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Majora said:
Tober said:

DEI is not about diversity and inclusivety. It's about the Mirage of it.

It's born from the obsession to compartmentalize people in easily identifiable checkboxes. A spreadsheet in other words.

Let's put a Nigerian, Senegalese and Aboriginal all in the color coded bucket 'black', because of something arbitrary as similar shade of skin color. Totally ignoring their vastly different cultures. Then pretend if Samual L. Jackson stars in a Marvel movie, the Aboriginal feels representation. Where the truth is that Aboriginal feels more represented by Paul Hogan playing Crocodile Dundee.

There are thousands of different ethnicities and none of them are called 'white' or 'black'. And certainly not 'people of color'. Lazily trowing them in the same buckets and pretending that if every bucket is checkboxed is somehow representative of all, actually kills real diversity.

Fantastic perspective and one I’ve never considered. Thank you! I find myself agreeing with you.

From my own life, I’m a gay man, but does that mean I get along better with gay men? Not even close. I certainly don’t feel “represented” by stereotyped depictions of gay guys and I don’t feel “more included” because a character happens to be gay. The characters I most enjoy and aspire towards are often not what I am, but how I would like to be. The “LGBTQ” whatever alphabet community don’t represent me or my opinions or beliefs at all, and I wish the loud minority would stop telling the world that they do. 

You remind me of a life lesson I once had.

In my younger years I was studying and living in a house shared with 4 other students. One of them was gay and we got along well, became friends. He had a boyfriend and at one night drinking beers I jokingly asked the question. Tell me: "Who of you two is the Girl?" He looked at me and bursted out laughing. He said: "If I liked girls, I would not be gay".

His response made so much sense, I felt embarrassed and enriched at the same time. Will never forget it.