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lol I mean, I barely comment here, but I constantly do it lmao lol? Gotcha. And I complain the most even though I've said several times that I don't have a problem with Concord and even wished it well before it launched? lmao. Even though I rarely say anything about your favorite "DEI/Woke" phrase despite you lying about it? Despite me saying both sides have a huge problem with misinformation and deceitful tactics? I mean, seriously?

But, yeah, lol, you made the most childish post yet in the thread with your whining about everyone saying "DEI/Woke." OH, NO! You need to put a stop to that! Goodness!

The best part is about the only thing I was really complaining about is people painting anyone who criticizes this kind of media with the same brush, no matter the reason, then you came in and did exactly that. sslol

Wait, no, the real best part is that you were complaining about being off-topic but you're completely off-topic now. Shouldn't you lead by example?