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Forums - Politics Discussion - Concord is Sony's biggest failure in gaming history.

IkePoR said:
Leynos said:

The fucking fuck kind of fucking argument was this? Holy fuck lol

It's called fucking anal

heheheh. But seriously It was the worst argument since Zeldaring posted anything. Awful analogy and nonsense.

Last edited by Leynos - on 28 August 2024

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!

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Robert_Downey_Jr. said:
Ryuu96 said:


Alright let's see how long winded you can get this time without saying anything relevant.  It's become a fun game 

The stuff they put in, whether it's from them or a consultancy agency, definitely turned some people off and shows that someone spent time and money and diverted character designs.  It's a root cause in many cases and shows as symptom other times

If you're obsessed with denying that and making up strange accusations of conspiracy theories and attacking people and stuff based on that observation, it's pretty clear you're suffering from some brain rot and seem to want to alter the narrative when it goes against ideals you wish everyone agreed with.  But I guess that's just based on your history and was never explicitly stated so it's just a conspiracy theory and you can ignore it 🙃

"One group rejected the writing consultants despite them trying to "terrify them" and they benefited greatly with their success largely attributed to staying out of the culture war bs. The other decided to go full boar into and we see the result."

This was your first post in the thread, blaming it on the writing consultants, so have you now accepted that perhaps Concord did not have writing consultants involved? Good to see that you've changed your position there at least. Of course, I will admit that diversity upsets some people, I never denied that gaming doesn't have a bunch of bigots.

It's funny how people like yourself can never handle long-worded posts, completely ignore everything said, but at the same time are unable to back up your own points, then complain about having to reply to a long-winded post, if you can't handle it then don't waste my time, I put time and effort into my posts and it's always the MAGA users who can't be bothered to formulate any decent response to them and hide being "too long"

If you think that I didn't say anything relevant then you're sticking your head in the sand, you complain about me "attacking" you while half your posts are "Lul too long, you mad bro, so obsessed, brain rot" You're a massive hypocrite and have never been unable to back your positions with substance, as we saw when you flip flopped in previous arguments around the site, with short winded hot-takes.

Btw. People are still waiting for you to explain how Harris slept her way up to the top and didn't work for most things in her life. Go back to Politics!

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 28 August 2024

IkePoR said:
Renamed said:

That's why this whole pronoun debate is an excellent identifier of who paid attention in school. 

Why ought we have pronouns in character select screens?

Why not? It doesn't hurt you at all, all you have to do is flip the thumb stick once or twice and pick the one you want. It's not going to be detrimental to development to add "They/Them" to the text of the videogame and it's appreciated by those that go by different pronouns, it literally hurts nobody aside from people angry about seeing...Words...

Starfield had em, I just selected "He/Him" then got on with my life, Lol.

Edit - Goddamn I just saw that analogy, Lmao. Come on man.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 28 August 2024

Leynos said:
IkePoR said:

It's called fucking anal

heheheh. But seriously It was the worst argument since Zeldaring QuickRick posted anything. Awful analogy and nonsense.


I did the work for all you fellas who check under your beds at night for SBI and other DEI Consultancy Agencies. It doesn't matter to me even if it did but I went through Concord credits and I could not find a single spooky "Consultancy Agency" and yes I even searched the studios on Google that I wasn't familiar with and checked them up to see what they were about, I wasted my time to do the research that the hot-takers couldn't. 🫡

It seems as though Firewalk did reject the writing consultants! Time to change the argument to "It doesn't matter if there's no DEI writing consultants, Firewalk ARE the DEI writers!" Lol...Which okay, feel free to argue that but at least we can establish that Concord had no outside "Consultancy Agencies" influencing their game (and yes they would show up in the credits, like SBI shows up in God of War Ragnarök credits)

Anyway the reasons it failed are simple.

  • $40 Title vs F2P Titles.
  • New IP/New Studio vs Established IPs/Established Studios.
  • Boring Character Designs.
  • Offers Nothing New.
  • Extremely Competitive Market - Being "Okay-Good" Isn't Good Enough.
  • Poor Marketing/Poor Release Timing.

It Joins the Graveyard Of...

  • Battleborn - Failed Cause Woke.
  • Paragon - Failed Cause Woke.
  • Lawbreakers - Failed Cause Woke.
  • Gigantic - Failed Cause Woke (Is Back Though...For Now).
  • Quake Champions - Failing Cause Woke.
  • Crucible - Failed Cause Woke.
Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 28 August 2024

Around the Network
Ryuu96 said:
IkePoR said:

Why ought we have pronouns in character select screens?

Why not? It doesn't hurt you at all, all you have to do is flip the thumb stick once or twice and pick the one you want. It's not going to be detrimental to development to add "They/Them" to the text of the videogame and it's appreciated by those that go by different pronouns, it literally hurts nobody aside from people angry about seeing...Words...

Starfield had em, I just selected "He/Him" then got on with my life, Lol.

Edit - Goddamn I just saw that analogy, Lmao. Come on man.

Rich, calling it "angry about seeing words" when the pronoun and alphabet community are in constant strife with free speech and want to compel it in every space they enter.  But I digress.

"Why not?" isn't a reason for why we ought to, which is what I'm asking for.  You're saying it's appreciated by those who appreciate it, when those people are nowhere to be found.  They aren't playing this game and they don't seem to play games much at all.  Likely because there aren't that many of them.

It doesn't "hurt" me, no.  But it upsets a significant subset of the buying public and no matter how trivial you may believe "seeing words" is, it's a point of contention for a substantial sum of the market.  So I repeat, why, as a business, would you directly spite a large group of your base to cater to a group that doesn't exist?

As I asked Renamed before, can you give me a reason for why we ought to have them?

"You should be banned. Youre clearly flaming the president and even his brother who you know nothing about. Dont be such a partisan hack"

IkePoR said:
Ryuu96 said:

Why not? It doesn't hurt you at all, all you have to do is flip the thumb stick once or twice and pick the one you want. It's not going to be detrimental to development to add "They/Them" to the text of the videogame and it's appreciated by those that go by different pronouns, it literally hurts nobody aside from people angry about seeing...Words...

Starfield had em, I just selected "He/Him" then got on with my life, Lol.

Edit - Goddamn I just saw that analogy, Lmao. Come on man.

Rich, calling it "angry about seeing words" when the pronoun and alphabet community are in constant strife with free speech and want to compel it in every space they enter.  But I digress.

"Why not?" isn't a reason for why we ought to, which is what I'm asking for.  You're saying it's appreciated by those who appreciate it, when those people are nowhere to be found.  They aren't playing this game and they don't seem to play games much at all.  Likely because there aren't that many of them.

It doesn't "hurt" me, no.  But it upsets a significant subset of the buying public and no matter how trivial you may believe "seeing words" is, it's a point of contention for a substantial sum of the market.  So I repeat, why, as a business, would you directly spite a large group of your base to cater to a group that doesn't exist?

As I asked Renamed before, can you give me a reason for why we ought to have them?

First of all, knock it off with the alphabet community shit, we have multiple members of the LGBTQ+ community on this site.

Yes, it is literally that, being angry about the words "They/Them", I don't use pronouns, I don't give a fuck what someone else wants to use, it's literally just a word, if they feel comfortable with being called "They/Them" then I don't give a fuck because I respect people and want them to be happy. I'm fine with He/Him...Literally that easy.

It doesn't hurt you, and how do you know these people are nowhere to be found? Do you know every single person who games? No. You don't. There ARE people who are gamers and also use different pronouns. Just because they aren't playing Concord doesn't mean they don't exist, guess what, barely anyone is playing Concord, doesn't mean black gamers don't exist or white gamers don't exist or female gamers don't exist because Concord has a low player base, what kind of argument is that? Lol.

I strongly disagree that it upsets a "significant subset of the buying public", I think most people wouldn't give a shit, it's only the Twitter vocal minorities who scream the loudest, the vast majority of people would simply pick "He/Him" and never see that again and then go on an play their videogame. The vast majority of gamers aren't plugged into Twitter/Gaming Forums at all.

From a quick browse, I see that Tiny Tina's Wonderlands, Forza Horizon 5, Starfield and Baldur's Gate 3 all have "They/Them" options. Minecraft, Animal Crossing and No Man's Sky use the gender neutral "They/Them" by default. How did having the They/Them pronouns upset a significant amount of these games buying public? It didn't. They bought the games and largely didn't care, Lol.

"to a group that doesn't exist" So now we've gone from "It's a small group" to "It doesn't exist" except fact is they do exist, we have users on these forums who go by They/Them pronouns and I won't name them but I'm happy if they feel more represented by videogames because the world is a beautiful and diverse place and it's lovely when everyone is represented and made to feel they belong.

So basically, it doesn't hurt me, it makes others feel represented and belonging and I don't care about the rest being mad about pronouns.

FYI. VGChartz has "non-binary" as a gender option too and has for years.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 28 August 2024

IkePoR said:

Rich, calling it "angry about seeing words" when the pronoun and alphabet community are in constant strife with free speech and want to compel it in every space they enter.  But I digress.

"Why not?" isn't a reason for why we ought to, which is what I'm asking for.  You're saying it's appreciated by those who appreciate it, when those people are nowhere to be found.  They aren't playing this game and they don't seem to play games much at all.  Likely because there aren't that many of them.

It doesn't "hurt" me, no.  But it upsets a significant subset of the buying public and no matter how trivial you may believe "seeing words" is, it's a point of contention for a substantial sum of the market.  So I repeat, why, as a business, would you directly spite a large group of your base to cater to a group that doesn't exist?

As I asked Renamed before, can you give me a reason for why we ought to have them?

Why are you using so many pronouns? No wonder conservatives don't like this place.

Why should we have them?

Pronouns are a basic piece of the English language, they're a basic piece of what makes up a person. Most of these pronouns have existed in their exact form today, for the past like 600 years. Men frequently get referred to as "he", Women frequently get referred to as "she". 

Games have let you pick your gender and allow you to customize incredible lengths of your characters for decades. Adding pronouns is just another way to specify gender. It was never controversial. 

They're not something invented or special to the LGBT community. It's literally just the LGBT community wanting to be treated like everyone else. Because everyone else automatically gets called by the correct pronouns. And the fact that people are acting like pronouns are something new and controversial, is extremely evidential to all of this concern being manufactured. 

It can also be especially meaningful for games where aliens are involved, where characters might not have to be humanoid. A natural way to specify which aliens are "male" and which are "female". 

Pronouns are not anything special. The literal only reason they've been controversial is because trans people have been vilified. 

Last edited by the-pi-guy - on 28 August 2024

Ryuu96 said:

Anyway they could find big success with other titles that fill a niche too, take Sea of Thieves for example, it isn't everyone's cup of tea but there's nothing out there like it, it has already sold over 1m on PlayStation and consistently ranks in their charts, it has been a big success for Rare and has next to no direct competition, it is still a GAAS but it has found its market and cornered it. GAAS isn't just "pew pew" like some people act, Lol. You can make something unique still.

Agreed. I don't like the whole GAAS idea, and yet Sea of Thieves and Rocket League I have put hundreds of hours into, that is because they both are rather unique concepts that pulled me in.

There's probably more people complaining about this "DEI/Woke" stuff than there are progressives/left leaning users playing this game, Lmao. And it's not because they don't exist, it's because the game is seemingly just "Okay-Good" and its competition is just far stronger, Overwatch 2 is arguably more progressive than Concord with the amount of LGBTQ+ characters it has.

Instead of discussing the real reasons why the game failed, we're on a "woke" whinge and people will just ignore the countless of major reasons it actually failed because they want to complain about representation in videogames. Anyway, could someone create a Blue Protocol shutdown thread so I can make a drive-by "failed cause woke" comment? (I'm just joking, I won't do that, Lol).

This is the level of discussion we've dipped below, any game that fails now can just be said "failed cause woke"

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 28 August 2024