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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Can you can still have fun using a guide.



Against guides 2 6.67%
All for guides 5 16.67%
Now and again I use guides 15 50.00%
Only use guides for platinum/completion 6 20.00%
No opinion. 2 6.67%
Shinobi-san said:

I can't imagine playing the original demon souls without the packed in guide way back on the PS3 when "souls-like" wasnt really a thing

Yeah, my first was Bloodborne, Ididn't look up a guide but was on a forum where I had to be told how to level up and how scaling worked, I got a lot of help from the community come to think of it. However it's easily enough to play a souls game without a guide after you know the basic things like that. What I can't understand is how they are supposed to be 100%'d without a guide or how you complete many of the NPC quests. Demon souls is the only one I've not played so maybe the obtuse design is on the main path. There are people who told me they completed all endings of Sekiro without a guide, I can't see how that is possible for one of the endings which is incredibly obtuse mot mention one part where you have to ease drop on an NPC character on the main mission path, people had to have had looked that up. I'm almost sure From Soft leaks the solutions online among the community post release cause people have guides out way too easily too. The solutions hits day one.  

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Farsala said:
LegitHyperbole said:

Pfft. Wolong, and I'm not being hyperbolic, is at the very least 10x easier than Nioh 2. I'm playing grand and get the systems albeit I don't get the burst counter, I use it but something won't click in my brain to get it right. The Human enemies are no problem, I just beat a mission where it was mainly humans and it was easy. It's the Yokai, they are brutal to take down and just... Well brutal. I see a lot of people saying this is easier than Nioh 2 cause of the abilities but I don't see it or something isn't clicking. I find it in the range of 5x harder plus you're always under leveled and there's nothing good to farm. I'm 7 levels under the recommended for missions but sure when I am leveled it feels like I'm not stronger. I cleared Wolong and barely died apart from a few bosses but I had online help for those. Maybe a death every other mission. I've in the hundreds of times so far and I'm barely half way through the game. What did you build as? I'm settled on a magic Switch glaive build, but a few points into other stuff for beefier armour and ecoumberance limit. Working on getting my health pool up at the moment. 

I suppose magic will take awhile to come online, but it is one of the stronger builds. When you get a few spells, it might become a cakewalk in contrast.

I was a 2h axe build, very easily breaking the posture of even the demons. I had a bit of trouble until the snake boss, but after that it became easier.

Yeah, it is starting to get easier. Magic spells are actually doing damage now and sword buffs are starting to become meaningful plus I can hold enough of them for them to be worth using on most enemies to level the playing feuld a bit. The last session I had last night was one of few deaths and more control over enemies in comat. The first 50 levels of the game felt like nothing was getting stronger and I was getting by just willing myself to persevere. Glad I stuck with it, never seen a difficulty curve that steep in a soulsborne before.

If I'm not enjoying a game, for it being too difficult or tiresome, then I use a guide and usually enjoy it a little more. If a game is good without, all the better.
So in general, good games are better without a guide (at least first playthrough or two, you may want to know secrets you missed later), bad games are better with guide. Except when game is bad by being too easy.

However, I also like to have a guide to know how long a game is, how far in it I am, even if not using the guide for any actual help. Makes easier to plan whether I'm going to finish this chapter today, this game this week...

Kaunisto said:

If I'm not enjoying a game, for it being too difficult or tiresome, then I use a guide and usually enjoy it a little more. If a game is good without, all the better.
So in general, good games are better without a guide (at least first playthrough or two, you may want to know secrets you missed later), bad games are better with guide. Except when game is bad by being too easy.

However, I also like to have a guide to know how long a game is, how far in it I am, even if not using the guide for any actual help. Makes easier to plan whether I'm going to finish this chapter today, this game this week...

I never thought of that, that's a life hack there. That's actually a really useful use for a guide, I can clearly see right now I'm exactly half way through Nioh 2. Thanks for the tip. 

Oh and nothing worse than a bad easy game, sometimes difficulty can make a bad game tolerable like with these streamer games Only up and benet foddy and what not. Terrible games, difficulty made them somewhat interesting.