evidence of Firewalk consulting with DEI firms, I have ran through their credits and found none, yes I Google Searched a bunch of damn companies and wasted my time, Lol. They would be listed because for example, SBI was listed in God of War Ragnarök, Alan Wake 2 and Spider-Man 2...Plus you kind of have to list them, Lol.

These firms are writing consultants for the most part, they have absolutely nothing to do with gameplay, a developer simply asks them for consultancy and tips on how best to implement something like a minority character, if they do not have the knowledge themselves, they will ask if this has been implemented with care, the firm will then give suggestions and such which the developer does not need to do if they don't want to, they're just a consultancy firm, Lol. It'd be like if I were to make a game based on lets say, Japan, I would ask a consultancy firm in Japan how best to represent Japanese people because I am not Japanese, Lol.

Developers from Black Myth didn't confirm that, it was a random blogger on a Chinese chat service thing (I think Weibo or something like that), it may be true, it may not be true, it isn't confirmed and anyone can claim to know a guy in a developer studio, I'm not about believing every person who claims to be an insider, I never have, I don't do that with western "insiders" either.

Pretty much everything in China is beholden to the CCP anyway. Good luck to SBI is all I'd say if they wanted to try and force a Chinese company to do something, Lol. China already enforces strict censorship on their industries, they sure as shit wouldn't allow a company like SBI force themselves onto a Chinese company in this manner, they'd get nowhere and they'd be stupid for trying (if they even did).

The review score for Concord currently sits at 64...Journalists heavily disliked it, Lol.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 08 September 2024

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Majora said:
Tober said:

DEI is not about diversity and inclusivety. It's about the Mirage of it.

It's born from the obsession to compartmentalize people in easily identifiable checkboxes. A spreadsheet in other words.

Let's put a Nigerian, Senegalese and Aboriginal all in the color coded bucket 'black', because of something arbitrary as similar shade of skin color. Totally ignoring their vastly different cultures. Then pretend if Samual L. Jackson stars in a Marvel movie, the Aboriginal feels representation. Where the truth is that Aboriginal feels more represented by Paul Hogan playing Crocodile Dundee.

There are thousands of different ethnicities and none of them are called 'white' or 'black'. And certainly not 'people of color'. Lazily trowing them in the same buckets and pretending that if every bucket is checkboxed is somehow representative of all, actually kills real diversity.

Fantastic perspective and one I’ve never considered. Thank you! I find myself agreeing with you.

From my own life, I’m a gay man, but does that mean I get along better with gay men? Not even close. I certainly don’t feel “represented” by stereotyped depictions of gay guys and I don’t feel “more included” because a character happens to be gay. The characters I most enjoy and aspire towards are often not what I am, but how I would like to be. The “LGBTQ” whatever alphabet community don’t represent me or my opinions or beliefs at all, and I wish the loud minority would stop telling the world that they do. 

You remind me of a life lesson I once had.

In my younger years I was studying and living in a house shared with 4 other students. One of them was gay and we got along well, became friends. He had a boyfriend and at one night drinking beers I jokingly asked the question. Tell me: "Who of you two is the Girl?" He looked at me and bursted out laughing. He said: "If I liked girls, I would not be gay".

His response made so much sense, I felt embarrassed and enriched at the same time. Will never forget it.

the-pi-guy said:
Tober said:

You're making this big assumption that there is some basic checklist of black/white/asian etc, that needs to be checked off.Â

Tober: What was my assumption in my first post? You answer my question by referring to my second post. I am curious what assumption I had in the first one.

I'm sure on the level of media companies, a lot of them have something just like that. But that isn't the goal that people are pushing towards.

Tober: Then why are they? It misses the mark making it essentially useless. What is that goal, you are referring to?

What is wrong with it, and what is a strawman requires the same answer:

No one is saying that skin color is more important than ethnicity. 

Tober: Above you said something like on the level of media, companies have checklists. It appears those checklist aim to use skin color as a wide web to catch as many people as possible. In a way these companies view skin color more important in their strategy, because they think it's more efficient. Not saying it is, but apparently they do

You're making an argument against something that doesn't particularly exist.

I feel like you completely misread my post. Because pretty much everything you're saying in here, agrees with my post.

Tober: I mostly agree with myself

Especially the last part that generalizing on only superficial character traits actually hurts representation more then it helps. In other words, do it right or don't do it at all. That's essentially the gist of it.

Assumptions in your first post:

Tober said:

DEI is not about diversity and inclusivety. It's about the Mirage of it.

It's born from the obsession to compartmentalize people in easily identifiable checkboxes. A spreadsheet in other words.

Let's put a Nigerian, Senegalese and Aboriginal all in the color coded bucket 'black', because of something arbitrary as similar shade of skin color. Totally ignoring their vastly different cultures. Then pretend if Samual L. Jackson stars in a Marvel movie, the Aboriginal feels representation. Where the truth is that Aboriginal feels more represented by Paul Hogan playing Crocodile Dundee.

There are thousands of different ethnicities and none of them are called 'white' or 'black'. And certainly not 'people of color'. Lazily trowing them in the same buckets and pretending that if every bucket is checkboxed is somehow representative of all, actually kills real diversity.

1.) That people think race is enough. That we can just put in a "black" character and call it a day.

2.) That people are ignoring vastly different cultures.

3.) That people are pretending that Samuel L Jackson is diverse enough, to cover aboriginals and other groups.

4.) That the goal is "checkboxing every bucket". 

No one is particularly advocating for these things as the end goal. At worst, they're stepping stones to other things. 

You do understand that this is not the place to write a novel to cover every intricacy and nuance. So to keep it readable and get the point across is to make choices. I made my choices to get the point across in a compact and readable format. For that point I refer back to my original post.

I guess almost everyone will soon forget about this generic filler game especially after PS5Pro reveal. Like PS Studios will announce something like Ghost 2 or show a new gameplay video of Death Stranding 2, then Concord IP will be forgotten by audience and covered with dust.

Concord might be compared to Godfall which was partially published by PS Studios. Godfall was just a game to fill the space between more important PlayStation games. A couple of months later nobody remembered that Godfall existed. I consider that Concord is something like that. A game that filled a gap in road map of releases.

Vorodroid said:

I guess almost everyone will soon forget about this generic filler game especially after PS5Pro reveal. Like PS Studios will announce something like Ghost 2 or show a new gameplay video of Death Stranding 2, then Concord IP will be forgotten by audience and covered with dust.

Concord might be compared to Godfall which was partially published by PS Studios. Godfall was just a game to fill the space between more important PlayStation games. A couple of months later nobody remembered that Godfall existed. I consider that Concord is something like that. A game that filled a gap in road map of releases.

Probably, Lol. I feel like the vast majority have already moved on thanks to Astrobot.

Sony will recover then move onto the next GaaS.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 08 September 2024

Tober said:
the-pi-guy said:

Assumptions in your first post:

Tober said:

DEI is not about diversity and inclusivety. It's about the Mirage of it.

It's born from the obsession to compartmentalize people in easily identifiable checkboxes. A spreadsheet in other words.

Let's put a Nigerian, Senegalese and Aboriginal all in the color coded bucket 'black', because of something arbitrary as similar shade of skin color. Totally ignoring their vastly different cultures. Then pretend if Samual L. Jackson stars in a Marvel movie, the Aboriginal feels representation. Where the truth is that Aboriginal feels more represented by Paul Hogan playing Crocodile Dundee.

There are thousands of different ethnicities and none of them are called 'white' or 'black'. And certainly not 'people of color'. Lazily trowing them in the same buckets and pretending that if every bucket is checkboxed is somehow representative of all, actually kills real diversity.

1.) That people think race is enough. That we can just put in a "black" character and call it a day.

2.) That people are ignoring vastly different cultures.

3.) That people are pretending that Samuel L Jackson is diverse enough, to cover aboriginals and other groups.

4.) That the goal is "checkboxing every bucket". 

No one is particularly advocating for these things as the end goal. At worst, they're stepping stones to other things. 

You do understand that this is not the place to write a novel to cover every intricacy and nuance. So to keep it readable and get the point across is to make choices. I made my choices to get the point across in a compact and readable format. For that point I refer back to my original post.

Is your issue the length of his response or something else?