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Ryuu96 said:
Robert_Downey_Jr. said:

You can repeat it as many times as you like.  Remains just as irrelevant.  Sounds like paranoid delusion to not acknowledge the point about them not being needed if they don't seriously influence things.  Can't have it both ways.  Either they make a difference which can potentially hurt things, or they don't.  Also good to know you're one of those weirdos who attacks fans over community managers lol.  Oh wait I'm sure the "death threats" excuse is next.

Fact is if it was received better it would have sold faster.  Guess we can say they were useless on those successful games and could only detract from quality if they really didn't influence anything.  You're caught in a logical fallacy here and can only spew about out childish insults and made up stuff in all caps.  Keep seething, gather your senses, and take a deep breath.  I believe that you can be level headed about this but it's clear your personal feelings and vendetta have clouded your judgement.

Many things in videogame development do not seriously influence the critic score or sales of a videogame. You've been unable to explain to me how a ~16 employee consultancy agency who give advice on how best to implement things such as black characters in a respectful way has an influence on the gameplay, graphics, technical aspect, content and features of a videogame.

I'm not sure if you understand how jobs work or how companies work but yes, some people are more important than others, some people have more influence than others, that's not me having it both ways, that's explain to you the basic structure of our workplace society and my opinion is that companies like SBI don't influence a videogames sales or critics in a major way in either direction; good or bad.

SBI's role is to give advice to developers on how to implement PoC/Minorities in respectful ways, just like if a developer in America was working on a Japanese setting they could do market research for Japan and Japanese people, learn the culture, seek advice from Japanese consultancy agencies on how to implement them with respect, but for people like you, that's only an issue when it's about black people and women.

"Also good to know you're one of those weirdos who attacks fans over community managers lol. Oh wait I'm sure the "death threats" excuse is next."

Lmfao. Are you upset that I'm not attacking community managers? Or that I'm pointing out the stupidity in attacking community managers? You know what's weird, spending your whole day on Twitter attacking community media managers who have barely any influence on the larger direction of the company or videogame from people who have no clue about videogame development.

Here is what I said: "You sound like one of those Twitter warriors who scream at social media managers to "focus on the games instead of tweeting" Lol."

Do you disagree with the assessment that social media managers are not developers and don't actually physically work on the videogames themselves and so angrily tweeting at them to "focus on the games instead of tweeting" is a completely stupid comment to make because social media managers cannot focus on the videogame, it is not that area of expertise, it is not what they were hired for, they were hired to market on Twitter.

Alan Wake 1 was a very well received game and it took 5 years to sell 4.5m copies, to suggest Alan Wake wasn't very well received would be revisionist history, some titles are just more niche and slower selling than others even if they're great. Alan Wake 2 likewise was very well received by both critics and fans and you have been unable to refute that aside from "it would have sold even better!"

Alan Wake 2 is still Remedy's fastest selling title (even faster selling than Alan Wake 1 despite Alan Wake 2 being SBI influenced) and it would have sold even more had it not been Epic Store exclusive (another fact that you conveniently ignore). You ignore that Epic covered 100% of the costs of development and Remedy is only entitled to profits once Epic receives 100% of their costs back, as per their publishing agreement.

Can only spew about out childish insults and made up stuff in all caps. 


This was your first post in the thread, crying about consultants being the reason these games failed, nothing made up.

Btw you're still ignoring God of War Ragnarök and Spider-Man 2...You are only able to attribute the bad to them but straight up ignore the good, you focus on Alan Wake 2 because it has "yet to turn a profit" but ignore it was well received by the community and will almost certainly turn a profit eventually. You can't take the stance that SBI is only responsible for the bad stuff just because it suits your arguments, if they influence the bad then they also influence the good, or you can take the stance that I have which is that they don't have a major impact either way.

This reminds me of your previous arguments on these forums, that "words led to violence" but then when your argument needed to change to suit your needs, it changed to that "words don't lead to violence". You turn yourself into a pretzel to justify your arguments. You can't stick to one stance. You can't make an argument but only use it halfway (like you're doing here, by only contributing the bad stuff to SBI). 

You can use the "I'm not mad, you're mad bro" all you want, it won't work on me, I'm not the one spending my days crying about DEI/Woke. I mean sure, I will admit that I don't particularly like you, but my arguments have nothing to do with personal feelings, I just call out bullshit when I see it and you talk a lot of bullshit on these forums, I'm just more blunt than the other Mods.

But ultimately, this is all irrelevant isn't it? Because I'll say once again, SBI had nothing to do with Concord and you have no evidence that Firewalk was involved with any other consultancy agency but it didn't stop your paranoid delusions in your first post in here complaining about these consultancy agencies that you can't even name, you just want to blame WOKE/DEI for the reason a game failed because why? What about Concord makes you think it has these consultancy agencies?

Alright let's see how long winded you can get this time without saying anything relevant.  It's become a fun game 

The stuff they put in, whether it's from them or a consultancy agency, definitely turned some people off and shows that someone spent time and money and diverted character designs.  It's a root cause in many cases and shows as symptom other times

If you're obsessed with denying that and making up strange accusations of conspiracy theories and attacking people and stuff based on that observation, it's pretty clear you're suffering from some brain rot and seem to want to alter the narrative when it goes against ideals you wish everyone agreed with.  But I guess that's just based on your history and was never explicitly stated so it's just a conspiracy theory and you can ignore it 🙃

I am Iron Man