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curl-6 said:

"Don't like? Don't buy" is exactly what happened; nobody liked Concord, so nobody bought it, not white people, not black people, not men, not women, not liberals, not conservatives, nobody.

If anything, despite the political debates over it, Concord arguably unites basically everybody under the banner of "we don't want this."

I'm not condoning harassing the devs for the record, that's obviously not cool. For a game that's pretty much universally disliked though, all negative feedback can't just be written off as trolling.


This is the biggest flops of all time, it's important to not to learn the wrong lessons from this in a response to the OP that's clearly politically charged. It didn't fail because it's a GAAS, it didn't fail because the characters are pre-dominantly non-white, it didn't fail because it was woke, it didn't fail because they charged 40 dollars. 

- Others point out old tweets, some paranoia about anti-white messaging, DEI, etc

Me again: provide explanations for why non of this matters and ridiculous, not to mention, a lot of is sounds like straight up baseless paranoia. 

- Others:  the game is the biggest flop of all time. 

... ok? but we are not arguing over this, but this is the points-conflating attitude that makes this discussion frustrating. Hardly anyone is defending the game, the 5 people who bought and streamed it aren't nearly as loud as the DEI WOKE GARBAGE crowd. We are all feeding on Concord's corpse here, the shoehorning of irrelevant political frustrations to prove a a point (nothing proven so far) and the cyber bullying is what I took issue with here.