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Forums - Politics Discussion - Concord is Sony's biggest failure in gaming history.

pokoko said:
Ryuu96 said:

Is this thread even on-topic anymore or is it just a whinge about DEI/Woke?

The actual reasons why Concord have failed have been posted numerous times, now we're seemingly just ranting about how everything is woke, ranting about DEI, ranting about our friends being upset with us, that the UK is apparently locking everyone up, etc. Games dead, Christ. Move on. Some of you should be happy that the imaginary villain in your mind was defeated. This thread will be complaining about DEI/Woke longer than the game was alive at this rate. Not even progressives who care about DEI cared about this game this much because the game was mid at its core.

I can't wait for the next game to fail in the list of thousands of other games which failed for people to angrily find a single reason to latch onto and scream "DEI! WOKE!" while at the same time ironically complaining about those on the opposite site who label everything as racist.

Also, I saw stuff a few pages back, I'm not sure exactly what the conversation was getting at but I'll just make clear to be safe that the site won't tolerate bigotry against anyone and that includes trans-people so any *on purpose* misgendering of people will be a moderation to remind people of the rules.

This post reads like one of those parents who pretend not to notice when their child hits someone but throws an absolute fit when the other kid hits back.

Still, it's kind of funny that you can get all indignant here but someone wishes fucking murder on millions of people and that's not a big deal.  Yeah, I'm pretty damn sure that you do tolerate bigotry here. 

But, hey, you want everyone to shut up if they don't agree with your one-sided exaggerations?  Loud and clear.  Also, I've love to know who you're accusing and threatening in that last paragraph.

So...You're telling me that it's not on-topic anymore?

That's a weird analogy but okay, Lmao. You'll notice how I'm complaining about how this thread has gone wildly off-topic and how it's just a rant about DEI/Woke because you guys see DEI/Woke everywhere you go, whilst at the same time complaining about those who call everything racist, is somehow equivalent to a parent allowing their child to beat another child?

Why are you hiding Leynos name but complaining about me seemingly threatening someone without saying their name? Anyway, Leynos was dealt with, moderated and banned, I'm guessing you're upset that it wasn't permanent so I'll just say the reason it wasn't permanent is because Leynos is 9/10 a good user who provides good contributions to the website and we can understand in a moment of anger he let his frustrations get the better of him, what he said wasn't acceptable but we did not deem it worth a permaban.

Probably worth noting that not a single user has been moderated in this thread from what I can see?

But you people keep up your cancel culture witch-hunt of Leynos

I was reiterating the rules because I wasn't sure the direction of which a trans-related discussion was going, I ain't moderated anyone, I'm telling people to be careful, the site won't tolerate any **on purpose** misgendering of trans-people. I even said I wasn't sure if that's where things were going but I wanted to make the rules clear just in case.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 08 September 2024

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curl-6 said:

"Don't like? Don't buy" is exactly what happened; nobody liked Concord, so nobody bought it, not white people, not black people, not men, not women, not liberals, not conservatives, nobody.

If anything, despite the political debates over it, Concord arguably unites basically everybody under the banner of "we don't want this."

I'm not condoning harassing the devs for the record, that's obviously not cool. For a game that's pretty much universally disliked though, all negative feedback can't just be written off as trolling.


This is the biggest flops of all time, it's important to not to learn the wrong lessons from this in a response to the OP that's clearly politically charged. It didn't fail because it's a GAAS, it didn't fail because the characters are pre-dominantly non-white, it didn't fail because it was woke, it didn't fail because they charged 40 dollars. 

- Others point out old tweets, some paranoia about anti-white messaging, DEI, etc

Me again: provide explanations for why non of this matters and ridiculous, not to mention, a lot of is sounds like straight up baseless paranoia. 

- Others:  the game is the biggest flop of all time. 

... ok? but we are not arguing over this, but this is the points-conflating attitude that makes this discussion frustrating. Hardly anyone is defending the game, the 5 people who bought and streamed it aren't nearly as loud as the DEI WOKE GARBAGE crowd. We are all feeding on Concord's corpse here, the shoehorning of irrelevant political frustrations to prove a a point (nothing proven so far) and the cyber bullying is what I took issue with here. 

Ryuu96 said:
pokoko said:

This post reads like one of those parents who pretend not to notice when their child hits someone but throws an absolute fit when the other kid hits back.

Still, it's kind of funny that you can get all indignant here but someone wishes fucking murder on millions of people and that's not a big deal.  Yeah, I'm pretty damn sure that you do tolerate bigotry here. 

But, hey, you want everyone to shut up if they don't agree with your one-sided exaggerations?  Loud and clear.  Also, I've love to know who you're accusing and threatening in that last paragraph.

So...You're telling me that it's not on-topic anymore?

That's a weird analogy but okay, Lmao. You'll notice how I'm complaining about how this thread has gone wildly off-topic and how it's just a rant about DEI/Woke because you guys see DEI/Woke everywhere you go, whilst at the same time complaining about those who call everything racist, is somehow equivalent to a parent allowing their child to beat another child?

Why are you hiding Leynos name but complaining about me seemingly threatening someone without saying their name? Anyway, Leynos was dealt with, moderated and banned, I'm guessing you're upset that it wasn't permanent so I'll just say the reason it wasn't permanent is because Leynos is 9/10 a good user who provides good contributions to the website and we can understand in a moment of anger he let his frustrations get the better of him, what he said wasn't acceptable but we did not deem it worth a permaban.

Probably worth noting that not a single user has been moderated in this thread from what I can see?

But you people keep up your cancel culture witch-hunt of Leynos

I was reiterating the rules because I wasn't sure the direction of which a trans-related discussion was going, I ain't moderated anyone, I'm telling people to be careful, the site won't tolerate any **on purpose** misgendering of trans-people. I even said I wasn't sure if that's where things were going but I wanted to make the rules clear just in case.

I haven't said "DEI/Woke" a single time in this thread, which makes you a liar.  And how am I going to threaten someone with moderation when I'm not a mod?  Did you think that one through?  Uh, lmao, as you said.

The thing about this thread is that everyone was pretty calm and collected until ... yeah, you came in with your "you people" and absolutely proved what a lot of users were saying about being unfairly labelled.  

Truth is, I think you'd deal with some infractions a lot more harshly that others.  Maybe I'm wrong but I really, really doubt it.

As for it being off-topic, of course it is ... and you just added to it being off topic by being the worst behaved person to speak in this thread yet.  You combined your generalizations and exaggerations with threats to mod people but only on one side of the argument.

And if you're NOT sure about something concerning moderation before you make the threats then MAKE sure.  The reason I wanted to know who you were talking about is to make damn sure you weren't talking about me.

pokoko said:
Ryuu96 said:

So...You're telling me that it's not on-topic anymore?

That's a weird analogy but okay, Lmao. You'll notice how I'm complaining about how this thread has gone wildly off-topic and how it's just a rant about DEI/Woke because you guys see DEI/Woke everywhere you go, whilst at the same time complaining about those who call everything racist, is somehow equivalent to a parent allowing their child to beat another child?

Why are you hiding Leynos name but complaining about me seemingly threatening someone without saying their name? Anyway, Leynos was dealt with, moderated and banned, I'm guessing you're upset that it wasn't permanent so I'll just say the reason it wasn't permanent is because Leynos is 9/10 a good user who provides good contributions to the website and we can understand in a moment of anger he let his frustrations get the better of him, what he said wasn't acceptable but we did not deem it worth a permaban.

Probably worth noting that not a single user has been moderated in this thread from what I can see?

But you people keep up your cancel culture witch-hunt of Leynos

I was reiterating the rules because I wasn't sure the direction of which a trans-related discussion was going, I ain't moderated anyone, I'm telling people to be careful, the site won't tolerate any **on purpose** misgendering of trans-people. I even said I wasn't sure if that's where things were going but I wanted to make the rules clear just in case.

I haven't said "DEI/Woke" a single time in this thread, which makes you a liar.  And how am I going to threaten someone with moderation when I'm not a mod?  Did you think that one through?  Uh, lmao, as you said.

The thing about this thread is that everyone was pretty calm and collected until ... yeah, you came in with your "you people" and absolutely proved what a lot of users were saying about being unfairly labelled.  

Truth is, I think you'd deal with some infractions a lot more harshly that others.  Maybe I'm wrong but I really, really doubt it.

As for it being off-topic, of course it is ... and you just added to it being off topic by being the worst behaved person to speak in this thread yet.  You combined your generalizations and exaggerations with threats to mod people but only on one side of the argument.

And if you're NOT sure about something concerning moderation before you make the threats then MAKE sure.  The reason I wanted to know who you were talking about is to make damn sure you weren't talking about me.

You don't have to say the specific words to be arguing about something 🤦

Yes I consider you as one of the users who constantly complains about this sort of stuff but oh no you didn't specifically say "DEI/Woke" Lol. Now this thread is somehow in Politics (Lol) and completely off the rails because people feel the need to complain about DEI/Wokery about everything they see, in the same way as those who accuse everything of being racist, I ask again, is this the level of discussion we can expect from future failed games?

You took issue that I didn't mention a user, I didn't feel the need to specifically mention a user, it was a general statement on the rules because I was unsure where a trans-related discussion was heading and if users in the future may feel inclined to purposely mislabel a trans-person, it was better to be safe than sorry in my eyes because this way, nobody gets moderated 😱

People will see the comment and know what to avoid in the future rather than doing it in the future and receiving a moderation.

Is this the first time that you've seen a Moderator make a general statement in a thread without specifically singling out a single user?

Yes, this thread is absolutely obsessed with DEI/Woke...Not really sure what the issue with me pointing that out is, the thread has gone wildly off-topic and isn't even about Concord anymore, the thread is quite frankly a bit of an embarrassment. You even admitted the thread is off-topic but I "added to it" by pointing out that it was off-topic, Lol.

Truth is, I've barely moderated people in years and not a single user in this thread has been moderated but you're whinging about moderations, Lmao. Not only that, complaining about a user who WAS moderated in a separate thread because...??? I still don't know why you were upset? So I'll ask again, are you upset that we didn't permaban him?

Tell me Boss Pokoko, shall we permaban Leynos?

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 08 September 2024

I know people won't agree with me here but I think this mass dog-piling and grave dancing on Concord is just more evidence that we still have a console war that people won't let go of. Starfield had you select your pronouns before starting the game but Starfield is a well liked game on this website. I know because whenever I criticise it I always get people defending it. So, how can this be about DEI when Starfield also had Pronouns in it but didn't face anywhere near this amount of social backlash? People are using Sony's failure as an opportunity to console war. Forspoken was also mass lynched, and Redfall to a lesser degree. I just wish that the mods would ban this thread and send a message that mass dog-piling and lynching on developers hard work will not be accepted. A bad game is not a crime against humanity

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lol I mean, I barely comment here, but I constantly do it lmao lol? Gotcha. And I complain the most even though I've said several times that I don't have a problem with Concord and even wished it well before it launched? lmao. Even though I rarely say anything about your favorite "DEI/Woke" phrase despite you lying about it? Despite me saying both sides have a huge problem with misinformation and deceitful tactics? I mean, seriously?

But, yeah, lol, you made the most childish post yet in the thread with your whining about everyone saying "DEI/Woke." OH, NO! You need to put a stop to that! Goodness!

The best part is about the only thing I was really complaining about is people painting anyone who criticizes this kind of media with the same brush, no matter the reason, then you came in and did exactly that. sslol

Wait, no, the real best part is that you were complaining about being off-topic but you're completely off-topic now. Shouldn't you lead by example?

Hardstuck-Platinum said:

I know people won't agree with me here but I think this mass dog-piling and grave dancing on Concord is just more evidence that we still have a console war that people won't let go of. Starfield had you select your pronouns before starting the game but Starfield is a well liked game on this website. I know because whenever I criticise it I always get people defending it. So, how can this be about DEI when Starfield also had Pronouns in it but didn't face anywhere near this amount of social backlash? People are using Sony's failure as an opportunity to console war. Forspoken was also mass lynched, and Redfall to a lesser degree. I just wish that the mods would ban this thread and send a message that mass dog-piling and lynching on developers hard work will not be accepted. A bad game is not a crime against humanity

I don't really think this is about console-wars, I haven't seen many Xbox users on this site dancing on Concord's grave, heck I'm a huge Xbox user and I'm sort of defending Sony, Lol. You're right though that Starfield had an option to select pronouns, it wasn't really mentioned on this site but it did enrage some sad fucks on Twitter/YouTube but those people were largely rightfully mocked in response, like that one YouTuber who made an entire rant on it, Lol.

But the reaction is different from Concord/Starfield (and similarly, people conveniently ignore DEI agencies like SBI having a hand in Alan Wake 2/Ragnarok/Spider-Man 2). It's just that Concord was a mid game at its core and unlike those above games it failed in the metric of both critics and sales and thus it's an easy target to use in the culture wars, that's why the response is different.

Concord did not fail because of "DEI" or "Woke" or "Pronouns" though but that's where the majority of discussion has delved towards because like I said, it's an easy target for the culture wars because it is a game which outright failed unlike the others. That's why you're seeing the differences in responses. I wouldn't put it down to console wars but more of the same old political bullshit.

I do sort of agree with you though that it does sometimes make me uncomfortable (and not just for Concord) to see how happily and eager gamers are at large to often dog-pile and gravedance on videogames, to go harass developers and act like a game failing is the worst thing ever, I do wish people at large would be more sympathetic to the years of hard work and effort and love people put into their videogames for us even if they sometimes don't hit and I'm not saying you need to like the game but don't obsessively beat it up either, just move on, Lol.

pokoko said:

Wait, no, the real best part is that you were complaining about being off-topic but you're completely off-topic now. Shouldn't you lead by example?

Leynos lives to see another day.

You're right, lets get back on topic!

What does on-topic mean at this stage though, I see the thread was moved to Politics and I didn't notice until about 2 comments ago, Lmao. That should have been noted by the Moderator. Although I don't really blame them, this thread went wildly off-topic and into a political mess, is this going to be the future of certain gaming threads on this site?

Do we keep it in Politics and let people have their DEI/Woke whinge or do we move it back to Gaming and discuss the actual reasons why the game failed? Or do we lock it because it's too far gone at this stage and there's nothing more really that we can talk about as the reasons it has failed have already been gone over multiple times, the game is dead and most people have moved on already.


I think I'll let the other Mods decide, I don't tend to delve into the Sony section much anyway, a Gaming thread has gone so far off the rails and messed up that it was moved to Politics...I almost don't care anymore since noticing it was moved. I've far more important things to debate in Politics than "WOKE GAME!" and since it's no longer a Gaming thread I feel like it's already a lost cause in trying to get it back on course.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 08 September 2024

Ryuu96 said:

What does on-topic mean at this stage though, I see the thread was moved to Politics and I didn't notice until about 2 comments ago, Lmao. That should have been noted by the Moderator. Although I don't really blame them, this thread went wildly off-topic and into a political mess, is this going to be the future of certain gaming threads on this site?

Do we keep it in Politics and let people have their DEI/Woke whinge or do we move it back to Gaming and discuss the actual reasons why the game failed? Or do we lock it because it's too far gone at this stage and there's nothing more really that we can talk about as the reasons it has failed have already been gone over multiple times, the game is dead and most people have moved on already.


I think I'll let the other Mods decide, I don't tend to delve into the Sony section much anyway, a Gaming thread has gone so far off the rails and messed up that it was moved to Politics...I almost don't care anymore since noticing it was moved. I've far more important things to debate in Politics than "WOKE GAME!" and since it's no longer a Gaming thread I feel like it's already a lost cause in trying to get it back on course.

My brother in Christ.. this is exactly what we have been doing..

You have convinced yourself that the game failed because of a $40 dollars price tag, but you seem to have closed your eyes to the fact that the game reached a peak of players of 2,388 when it was totally free to try. Just to put that into perspective, Redfall managed to have almost three times as many people playing, while being $70 dollars! If that doesn´t tell you that people were not even willing to try this game, I don´t know what will.